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Everything posted by clintbarton96

  1. I have no advice other than to say the AVN awards are Jan 22 to the 25th in Vegas. Awards night is the 25th. I'm tempted to go, lots of my favorite porn stars will be there, should be quite a party.
  2. I guess none of you has ever seen @StephanieMystique. She's the best ever and is retiring in a few short months so go see her or live your life with regrets!
  3. Can I DM you? Question about Tallia and Emily if you don't mind?
  4. Hey all, I will be on the road again soon, just wondering if the club TNT or whatever it's called is still open in Bathurst? Thanks.
  5. Hey, can I send you a PM? Have some questions about Moncton experiences!
  6. I don't personally know any down that way but there are a few in NS I am sure would travel to you for a multihour date if you covered their expenses too! Never hurts to ask a verified provider politely.
  7. I second this, forgot about them. Couldn't figure out a time that worked for both of us.
  8. Greetings! I've been around a while but never post. With more and more providers leaving the business, what's stopping you from booking? I wish I had seen Katherine before she retired. Had I known that I wouldn't have hesitated. That was dumb of me and a huge regret. Probably others but that's what I am dwelling on today. So if you see someone saying they are on their way out of the business, book them. Don't wait!
  9. I wouldn't worry too much about it. I had the same thing happen to me from a Halifax provider, never liked or commented but as soon as I unfollowed I was blocked. Maybe it's some kind of settting she has automatic for people who unfollow. I don't really know how to use Twitter and I just wanted to not see her constant retweets so I unfollowed her.
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