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Ottawacomet last won the day on January 9 2018

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About Ottawacomet

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    55 year old Gentleman

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  1. A new blue box for recycling as the tornado took mine and this week is a blue box week...
  2. Good afternoon... I my opinion those who cannot stand being ticked are usually the most capable tickers... So with that statement you will have a great time with Nora...
  3. I would agree with the last several postings on this thread. This is a very Canadian website and should remain exactly as it is today. It's importance has been highlight with what has been happening south of the border over the last couple of weeks. There is a sense of respect here for all members and even though we might not agree with others opinions on various topics. It is done with a positive respect for each other. This a very Canadian way of doing things. So let's get together and make this site even better as it is very unique. I would also like to thank the Moderators for their hard work in maintaining the site...
  4. Good afternoon Everyone... I for one feel for all the Providers trying to figure out how to post Ads after last week. There are several different sites that already been listed under various backpage postings. I had opportunity to talk with a Ottawa Provider this past weekend about this very subject. She was a little upset about losing her Ads on backpage and had already prepaid earlier Friday Morning for the rest of April. She is now being very proactive about her email address and website. She was on Gmail for emails and has already switch to a non US based email provider. She also said She is a little worried about her website as it is also US based so it to might be shutdown as well. So what can we as Clients do to help out the Providers we are seeing or would like to see in the future. First thing us Clients can do is to note their contact information on sites based out of the United States as it might be shutdown in the future. Also note that your Provider will most likely be changing their email addresses to a non US provider for emails in order to be proactive. They are making these changes to ensure we can contact them in the future. They will be also changing website providers and websites shortly to ensure they will have website you can use to find them. All of these changes require a lot of work and are time consuming for the Providers. Canadian Clients should be patient over the next weeks and months as these changes are being made by the Providers. The most important thing us Clients can do is make use of this Canadian based Website. This site has postings and recommendations of Providers across Canada and you will not better Providers anywhere. So please make use of all the benefits here when you are looking for a Provider and book time with one of the Lyla.com Providers. The last thing we talked about this weekend was that even though She has been a Provider here for over a year with numerous postings and recommendations. She does not believe any of her current Clients have come from Lyla.com. So please let the Providers know you have found them here on Lyla.com and have read their postings and recommendations. We can also be more active here with this community by commenting on their postings and writing recommendations. This will ensure our Canadian Community is strong and better than it was last week... Thanks Ottawacomet Additional Comments: Good morning I have just noticed that one that one United States based websites has found a work around for the new American Law. When you open the site there is a new function where you have to say your not a American to enter the site. If you are a American you are to leave the site. Hopefully other companies will use this function and they will be able to restart the sites who have been taken down...
  5. Good afternoon... There are several excellent ladies available in the downtown area that offer a Girl Friend Experience. You can find their ads here on Lyla.com. I would like to recommend Lilith Delacour who is in the Sandy Hill Area of the downtown. Good luck in your search and I am sure you find a wonderful lady here...
  6. Kissing, hugs and cuddling are the most important part of a session with a provider. This is where the intimacy and connection between the two people is nurtured and developed. For me if a session has a great deal of kissing, hugs, and cuddling and both of you feel they could stay in bed all day and continue than it will be a amazing session. By the way there are Ladies here that a client could spend a entire day laying in bed with and just kissing and cuddling...
  7. I am a firm believer the good bye kiss and hug is the icing on the cake as the saying goes. If there is a connection and intimacy with the provider during the season there will be a steamy and very hot kisses and hugs leaving both of you wanting more. If you and the provider have seeing each other a number of times than this also sets the stage for the next session. So it is very important me to have a toe curling kiss and hug at the end of a session...
  8. Sorry to hear Nicki - I hope he is feeling better soon...
  9. This a simple choice for the client if he or she wants to see a certain provider than you have to follow their screening process. The screening process is in place for the providers safety and to ensure they are comfortable when you arrive at their door or your room door. If you do not want to follow that providers screening process than move on to another provider who has a screening process your comfortable with and see them...
  10. As today is Valentine's Day and I know she has had a very rough couple of days and could use some much needed cheering up. So I would like nominate Lilith Delacour for CERB Goddess of the Day... Happy Valentine's Day
  11. Today I have discovered another advantage to a long term relationship between a provider and a client. If one of you is sick and not feeling well it is okay to cancel a per booked date between the two of you hours before the date. As the date is just moved to another day and time when the other person is well and feeling better. If this was a initial meeting or one time date between a provider and client than there is a good chance that there would never be a second date and time. So I am very much hoping someone here is feeling much better soon...
  12. There is another advantage and that is a certain level of comfort/security in seeing the same provider or client. The provider knows who is on the other side of door. That provides them a level of comfort / security that is not present with a new client. The client also has the same comfort / security as well when they come to the door that is also not present with a new provider. A long term arrangement also provides the provider with some financial security in knowing that client will be booking so many sessions per month for example. They than can count on this income for their expenses such rent or a mortgage. This alone brings the provider a great deal of comfort knowing they will be find financial. Now there are disadvantages as well if a client or provider take liberties or break boundaries set up for the relationship. This could be showing up for a session drunk or doing hard drugs before or during a session. This should never be acceptable in any type of relationship between a client or provider but will happen if either person takes the other person for granted. It still comes down to basic respect for the person and will ruin the comfort / security of the relationship.
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