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Main mod

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Posts posted by Main mod

  1. Hey Everyone, 
    I was just made aware that some profile information was not displayed to all members as it should have been. 

    So now anything you add to your profile in the Personal Information Section, will be shown to other members browsing your profile. 

    Also we made it so the "Twitter" urls are now Urls, not just text, but this means you have to make sure it's a proper URL in the field - so starting with Http:// or Https://  - best suggestion is to go to your twitter, click on the url and copy and paste it into the box.


    Also added in a spot for a Personal URL. 

    • Thanks 2

  2. On 9/12/2018 at 7:01 AM, MelanieMys said:

    It was brought to my attention by another member that only I am able to see my profile welcome message where some used to look for my schedule.  It's weird because when I'm logged into my account, it shows it's there. I can see the section, edit it, but when I log out of my account, or when other people visit my profile, they're unable to see it. I liked that feature, even just to have a short blurb welcoming people to your profile.


    Hey there, 

    Just fixed this issue. For some reason we had the other information as show only to the member themselves not other members - this is not something I ever noticed as an admin I see all information regardless. Should be fixed now. 


    Also fixed the twitter urls now acting as urls not just a text link. 

    • Like 2

  3. On 9/2/2018 at 11:09 AM, Bobcat boy said:

    Having trouble placing a photo in the private club section. Need step by step instruction please!

    Hey I believe you would do the following. 

    Go to the club, click the button that says Club Topics - then click "Start New Topic" You can now add a photo and post for whatever you'd like in that club. 

    Let me know if this is what you meant.

  4. On 8/28/2018 at 7:12 PM, Greenteal said:

    Like previously raised by Jessica Rain in the question and issue thread, it would be nice to bring back the option of nominating posts for the "Bi-weekly Awards".

    The forum and threads are still present:


    But been inactive since July due to the inability to nominate posts since the update.

    Will this feature return soon or simply be abandoned?

    Thank you.

    I'll see if we can implement this.

  5. On 8/28/2018 at 6:07 PM, Jessica Rain said:

    Scroll to top button!!!!!


    Pretty Pretty Please


    I hate to burst your bubble Jessica, but that won't be a priority for a long time lol. On mobile you can click at the top of the phone to go to top and if you're on a computer using the scroll wheel or the side scrollbar is pretty straight forward :). I do see why you'd like it though - just being honest!

  6. 1 hour ago, dread pirate roberts said:

    It used to be that when you went to a thread, there was a very prominent button which said "go to first unread comment", or something like that. That seems like so obviously a beneficial feature that I am convinced I simply cannot find its current equivalent - but I cannot find its current equivalent! So I'd suggest either restoring that or making it more obvious.

    That definitely seems like a very useful tool, we'll look into that :). 

    • Like 1

  7. 16 hours ago, WildTiger said:

    Features that are used frequently should not be buried in multiple layers.  For example, if I want to see the list of people I'm following I have to go to the drop down menu, select "Managed Followed Content" (which sounds more like an edit function), and then look down a side bar to find members.  This is fine for less used functions, but something like this I would suggest should be available as either a button on your home page, or if you are trying to keep the page looking clean and uncluttered, then make more popular activities accessible directly from the drop down menu.

    Hey WildTiger,

    Have you looked in the activity stream? For me if I look at Activity Stream one of the options is "Members I follow" if you click that it should be everything they've done.


    Let me know if that's not there for you. 

  8. 16 hours ago, WildTiger said:

    If possible, it would still be nice to have a private notes page.  No requirement to transfer old notes, that ship has sailed, but a place to keep future notes would be handy.

    We're currently testing this out at the moment with the Mods and Independent Providers having access to it. So we're waiting to see if it works the way we believe it should before we push this to everyone on the site. 

    • Like 2

  9. 17 hours ago, drlove said:

    I’d like to see the old ‘friends’ list and visitor profile messages restored in their original format. However, if that isn’t possible I completely understand. I also miss some of the old symbols that were present on the old site such as the crown, smilies etc.. I just thought of this as a way to make the new version seem a bit more familiar, that’s all...

    Hey DrLove, 

    We're still trying to bring many things back, and can't determine just yet what's possible and what isn't. We'll see what we can do, and see if we can expand on the symbols :).

