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Everything posted by Card66

  1. Any recommendations for a place to go that offers manscaping or waxing?
  2. I've seen Tina. Quite friendly. Decent massage. Not likely to repeat.... There is another new girl there. Nancy tells me has good experience with massage. Haven't met her yet. Don't recall the name.
  3. It is Joti/Simi. I texted the number. She works out of the back door of Healthtree on Sargent. They told me back door. Also said side door... Told them I wasn't interested as I had a less than positive experience with her once before. No response after that.
  4. Ok. Let's go with that... What is Cindy like?
  5. Kate is kinda tiny. Dresses funky. Very colourful. Always very friendly when I've been there. Often will ask if I want a 4 hand
  6. With Linda away, I've been thinking making an appointment with Kate... Anyone have any experience with her you'd care to share?
  7. I posted earlier. But it seems to have been removed. I'll post without the link.... Noticed this ad on K. First time seeing it. I texted. Had a quick response. Seems ligit. Reasonable rates. Just wondering if anyone has any info.
  8. I believe she's with Nancy at Thompson Dr. I saw Nancy there. Didn't see Betty, but Nancy told me she's with a Betty. And they Betty has worked at a number of places. They are good friends
  9. Sara is still there... I believe she went by Vanessa on Corydon. But don't really know. Never asked. And I haven't been to Corydon in over a year or more
  10. Standard... Won't go into more detail on the board
  11. Recently saw Vanessa at Broadway. Sometimes works at 649 Corydon. Mid 40's. Decent massage. Very pleasant lady. Kinda quiet but willing to chat. Has been doing massage for about a year. Esthetian before this. Quite happy with the session... I'd see her again.
  12. Has anyone seen any of the new girls there? I've seen Christine and Vanessa advertised along with Sara/Britney. Thinking of checking it out this week
  13. I've been wondering about Anne myself. Last time I saw her was a little over a year ago
  14. What's the new location like?
  15. Ads in the past have had the headline Rattan. I've tried to connect a couple of times. Hasn't worked out. No ads for a while. Now seems to be sporadic. Maybe just doing this part time now.
  16. Standard rates. Didn't ask about their full menu rates... Left happy? I suppose. I get what you are asking. The session just wasn't for me. I'm sure it's a good fit for others
  17. So I did end up going. Very small room I was in. Both girls are mid 20's. Attractive. I saw Betty. Very pleasant. Lacklustre massage though. Not likely to go back.
  18. New ad on Kijiji. Has anyone checked it out yet? I've texted them. 2 ladies there. They don't offer 1 hour. Only half hour and 45 minutes. https://www.kijiji.ca/v-health-beauty/winnipeg/relax/1458943252?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true
  19. Used to be a Joti. Haven't confirmed if it's the same. Only speculation
  20. I'm thinking of stopping in today. Betty, Mina and Jodi are working today. Lots of info on Betty here... Anyone with info on Mina or Jodi?
  21. Had a chance to see Tracy a few days ago. Very nice lady. Mid 40's. Left happy. Though the massage was average. Not sure yet if I'll visit her again. Might try their Betty... I'd like to know if the lady that greeted me offers sessions. Very attractive! Wasn't blond. So I assumed she wasn't Betty.
  22. That's her in her ad on LL. I saw her once at Broadway. Don't think she's been in the business long.
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