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Everything posted by MassageLover-613

  1. I have seen her and there are recommendations about her as well. Not GFE but she is very very sexy and very very good at what she does.
  2. Even better the second time... Not sure anything more can be said but KJ is amazing and I can't wait to see her again! A favourite for sure.
  3. There was a positive review in the NB section of Lyla. Could not quickly locate it but I have seen it a few times.
  4. ThAnks Brad and BSHM for the info I will definitely keep an eye out.
  5. Anyone at all? Find it hard to believe no one has seen her or Christina her duonpartner.
  6. Very interested as well. I think she is or might be travelling with Pamela and Christina
  7. I communicated with her a bit and same thing she said she had lots of reviews on lyla and terb. I went as far as to check Lyla terb and cafreviews and could not find any. I even messaged hr back and said if I could find a single review I would go see her and she just said there were lots on lyla and terb. Was not willing to commit if she could not point to a single review when she said there were lots. I can't imagine a provider being in this business and not knowing where their reviews are. Pictures really made me want to make this work.. glad now it was not going to.
  8. No one at all? She might be working with Kristina. They post almost identical times.
  9. I saw one girl before but it was a while ago (2015 or 16) it was a great experience. I have texted with that info and sent a pm here... fingers crossed.
  10. http://halifax.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/brand-new-first-time-visiting-pretty-asian-service-queen-orange-604-318-3465/2796413 Sent many text over days without any reply. Any info?
  11. I texted with her in Truro this past weekend. Could not make schedules line up but she was offering duo with Lilly who has been around for a while with great reviews. I was going to TOFTT but did not work out. Seemed nice and polite in her texts I was comfortable to give it a go. Hope that helps a bit.
  12. Anyone else seen her and or her duo partner Toni?
  13. Saw Kiarah today and pics were accurate. Service was good and as promised.
  14. There is a reco here: https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=247342
  15. No info yet although it looks like Kiarah has a couple of decks on EB. More anonymous and therefore less legit. Hard to believe no one has seen her although someone here on lyla did say he knew kiarah... May just TOFTT.
  16. These girls seem like regular posters but odd that I cannot find any reviews: Kacey Mae: http://halifax.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/dont-get-fooled-by-the-rest-magicmouth-prettyface100-real-im-perfect-4-you/2784234 Kiarah: http://halifax.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/kiarah-your-number-1-choice-24-7-availability/2837103 Anyone have any info?
  17. Addictive Barbie is an absolute must... she does offer a BnG and her skills are amazing.
  18. Has anyone seen Madison Skyy lately. She posts often on BP but the last Lyla post is from 6 months ago. Thanks for any info
  19. http://http://halifax.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/two-girls-are-better-then-one/2682469 Any info at all on these lovely ladies. Tineye has hits on the red picture but all others check out...
  20. Maybe disappointing but better here than at the incall location and light one donation!!!
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