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Everything posted by Gregsand

  1. In their defense, it's not unusual for landlines and mobile phones to be linked under a same number or via call transfert. I see it as very valid question. In term of dumb questions, "are you clean?" is definitely one. No matter if you ask a woman you met in a bar/online or hire an SP, the question is pretty pointless and only serve as a way to deflect responsibility if you contract an infection. Even if she shows a note from a doctor, it doesn't show everything and shouldn't be a green light for unsafe sexual practices.
  2. Are you talking about those who send you to a "verification website" asking for a credit card number??? If Yes, stay away from those.
  3. Just read this thread: http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=257924 It will answer everything.
  4. I'm not in the habit of criticizing lobbyists. But when they call "bait and switch" and pay the girls anyway, I got a hard time sympathizing with them. And when it happen 3 times in a month, it should be a hint something is seriously wrong in his approach.
  5. First, I'm a bit confused on why you posted this under the Kingston Escort discussions when both you and her are identified to be in the Ottawa area. Second, there's an "Ottawa Warnings"( http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=17 )section to post this kind of comments. As for your final question, there plenty of those if you took the time to navigate here instead of blindly go to unverified SP's. There's something wrong if you make the same mistakes three times in a row. You're a member here and got access to many great ladies. If you ignore them and hunt for questionnable bargains, it's on you.
  6. Here a link to her ad: http://ottawa.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/looking-for-my-big-bad-wolf/94540087 Can you please elaborate on why we should avoid her?
  7. I already made it clear that it was an honest mistake and it's up to the members to decide if it's relevant enough to keep alive. But didn't expect it would be hijacked by a "big feet" comment. LOL Additional Comments: In an attempt to bring this thread back on track, here another pet peeve of mine: When forced to deal with the procurer/pimp/madam/middleman/manager instead of directly with the lady. Not all of them are bad. Some are honest and polite, but in this trade it's more often the exception than the norm. Many will claim having 50+ girls on call when in reality only got a few and are quite "creative" in the descriptions and services offered. This often create awkward meetings as the ladies are often unaware of what the client was told. Speaking directly to the ladies generally makes things easier and minimises "miscommunications".
  8. Nice way to make a first impression(even if your second post on LYLA)(sarcasm). The point of this thread is to point out small mistakes and annoyances from some SP's and MA's while remaining respectful and civilized. If feet size is very important for you and you don't ask her before the session, I fail to see why that should be her fault. Unless you got evidence some ladies lie about that, I'm not sure why it should be mentioned here.
  9. A few things are fishy: Just in September the phone number was to a girl named Laury: https://independent.com.ottawa.hoxnif.com/post/24205944/ As for Kelly, in June she was in Halifax with some 36DD: http://independent.com.halifax.hoxnif.com/post/22331150/ And only a few months later were upgraded to some 36FF. Maybe the girls just share local burner phones on the roads and breasts sizes change in editing, but I would still recommend a certain level of caution.
  10. I don't want to be sarcastic, but the GTA is quite large. Would recommend using terb.cc to find ladies in that area. Enjoy and good day.
  11. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
  12. Cowboy Kenny did more than a copy and paste job and tried focusing on repeat offenders. So, even if the ads were deleted, it's still contained enough information and material to remain entertaining and informative. What Somhomme is trying is pretty minimalistic and pointless if he doesn't update very regularly and point out patterns of repeat offenders. Also, the website doesn't even stick out in a Google search. If the only people who know about the existence of this page are here, it's not gonna help many. And as a final point, this kind of website may sound armless. But considering procurers behind many of those ads are not necessarily known for their kind social skills, I would try to avoid stepping on their toes for nothing.
  13. I agree with the ladies and gentlemen who already replied. It's a bit like asking someone "are you clean?" thinking it will shift the responsibility on them if you test positive later. You can ask, but you'll likely get a lie in response on top of making things a bit awkward. The best is ask about the options. And if some are about dropping the level of protection, it should be a red flag. Also, look for signs of infections and drug use. You don't need to turn the experience into a full blown medical, but if you question the cleanliness of certain body areas, don't stick your tongue and penis near it without protection. Most working ladies care more about their health and safety than many men do. Hygiene and respect goes both ways. Stick with ladies with solid reputations and avoid questionnable and unsafe options.
