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Meaghan McLeod

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meaghan McLeod

  1. Revenge. It keeps getting better.
  2. I took the question to be asking for strap on play. Generally a top is a term between guy men. Tops and bottoms. Might be wrong, and we will probably know as the op has left our community.
  3. Now I understand why RG doesn't hunt. Thank your solving that mystery. Are you going to get into trouble with the fat bastards club for divulging this bf only section information with the rest of us?
  4. RG - thanks. Somehow that joke seem familiar. Can't quite place it. Haha Silverado - good thing. Make sure you let me know how you do. Alb - deer is good. Did you hear about the kv valley deer cull? Every time deer season rolls around the deer move to Rothesay. Daniel Boone - it took me a while to figure that one out. Haha. https://www.google.ca/search?q=moose+images+cartoon&client=ms-android-samsung&sa=X&source=univ&biw=360&bih=592&tbm=isch&tbo=u&ei=N4kmVJjYCMe3yATFpYLoBQ&ved=0CC0Q7Ak#facrc=_&imgrc=IObfHEZwC6KzKM%253A%3BMIXQGb_Izj2QaM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.themoosestore.com%252Fimages%252FJP_moose_spam.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.themoosestore.com%252Findex.php%253Fmain_page%253Dproduct_info%2526products_id%253D911%3B360%3B233
  5. Happy birthday boomer. Hope it's a great one.
  6. Massage addict is a legit massage franchise. No HE ending there.
  7. Happy birthday. Hope it's the best.
  8. Happy birthday Sexy. Hope it's the best.
  9. Goodluck Jessica on your new path. I hope it is everything you want.
  10. Wow. I could not let your statements stand without challenging them. First, you made an awkward situation by ignoring the instructions given on which door to enter. Just because you don't like the front door, does not give you the right to enter through another door. If you don't like the choice they directed you too, don't go in. Go somewhere else. I know that the roving hands is a real pet peeve of many. If the ma moves away then please stop. Nothing worse then those that feel because they are paying for massage and he they ALSO have the right to try to get more services. Did you pay for the extra time and services you tried to get? I used to have 2 rates one for massage/he and one for massage/full service. I would clarify ahead of time. However those paying for he would always try to put their fingers in my kitty, try daty etc. I stopped the 2 rates because asking for access to kitty is in fact a full service. Just an FYI, for those do not provide full service, it feels a lot like sexual assault when those try for more services - especially when they have clearly indicated they want you to stop. Please consider this the next time you try a stunt like that again.
  11. I only reply if shortly after if text. If it's a voice mail, and he has asked me to call back i will call back. Emails and pm can be replied when I get them. I generally use a 1 hour window as my cut off. I don't reply when seeing someone, and they sent me a text when starting a call, I will reply when finished my call. However, if my call is a longer one, I won't reply. If I am taking the day off, I don't answer my phone, so those that text or call won't get a reply. However those that email or pm will get one when I am back. If in doubt, send her another note. She might not have received the first one. Although difficult, I do tell my guys if I no longer want to see them anymore if they are regulars. I don't like dangling people and would rather they know and move on.
  12. Significant win I would share. A small win I would buy another ticket. A friend buys me tickets all the time. Sometimes it's $2 sometimes $20. I just buy more tickets. However I once won $60 and I took them out to dinner with it. We joke if I ever disappear it's probably cause I won big and I'm being a greedy bastard as I drive down the highway yelling it's mine it's in! I wouldn't really but we like to laugh and dream.
  13. Christine, I love your posts and want to congratulate you on this important milestone.
  14. I noticed you just passed this milestone. Congratulations and keep posting.
  15. Just sayin, I have new clients that do the online transfer once I get there. I check my email to confirm its there and we start the call then. This shouldn't be complicated and it's starting to feel that everyone is over thinking this.
  16. I understand this as "I can't drive to the bank to get cash - can I pay another way?". I think it's clear that yes you can. Just let the provider know ahead of time. She will let you know the best way.
  17. I hadn't heard about this, so found this link. http://thechronicleherald.ca/metro/1237346-i-don-t-think-she-ever-loved-me-alleged-extortion-victim-says
  18. Happy birthday. Hope it's the best.
  19. Happy birthday. Hope it's the best.
  20. Everyone Hugs made my day. Today is a great one. Thanks everyone. Hugs to everyone who needs one - even if you don't realize you need one.
  21. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=142492 Here is the sticky on this.
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