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Everything posted by WhereIRoam

  1. Success. Well done and tragedy averted. Happy hobbying... WIR
  2. I had answered. Post "Poof", disappeared. Hint, hint. ;)
  3. Not an MA guy here but, garnering interest on two boards and no reviews...someone should simply go ahead and try her. You know, a TOFTT type thing. ;) WIR
  4. Her face pic (first pic in ad) is not her. Reverse image search to see all the hits.
  5. Visiting a MP that strictly operates with "MA limits". Just not my thing. WIR
  6. Won't ask specifically for a quick review but are they both legit, are the pics real? WIR
  7. Korean Sara would fit what you describe. She has a great menu and is well reviewed. Her ad: http://ottawa.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/best-in-town-sara-sara-sara-talented-korean-sara-11am-to-6pm/28418211 Her recos: https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=S&t=119652 WIR
  8. I have spent time with women of most ethnicities at a SC and in the CR and yes, I too prefer caucasians and Asians but I think it is purely based on "the look", not skin tone. Outside of SCs I have friends and socialize with persons without thought of their ethnicity and even though I do see the visual color of their skin all that registers in my brain is the color my eyes are seeing. What has me thinking is that I have been intimate with women of different races but I have yet to be intimate with one of middle eastern descent. Could that in any way be perceived as me being "racist" or does it simply mean that my preference is that of caucasians and Asians? I don't think it makes me racist, simply that I have preferences. We all have our preferences but the question is how would someone else interpret it? I would hate to think that one would find this to make me "racist". Perceptions do vary... WIR
  9. Personally, I find seduction is when I am kissing a woman as we are undressing each other, by the time we are completely naked and she reaches down to touch me I am already at "full attention". WIR
  10. Well said Tempted Monk. At first I would repeat with ones that would be described by just one or two of the types you have described. Now, I have been fortunate enough to find a very select few who check two or all three categories you mention. To me, that is why I repeat and see them again and again. I still visit new-to-me SPs from time to time but when I know exactly what I want and I'm in the mood for something...special, it's nice to know where I can go. WIR
  11. A number of women use this number. http://caescort.club/613-909-9038 Pics belong to Amanda Breden from Sweden, her Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialamandabreden/?hl=en
  12. Don't know who she is, I'm searching to find out. Update: I found out who this is. Beautifully-Scottish Allison Kirkland
  13. You really only have a few options here. Don't say a thing and hope you collect the mail or say something now so it won't seem as if you are making something up if she ends up opening that particular mail item. I would think that her opening such mail and you only saying something about it then would look...maybe a little more suspicious. No one knows a better excuse to come up with for this than you do I'm afraid. Best of luck with this. WIR
  14. My issue with EB reviews is not knowing who made it, there is no post count. If it is a good review is it the Provider herself who did it? If it is a bad review is it another unfriendly provider or upset BF who did it? I look for reviews on a few more reliable boards. You should take most of those reviews with a grain of salt IMO. WIR
  15. Personally, when I visit one of my fav SPs and she is wearing something very similar to this (but black Calvin Klein), and also with black thigh-high socks, I know she did it for me as I gifted them to her. Now I feel like messaging her to see if we can arrange a visit this weekend. WIR
  16. About five or six years ago my mother had a serious problem with her thyroid gland and this caused her to gain a fair amount of weight. Also during this time her hair quickly thinned out and she started wearing wigs. This bothered her as until this point she was truly a beautiful woman in a physical sense and she found herself, as we too noticed, depressed and no longer feeling this physical beauty. It changed her character, who she was. This brought our family closer than it already was, to help her. I bought her a picture to hang in the bathroom and hung it beside the mirror. Although not the very same, this is what is written on it. Although she still looks the same, a little extra weight and her hair has thinned out, she no longer wears a wig and has bounced back from this and is now even more beautiful than ever. I am eternally grateful for this. WIR
  17. I took it as such and I sincerely meant my post in the same playful manner. As in, Kilt Boy could be onto something. ;) WIR
  18. If so, they are not off to a great start as pics 1,2 and 3 have multiple hits and can be found here: https://www.google.ca/search?tbs=simg:CAESlwIJ8rRp8gDWdhYaiwILELCMpwgaYgpgCAMSKPcFlQevAeAajQf4BZUS5BKkH6wJsjKxMso8gTyPMY4x_1TmAPPkr2yUaMC8QacIpwCteDuGMKmxDESWhTYvuSo-BLUaZfB9I44uJWVNjNhEM2SUPSqOk4hfxaiAEDAsQjq7-CBoKCggIARIEZp6TmwwLEJ3twQkagwEKGgoIY2xvdGhpbmfapYj2AwoKCC9tLzA5ajJkChgKBmJlYXV0edqliPYDCgoIL20vMDFmNDMKGgoIbGluZ2VyaWXapYj2AwoKCC9tLzA5aHl4ChcKBGdpcmzapYj2AwsKCS9tLzA1cjY1NQoWCgNsZWfapYj2AwsKCS9tLzAzNXI3Yww&q=%E6%83%85%E8%B6%A3+%E5%85%A7%E8%A1%A3+%E7%BE%8E%E5%A5%B3&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjcnKLNtsvVAhUm7oMKHTa-A6sQsw4IPg&biw=1600&bih=794 WIR
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