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Everything posted by hopeful

  1. was there / is there really a strip club on PEI ?
  2. I'm wondering if some may hop over to Brass Club or CMJ since it's downtown now
  3. For the guys: post here where you'd like to see your fave Barbs girl after the club closes March 22. Might be helpful for the girls to know so as to keep their connections and maintain their business. For the dancers: you can post here to let the guys know where you'll be after March 22. The club is closing but that doesn't mean the Fun can't continue somewhere else in a different club or environment, so here is a great opportunity for the girls and guys to stay connected after March 22
  4. yeah the guy that owned it opened up a massage place on Bank St near the internet cafe, since closed lol
  5. I'm seeking girls to give me a Topless haircut or do Nude yoga, feel free to Private message me
  6. Seeking a girl to give me a Topless or Nude haircut, also interested in Nude yoga, feel free to private message me
  7. Seeking girls to do Nude yoga and Laughter yoga, feel free to private message me
  8. any other girls currently offering Topless or Nude haircuts ? feel free to private message me
  9. What was in Barbarellas space before 1990 when it became a strip club ? I know it was originally a Coca Cola factory but was anything in that space in the 70s and 80s ?
  10. How many strip clubs are there in NB? Is it just Angie's in Dieppe ?
  11. I want to highly recommend Shelly at Diamonds, gorgeous blonde, unfortunately I am from out of province but I did see her on a trip there, she is sweet and sensual, highly recommended, also am impressed with the renos at Diamonds, much nicer than in the Nevada days lol, front door could do with some planing
  12. anyone remember The Kali Project ? Interested to know the origin of their name and why they disappeared so abruptly... are their girls still around ?
  13. OK that's good to hear, sounds like that dancer at Tease was just jealous that she wasn't working at Barbs and just wanted to stick me with B.S. to make me feel bad cause she sensed I liked Barbs, I gotta start getting away from believing things I hear in bars, just like I heard people saying the Cowboys absolutely will win and they didn't, lesson learned
  14. Seeking Chloe ( tall busty brunette, pretty face ) and Nicole... when are Chloe and Nicole on ?
  15. I heard all this eviction stuff from a dancer at Tease which has reopened as Casino Cabaret, she apparently knows the manager at Barbs, I dunno maybe she was B.S.ing me, never know who or what to believe, so I hope the girl was B.S.ing me. At any rate the Development hasn't even gone to Public Hearing, nobody in their sane mind would post a deposit on a unit in a building that hasn't even been approved by the City yet
  16. Barbarellas received their Eviction notice last week, they have to be out by April 1, but they could close earlier. The building must be vacated by April 1, that means all the tenants assets have to be out, then Claridge takes over. Heard this from a dancer that knows the manager. I didn't get the impression that I was being misled. I'm surprised that Claridge has made this move so quickly, granted there is the sign outside about the new development but no Public Hearing has been scheduled for those new towers. It's almost as if they assume it's a foregone conclusion the development will be approved. I thought that building, as ugly as it is on the outside, was going to be granted a protected Heritage status as it was a Coca Cola factory but I guess the City doesn't want a fight with Claridge. Deeply saddened by this news. My memories of Barbs and the sister club Diamonds go back many years. Mostly good experiences at both clubs, met many interesting people. I can only hope the staff and dancers are given sufficient notice of whenever the last day will be, many times clubs don't say anything till the last minute so the girls don't quit too early and then they have no staff left lol. It seems hard to visualize Barbs girls going to other clubs, Pigale and Nuden and Barefax are already over staffed and I believe the clientelle that goes to Barbs may not necessarily fit in with the Barefax crowd, Barbs is an older more conservative crowd I find, but maybe I'm wrong. Would be interested to know if they will have a big Party near the last day. Hate to say it folks but Barbarellas will be a big loss. just doesn't seem right, not happy.
  17. I'm seeking Carmen and Tianna from Legends in 2011, Tianna and Tiara are sisters and worked together at Legends, I know Tianna also worked at Extreme Bodycare, Carmen may be back in Ontario which is fine cause that's where I am but I'm going to Edmonton over the holidays and would really like to reconnect with these amazing girls, any intel is appreciated, you may Private Message me
  18. Since craigslist got rid of their massage category, I have lost this girl's number as CL was where she advertised, anyways she was about 35, dirty blonde, and offered 3 finish options. Her place was an apartment tower on Ohio street near Billings Bridge. Just can't remember her name. Any intel much appreciated as i'd like to see her again
  19. sent you a private message
  20. K well how were the dancers ? they can spend a million dollars on renos but it won't matter if the ladies aren't top notch
  21. any way we can merge this thread with the Casino Cabaret thread ?
  22. Sweet 300 upstairs is an Adult video store, you can watch their movies in their rooms with a girl with you, nothing stopping you from renting a movie and bringing someone with you into the room. There's a massage parlour down the hall, the space next door is Club Debauchery, a BDSM club, interesting things going on in there too especially if you'd like your girl to Spank or Tickle or whip you while you're tied up
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