  14. Like Genevieve and Zachmont already mentioned, the goal is to bait customers while hiding their appearance, past and hidden agendas. It doesn't take a lot to destroy someone's reputation. So, many will try a hard reset with a completely new profile and pictures and pretty much repeat the process infinitely. When a bad reputation is unjustified, one can slowly rebuild it with honest minimalistic ads. Better no pics than fake pics. But some ladies working for procurers don't always have the liberty to do that and have to face the deceived lobbyists. To answer your question, the benefits are the same as any other fishing scams. As obvious those look to us, there sadly enough gullible men to make it profitable. While some aspects of the business are legal, it's still unregulated and operating in grey areas of the law. Until things change, lobbyists will have to continue being vigilant, to do their homework and flag fraudulent behavior.
  15. I especially find funny the claim it will "save your money and time". Most of the links are already dead and there's no logic in the layout. It's easier and more accurate to do a quick Google search of the phone numbers and pics than using this website. Most fraudulent ads don't stay up more than 24 or 48hrs, so most of the research for a "fakers" website won't payoff. If lobbyists wants to avoid problems, using Google, LYLA(or other message boards) and their gut instinct remain the most accurate tools.
  16. Shelia has several positive reviews here: http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=209933 http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/member.php?u=95526 As for Rarity and Amber, you're the first on this site sharing some experiences with them. The little we knew was from other message boards and the little info about them was mixed. Hopefully, other will follow suit and they'll get more solid reputations.
  17. As I mentioned before, Cowboy Kenny had a website dedicated to that and quit because it was very time consuming and pointless. It's a bit counterproductive to look for fakers with short lived ads, instead of focusing on real ladies with good reputations.
  18. I strongly recommend the Paige Jennings YouTube page. She worked in the adult industry as an SP and also in porn. She shares her experiences and it's very interesting. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpHZ2Zja5MDrAv1L577Z-TQ
  19. Never met her but chatted with her a few times on POF before she started working in the adult industry. She definitely sound and looks like a sweet woman and wish her to succeed.
  20. I don't think we're talking about the same thing. When I talk to a random person, I don't see the point of digging deep. If he or she tells me something, I'll take it as it is. If a friendship or else develop between me and that person, I would expect the previous answer to maybe change a little with the increased trust level. When dealing with a good friend, the trust level should be a bit higher making it easier to share more intimate things. And when I talked about drinking, it was only to relax and not get drunk. If the friend doesn't want to share things related to intimacy, there's no point in raising the subject. But if she does open up, one can slowly return the favor.
  21. You're making this sound far more sinister than it actually is. It doesn't take a mind or drinking game to get someone to share personal stuff. It's simply a question of gaining their trust by gradually sharing some aspect of our lives. Maybe it's something not everyone can pull off, but I did on several occasions without being pushy or drinking someone under the table. I never forced anyone and won't start now.
  22. It's maybe my way of expressing myself and I apologise for it. But my point from the start is simply that people are always far more open minded than they led to believe. I find wrong to assume she would immediately reject it. It's just a question of sharing the information at the right moment once they open up about their own intimate experiences. It doesn't mean Chocolove's friend would embrace it. But there are ways to know her opinion on the subject without giving everything away.
  23. I was just making some examples. To quote the first "Men in Black" movie: "A person is smart, people are dumb". It just a question of a little patience. Have a nice evening.
  24. Not saying he's hypocrite, but simply that most people are on this subject and others like their masturbation habit and porn consumption. But if you're patient enough in your approach(and a few glasses of wine), you can slowly get to know more about their private life and slowly share yours. Again, one doesn't need to share everything from the start. With a few bottles of beer, wines, Sour Puss and a few sessions of "Truth or Dare", you'll know quick enough when she'll be ready to know the information.
  25. People are surprisingly open minded on the subject, but also very hypocrite. Ask or tell them directly and they will deny and shame you for it. But if you gradually bring it up and slowly test their open mindedness, you'll see surprising answers. I lived in Quebec City for a while and was often called a pig because of my honesty about sex. But many times those same women later admitted they did far worst in the popular male stripper club(now closed). It's just a question on how you raise the subject. Chocolove's main concern was the fact he wanted her to stop being a matchmaker. And I suggested saying he had a FWB because it accomplishes the same result without screaming "I pay for sex". On the scale of social acceptability it can be very different from identifying yourself as a lobbyist. But if you remove the preconceptions and hypocrisy out of it, both are very similar. Once she knows he's seeing someone for intimacy, she'll give up on the matchmaking. And if he wants to remain vanilla to her , that's up to him.
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