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Everything posted by GoinDown

  1. The real concern is that clients are likely the 'higher risk' group as compared to providers. How many clients get tested regularly? I would venture very few do. Additional Comments: getting tested doesn't give a person immunity ;)
  2. Don't get me wrong I love DFK but Im always amazed by how many people engage in it with high risk partners which is pretty much everyone on here. There is no STD that your genitals can get that your mouth can't. The opposite is in fact the case if you include mononucleosis - the kissing disease - which is extremely contagious and highly debilitating. I just don't get it.
  3. Im always amazed by how many people engage in DFK with high risk partners which is pretty much everyone on here. There is no STD that your genitals can get that your mouth can't. The opposite is in fact the case if you include mononucleosis - the kissing disease - which is extremely contagious and highly debilitating. I just don't get it.
  4. that sounds about right , but does anyone remember the late Sen. Earl Butz's infamous quip about personal priorities .. tight p*ssy, loose shoes and a warm place sh*t. Decisions decisions !
  5. Thank you for the wishes ! Mine is very young and I'm still a God ! lol Seems most punters are keeping a very low profile today ;)
  6. This lady is special. GND, friendly and chill and so eager to please. If you're a fan of cimsw (and who isn't LOL!) you will not be disappointed.
  7. What we've got here is failure to communicate ! Strother Martin's 15 seconds of fame ;)
  8. bathroom stall, women's washroom, The British Hotel in Alymer Quebec.
  9. I'm not a fan of the bedside wastebasket. Condom wrappers, used wipes and yikes used condoms from previous visitors aren't something I want to see should the hostess forget to empty it each time.
  10. StillOpensDoors I wholeheartedly agree, but your reference - while thoughtful as always - might be too nuanced. Knowledge of the basic rules of English grammar seem to no longer be an educational priority, sadly.
  11. rain on the Victoria Day long weekend :(
  12. SOD it's rare these days to read something that makes you pause, reread for nuance, and rethink. These boards are the last place I would look for intellectual stimulation, but happily you haven't disappointed me yet ;) Cheers !
  13. seems op was overcome by guilt lol Additional Comments: and to his credit he did the honourable thing.
  14. OP you have 3x more posts in 6 weeks than I have had in 10 months. I think your lead is safe lol
  15. There are always two sides to the coin. I'll often decide NOT to see someone who is ok with gratuitously graphic, degrading or disrespectful descriptions to be written about them or their services.
  16. personally I'm not interested in a one-size-fits-all experience. Getting the same level of service as every john that shows up at the door is a turnoff for me.
  17. The proliferation of Internet porn has desensitized people to the point where sex no longer needs any emotional component whatsoever. You and me baby are nuthin' but mammals ... lol
  18. Oh my goodness these stories are all so gosh darned heartwarming !
  19. WIR you'll not find any better advice than what SMcQ just gave you.
  20. My concern would be the increased 'traffic' as a result of two or more ladies working out of the same location and the potential to pique the interest of nosy neighbours.
  21. my sense is a significant subset of recos appear to be motivated by a level of self-gratification .. seeing ones own words in print .. quickest to 1000 posts etc lol. That's why I find them useless. But to each their own ;)
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