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  10. 18 hours ago, Meaghan McLeod said:

    The mobile version doesn't seem to have a link to providers gallery. What we post on our wall is, but the gallery seems to not be there. It works on a laptop, just the mobile version doesn't seem to work.

    Thanks for everything you've done btw.

    Hey Meghan, 
    While in a persons profile on mobile, if you click the Activity drop down it lets you switch to Albums - is this what you mean? 

    • Thanks 1

  11. On 8/14/2018 at 8:43 AM, Tempted Monk said:

    Technology is under the hood, look and feel has nothing to do with technology used and new features. I think it would be better to keep it a little bit more consistent with previous appearance. It is now too plane and grey and difficult to read and navigate because of this. Look at this thread - the only Jessica's signature is something what looks attractive LOL

    And Lyla is practically dead in Toronto. I posted my last recommendation in March and it is still on the top of the list. Nobody posts in Toronto area. And I don't think new plain and gray site look will attract more new people.


    That's a good point, but we didn't switch this site over until July 20th, that means there was months before the change - so the change over has nothing to do with the Toronto section being dead - our hope is the change will revitalize the whole site - not just a section 🙂

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1

  12. Hey Everyone, 

    It's now been quite a while since we pushed the new version of the site, and everyone has had some time to get used to it and learn the tricks to this new system. When we first launched we had a thread that you could comment about what's missing, what's needed etc. and we used that to add or show you how to find those features as they may just be slightly different. 


    What I'd like you to do now, is if you're now familiar with the site and you still feel something is missing, or something could really be used to make it more useful - please in as much detail as possible post that below. This will help us moving forward adding or improving the site - so we can get it where everyone is happy with it :). 


    We greatly appreciate all your patience over this past couple months and we're hopeful that we can only keep improving Lyla! 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  13. On 8/9/2018 at 4:10 AM, Shadowman007 said:

    I just tried the link to the advertisement for Monty Christa and it takes you to Vibe Spa, Not sure if this is the correct place for this, but since you can only see the ad on this page, the mod might want to have a look at it.


    Hey @Shadowman007 

    I just tested this and it seems to be working fine, for me monty crista is right above vibe spa, is there any chance you clicked elsewhere? 

  14. Hey Everyone, 

    If you're a long running user of Lyla, and missed the old Notes system you'll notice we just emailed you all of your notes. We know this isn't the same as adding the old system back in, but at this time it's the best we could do. We spent the past few weeks trying to alter a notes system that could be added (and is added for some users) but to no avail. We then tried to make our own and it was just far too time consuming and wouldn't allow a direct cross over of the old system. So we felt that no matter what we needed to get your notes into your hands - this should allow you to do what's necessary in order to use either the current system (if you're a mod or provider - we're looking at giving members access) or to implement your own private note system. 

    Again we're very sorry that we weren't able to translate the old system over to this new one, but we figure getting the notes to you is the least we can do. 

    Please let me know if there are any complications with your email in receiving your notes. We're happy to continue to help. 

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 3

  15. On 7/24/2018 at 12:45 PM, Hukupp said:

    I’m sure this has to do with the new look and feel, but reality is, I was communicating with somebody and then on the same topic I tried looking for a certain reco that I made wrt Breath Taking Vivian, and I can’t find it. I know it was successfully added under the old version before the switch over. Has anybody had the same experience recently? 

    How old was the recommendation? 
    We're still working on making sure everything makes it over.

    • Thanks 1

  16. Hey Everyone,

    Weâ??re happy to announce that weâ??ll be switching over to a new system this weekend. It will function very much like the current one but with an updated appearance. Over time we will work to see what can be improved with the layout and function of the forum and get the communities feedback of what should be added or removed. While we do this transition, weâ??ll be disabling a few features of the current site including posting. This is in order to preserve the database the way it is now for the new version and prevent the loss of any information.

    Please be patient with us this weekend, as we will get all features up and running as soon as possible. In the meantime the chat will be operational and searching through the sites database will be as well. Please note these changes are aesthetic and function only, Lyla will continue to be the same positive recommendation board it is now. We hope you all like the new look and feel of Lyla.com!

    Amendment: We've discovered that if we disable post permissions we'd have to re-enable them very slowly on the new site, so we're going to make a warning now - any new posts made between now and until the new site is live, will be lost. *** PLEASE DO NOT MAKE NEW POSTS OR CONTENT ON LYLA.COM AT THIS TIME****
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