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Meaghan McLeod

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meaghan McLeod

  1. How do I get the motivation to finish the project I started? I needed to insulate my place. I don't have enough to pay someone to actually do it for me, so I did it myself. So, the insulation is done, the drywall is done. My crappy mudding and taping is there, but I really suck at that. I did get someone in who said he would do it for me (I told him I would pay him), but he ended up going back to work before it was finished, and now it sits in limbo. I could bite the bullet and get someone in to finish it, but man, I really wanted to be able to say "hey I did it myself". Of course, I always seem to be working and once I am home way too beat to start. I know once I start, I can finish. Its just getting started. I also need someone who is a good carpenter to finish the trim. I hate hammers and nails (love drywall guns), so will get someone to do that for me. It looks so much more fun on tv.
  2. Everytime I try to read this link it shows as not available. I have copied and pasted, but still nothing.
  3. I like Meg is because her avatar makes me want to see more. Very sexy and she is such a sweetheart and very sexy! Oh, I already said sexy..... Additional Comments: Fine Old Dog, you beat me to it. I like Old Dog because I look forward to his contributions. I know he is also a working SP and understands what us ladies go through. Now get back to work as I crack the whip!
  4. I have just put an ad on NB - not sure if I did this right, but hopefully I did. At least we can get one up for Fredericton! Mod, can you let Dave know, so I can also get the free 6 month trial? Thanks! Meaghan
  5. I have finally had time to sit down and actually try to understand this whole process. I have looked up my reputation points and I see 3 columns. They say: 182 8350 47 What do these 3 columns mean? One of these days I will fully understand this. It might take me a while, and I read and re-read these info links, but me brain does not always let me figure things out. I've been on this board for a long time, and only just now found the link on reputation points..... Thanks!
  6. I remember reading a commentary from a lady who does burlesque. She indicated that being sexy comes from something you feel inside yourself. If you are confident in your body (and we all come in so many different sizes and shapes), enjoy treating yourself to the things that make you feel pretty and amazing, you will present to the world sexiness. We all know that women can dress up as a slut and still not look sexy. However, I have seen so many woman that are dressed conservately and are so hot and sexy I have to close my jaw to stop myself from oogling them. Of course wearing intimate undergarments even with jeans and a tee shirt let ourselves know that we are sexy. The bottom line I have learned is if you are confident in yourself at this moment in your life, you are so damn sexy. xoxo
  7. I like Lee because he has such a quirky sense of humor. Still waiting to hear the joke about the Irish nun.... And he sends nice texts when you need someone to say Hi, I am there for you. I like that one!
  8. Why is it when you try to help someone, she turns around and gripes about what SHE feels you should or should not do. I understand telling me your feelings, but to keep it up for days and days, saying the same thing over and over again, not adding anything new to the bitch session. I keep saying "I understand", "yes I can see how that made you feel". She then thinks she has a sucker on her hand and ups the ante and her gripes get bigger and starts making up lies. Well, watch MY true feelings come out. They never like it when you tell them how they make you feel, so self absorbed can't see the forest for the trees! I am doing my best to help you. If you can't figure it out for yourself, then go do it on your own. Oh ya, I remember, you can't do it on your own.
  9. I like RG because he is truly a kind person who cares about other people. Even those he has never met. He reaches out to help and that is appreciated! Oh, I also like that he has witty and funny things to say! Thanks RG
  10. I had a feeling she would end up staying! Who can resist the face of a pug!
  11. I've worked in this industry for years. I have worked in agencies. I have also worked as an independent. I know enough about this business, that I have been able to muddle through. However, since I really started participating on this site I have met some really fine ladies and gents that have given me advice, guidance, love, respect, knowledge, courage and passion. I understand myself in ways that those that don't work in the industry could understand, thanks to all the threads I read, people I've met and advice I've taken. There is something more here on this site then meets the eye. Yes, you can find out about ladies, their schedules, their availabilities, their specialities. However, if you look closer, you will see some of the kindest people I have ever known. Thank you to Angela of Ottawa, Nicolette Vaughan, Mya Rain, Malika, Ms. Sophia, Roaming Guy, Lee Richards, Paedrus, Meg for Fun and all the others who stepped forward for me in my times of need. This is a very rare commodity indeed and I am grateful to the very bottom of my heart. xoxo
  12. Been thinking of your advertisement slogans..... The ultimate safe BF experience beer can buy! Now booking your ultimate dream date. Special rates apply. Pizza, beer and nachos are all acceptable donations. We will service your aching body. Please call, we mean, we really want you to call! xoxo
  13. I knew a guy at my dayjob who I had asked to refrain from bathing in his cheap cologne and he retaliated by wearing even more the next day. I am highly allergic to certain colognes, and his workstation was right next to mine. I ended up asking my supervisor to help me and he was sent home to "shower" and not wear cologne anymore. Well, low an behold, didn't he show up at my place once for an incall. I just thought ok, now what do I do. I kinda hesitated, and he said "Oh, I forgot my wallet in my car". Normally this kind of tactic irks me, but I was so relieved that he chose to leave right away and not try to push the call through. And of course, he was reeking of cologne. Guess some guys don't learn. I also had a client who declined to complete a call because I looked exactly like his sister, and when I first opened the door, he thought I was his sister. We both chuckled, and I graciously let him leave without giving him a problem, but he still paid me a cancellation fee. Also at work one day some guy came up to me and said in front of EVERYONE, "have we met before?" with this cockeyed grin on. This was a new job, I had just moved here, and my co-workers knew I did not know anyone in this Province. I replied "no, we have never me, but I have a twin sister, did you know she now has aids?". He never pulled that crap again on me. If I run into a client in public, I do not stop and talk, or say anything different then if they were a total stranger. Yes you can make brief eye contact, but please, pretend I am a stranger if you see me in public. xoxo
  14. I have often wondered about female condoms. Do they work? Do the guys find them better or worse then the traditional condoms? It would seem that it would be closer to the experience of bareback. Is it? Can you buy them at the drug store, or do you have to go to a speciality store?
  15. I love stockings too. They make me feel even sexier and I love the feel on my legs. I always wear some, and always have an extra pair on hand so I don't have to worry about "running" out... Tried to post a pic of my stockings, but can't seem to figure it out... Meaghan xoxo
  16. Happy birthday sweetheart! Hope its a special one! xoxo
  17. I suggest you take your cues from her. If she talks dirty to you, then go for it. This is something you discuss with her in advance too. If she is not into this, then you know.
  18. Thank you everyone for your love, support, hugs and best wishes. Yes, I had a bad call that would be classified as assault. Doesn't happen often, but every once in a while it does. I do love myself, and do not consider myself a whore. He viewed me as a whore, but I know I am not that.....I know how much everyone loves me, even those that have never met me. At that moment, my feelings were raw and that's why I posted this here. To show the other side of the coin on this subject of BBFS. I really want to thank everyone who came rallying forward at a time I needed to talk to someone. The phone calls, text messages, PMs and messages meant the world to me. Took yesterday off and am now back, stronger then ever. I love everyone who helped me. It means the world to me. This is why I love CERB. There really is no where else we can turn to for information, support and love. hugs to everyone and have a great day! xoxo Meaghan
  19. Thank you for your support> Feeling better this morning. xoxo
  20. Thank you to everyone who came forward to help me. Especially Nicolette. She is simply the best!
  21. Happy birthday RG. Love having you on this board. It would not be the same without you! Meaghan
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