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Everything posted by GoinDown

  1. it sure is fripple weather today ! :(
  2. A cup of Chamomile tea just before bedtime is a natural and effective way to help reduce stress and induce sleep.
  3. That's good advice since many SPs have SOs with no restrictions.
  4. does trying to disguise the 'ask' in clever semantics make it less pervy ? just wondering.
  5. I did not know that ! All this time I had been wondering why are there so many visiting SPs from BC ?
  6. you really have to wonder what low ballers are thinking. aside from having no class, what kind of service do they expect to receive when the first thing they do is piss off the service provider by trying to negotiate the price?
  7. Has anyone had the pleasure of meeting this busty East Indian lady? Fairly frequent visitor to Ottawa. Stays near the airport.
  8. My guess is all virtually all non-RMT massage set ups offer extras to varying degrees. This is where the ladies make their money. If you are offered a HJ which is pretty standard in the massage business I don't think the MA would be offended if you inquired about other possible services. Just don't expect to get more.
  9. Lansdowne Park Tower condo owners who face East will be very happy !
  10. I've always had a big thing for the punk look. Shaved to the scalp on one side. Lots of different colours pink purple blue tips or streaks on the rest.
  11. I had one of the best CR times ever with her at the Fax. When she realized I wasn't prepared for what she had in mind, she peeled off one of her thigh-high sheer white stockings. After it had served the purpose she tucked it into her purse. The fact that it was spur of the moment made it unbelievably hot !
  12. I would highly recommend Jessy Celeste.
  13. your life will definitely change if you get caught ! always have a watertight alibi have a drop phone or text app keep your lies simple have fun ;)
  14. I really do prefer being addressed by my real name. I can see why ladies like to call their clients babe baby Hun sweetie darling etc since you don't have to try remember people's actual names. But all these pet names which in the real world still are terms of endearment lose all meaning when everyone gets called them.
  15. I'd like to know too. She looks very hot !
  16. they do keep their clothes on but the price for massage and happy ending is well below the market rate.
  17. CK .. the original trailblazer. Have a good one !
  18. Yasmin's ads have been reappearing on BP with more regularity and I jumped at the chance to see her again. She is an oral lovers dream !! Her skills are unmatched as long as you're not into gagging-spitting-porn-style-half-HJ-sloppyBJ bs that leaves me cold and mostly soft :/ Her technique is slow and tender and never rushed. The build up can only be described as excruciatingly Devine :) Yasmin is a true c*ck savourer/worshipper !
  19. for me anonymity is very important and being in a room full of people who I mostly don't know .. I would worry about someone taking pics w/o my knowledge.
  20. in many cases high cholesterol is life style related. The human body has an amazing ability to heal itself and rather than treating the symptoms with prescription drugs I would prefer to try to make needed life style changes .. lose weight exercise more and eat less saturated fat and much more fruits grains and veg.
  21. There's a new all natural supplement RegaliaC191 that's been approved by Health Canada. They run full page ads in the Sun and National Post about monthly. Maybe some Lylaites have tried it ?
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