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Everything posted by OceanMassage

  1. Sounds so lovely! For that very reason, I like when I am booked ahead of time so I can fantasize and look forward to our time together. I am especially turned on by a ladies' beautiful breasts or a gentleman's powerful thick girth penis. I love to feel the body respond to my massage while the person remains docile yet alert on the table, without expectations and without grabbing. I like the person to come with no other expectation than a great massage. Ymmv and without the pressure of expectations, I can thoroughly enjoy myself which leads to some fantastic experience for both.
  2. Do you. I concur. Clean and tidy is a must. SOS pads not.
  3. I tried to find the rec I received through searches on my name nothing came up. I finally dug it out on page 50 or something! Nobody in their right mind would flip 50 pages to find a rec for a lady! Plus my select patrons are very discreet and don't post rec (and i don't ask them to) so the likelihood of my rec ever receiving stars (as per the new system) is very low which means I will never get the extra exposure on the featured top rec'd. Not nice
  4. I was puzzled by the op because of the contradiction in the statement: "what is a deal breaker with a SP? For me... (...) lots of DFK, BBBJ with CIM sounds as if a SP who provides those is a big no no which would make sense but that "must allow DATY" let us understand that op was just too lazy to type a proper statement with the appropriate negative at the proper place.
  5. I compare this aesthetic site to a young body perfect young inexperienced sp whereas the old one was the mature experienced one ymmv.😝
  6. I lost all of my following and followers but I am still registered in tons of clubs I no longer participate in. I looked into de-membering (lol that sounds painful!) myself from them but couldn't figure out how to do it. Also, I was trying to curate my album and every time I delete a photo, I get booted out from the album and land in the Gallery. Is there any way to delete a photo that doesn't do that?
  7. After a long hiatus, I am going to take new clients again starting in July. I should update the pics which are 2 years back.. Will take a few new one in my next sun vacation in a few weeks! I feel 32, look barely 40 but did blow my 48 candles this past March...
  8. 47, I have been very quiet on the boards but still around :-)
  9. What doesn't help is people like Sue McGarvie and her "Ducklings" group. She presents herself as a world renown sex therapist but to a crowd of more than hundreds, she completely dismissed the seriousness of STI! She's like: ok, for the paranoia surrounding swinging and open relationships: there's only 79 cases of Syphilis (or similar figures) per year, so your chances to catch it are what, Ottawa's population is almost a million now so... And if you had it, its super easy to treat. Talk about disinformation and creating reckless beliefs! And that obviates chlamydia which often goes without symptoms but has terrible consequences on reproduction health. Or herpes which is uncurable, painful loaded with stigma. Ok controlable in many cases but still a gift one could do without. Unfortunately, many people think that because their house was never flooded, they should not take the insurance option and lament they are ruined when it rains for 10 days straight and sewer backup fload their basement.
  10. You could ask, while you're face down, something like: "I really appreciate your massages. They are really (soothing, relaxing, energizing, destressing ...) and satisfying. That being said, do you always do strictly therapeutic relaxation massages? Wait for answer: if yes: say Thank you for clarifying. No harm done and she should feel safe. If answer is a question such as "what do you mean", you may ask "well are you open to add on a more sensual or erotic note?" (I would love that a lot more than Do you do extra !) If answer is no, I do other stuff too or the like, then go with the flow!
  11. But, I would love to see your machine!
  12. A very needed vacation to Cuba : leaving Saturday February 4
  13. This is a beautiful thread i will get back to when I can read all the contributions on a bigger screen than my iPhone but one thing I always say to people who sacrifice themselves for their kids or their loved ones: be happy. Do everything in your power to do the things that make you happy. We do not always "feel " happy but if we think we are and make it our project to think that we are and find ways to nurture it. This is important because we are better spouses or parents when we are happy. We teach our kids to love themselves in a non egoistic way when we truly are happy. A big element that brings happiness is growing. In your actual situation, you feel stuck. So you don't feel progress, growth. Your wife certainly can feel that you lost your sparkle. She seems a beautiful and intuitive being. Her "permission" to you is the only way she can feel that she's giving you of herself on that plane. If you don't make it your point to be happy, she wont feel she can make you happy and it will damper her own sense of accomplishment and growth. My happiness project by Gretchen Rubin is a great essay full of facts, research and common sense about becoming skilled at being happy.
  14. Mia Jovovich submit to his copulative experiments
  15. I am terribly allergic to latex, elastane, etc. So I can't wear bras. I used to have an amazing collection of lingerie (some women are shoes, others are purses, I am lingerie!) until from intolerant I became allergic. I have bought these ugly shapeless cotton bras from cottonique but they die after 2 washes! To make the matter worse, the pressure on the rib cage and the vertebrae causes a sharp pain that extends across the chest and give me stomach burns! Guess why i love to live naked! So I like this article very much because it is giving me hope! I will write them to find out if they have latex free ones or consider offering the specialty.. Thanks for sharing Kilt Boy!
  16. determination to haunt until sewed back together
  17. This idea started to sell in Canada about 10 years ago and my MD was even suggesting that my refusal meant that i really did not want to heal! Glad I refused cuz after a short while, it was found that the studies were made up and that it did not cure fibromyalgia like it claimed and the procedure was rejected by the medical boards. It only numbed temporarily certain pain channels until new relays would be used. With a loss of sensitivity as colateral damage. A spinal incision is not a cure all, although that's what it seems like they are promoting.
  18. Pardon me but i must point out several elements that make your story unlikely to raise the sympathy/money you seek. I don't know of any degenerative disease that can be cured by a day surgery. Assisted dying is not something easy to qualify for: your md must conclude that the illness is incurable and that death is the inevitable and imminent conclusion (6 months or less to live) I had someone close who had suffered ms for over 20 years and was at the point where she had lost all motor functions, was starting to have trouble speaking swallowing and yet got refused. She started to starve herself to end things. Eventually her doctor learned that she qualified and agreed to sign for her candidacy and she died in February. Assisted dying is not an easy "solution" and if truly there's a recognized legitimate surgery for a degenerative disease you would not qualify. 25k USD is not much money for a life saving surgery. It's about the price for a car these days. You can apply for a loan and would get it. Provided that your illness and corrective surgery is legit. However, what you have not named here reminds me of a few conditions that have some quacks treatment (expensive and ineffective). Unless you have sla, which has no cure, no mystery illness would come with a 2 years heads up to complete bed ridden faith...
  19. If a surgery can "fix it" elsewhere, then you may look around for organisations that support people needing surgeries. There is no magical wand unfortunately. Do you have assets or a house you can remortgage? How much money are you talking about? Some countries have amazing doctors and the cost of the operations are a fractions of what it costs in the States for example. Have you found out why it is not offered here in Canada? Because if it is offered in another province you may be able to apply for a program that would allow you to have it there.
  20. Brushing off their negativity, Ph Dion objects
  21. Easter Island Fiji or Tahiti New Guinea Australia Terre de Feu Antartica Mars and the Moon
  22. Quite a skill; think you could achieve that on a 46 y.o. woman?
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