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Everything posted by Incog

  1. Not sure how I ended up perusing this thread at all tbh...but glad I did! Thanks Annapolis, for bringing an abundance of wonderful memories flooding back with the mere mention of C.C. Amazing lady, sincere and uber-talented companion!
  2. My understanding is she posts an ad on LL when she's available...
  3. Been even longer for me, so I cannot comment on her availability. Advert is still up on VIP Favours, although her website is no longer active... https://www.vipfavours.ch/profile?id=18596
  4. I have not reached out or met her, but her directory link is for southwestern Ont...my guess is it's not much more than a "shoutout" for her OF's...would not object to being proved wrong however...;-)
  5. Just backing up what jag & tt said! It's been awhile for me as well, but I've met Tasha more than once and have nothing but positive things to say about my experiences...
  6. Well, wish I could have the 3 minutes I just spent reading this back...
  7. Recos display the date of the first one by default. I quickly scrolled to the bottom of page 1 in the reco section and it's dated Nov. 18th...so that's 25 recos in a month and change...should give you plenty of viable options...athough Christmas day may not be optimal by any stretch...
  8. It would seem she's available to host in all 4 Atlantic provinces today...
  9. I believe she's typically only available when her ad is up/active. I have met her on more than one occasion, and imo, is certainly worth the time/effort of arranging a date.
  10. I tried to post the link...this resulted in me receiving a warning for "advertising"...smh...
  11. Since she's coming back, and my time is booked, guess I'm overdue in posting a reco...;-) I met Cherry for an extended date during her initial visit back in July. She's an absolutely phenomenal companion. What more can I say? Outside of the two local ladies I see "on the reg" (& selfishly have never reviewed, although they have many), she's hands-down my preferred date within the last decade, lol. She works with Sassy Angels out of TO when she's "home". She's posted in the Schedules section here and is active on Twitter, as well as the other links I've provided. All the information you'd want is out there, so don't bother PM'ing me for "juicy deets". The overused saying is "walk, don't run"... Personally, I found her more physically attractive than her photos can relay. Her sincere, outgoing personality, open-mindedness, self-awareness and just all around great attitude made for seamless & natural chemistry. I cannot imagine a client being disappointed...
  12. I reviewed her positively as recently as July, which I imagine you noted. To make a point, there are plenty of well established and historically reviewed SW's on here with no recent/current/updated reviews, dating well past last summer...most of whom are still active, and not seeming to be called to question. Really only one way to find out for sure...;-)
  13. I've met her myself under various names...😏 I agree that she may be "quirky" and difficult to meet/communicate with, but physically, she's stunning. She adds a pic of herself from time to time on LL, I'm of the impression her posted age is accurate and she's nowhere close to 50, just my 2 cents ladies/gents... She's always been clear with me on what is, and is not included in a session, so if your expectations are in line with what she states, she's worth taking the time to meet. To be clear, and re-state the obvious, opinions will vary...I simply felt this thread to be misleading of her age/appearance.
  14. I met Danielle recently myself and similarly, found her to be a very attentive and accommodating hostess with the needs/wants of her client coming first and foremost...
  15. Read the review section, explore the associated ads. There are so many mature and beautiful ladies who fall within the parameters you describe. I will not drop names wrt to my personal preferences, as there are so many that I have not had the pleasure of meeting myself. Fact is you only get one "first time", and it will shape your decision if/when you decide to do so again. All the info is here, take the time/effort to make your first experience an amazing one. We have plenty of ladies in Hfx. who can do just that for you. Educate yourself accordingly and enjoy!
  16. If this is the case, and to be frank/up front, it is likely best to avoid an unknown/unreviewed 22 year old for your first experience...just say'in...and forgive me if I missed any reviews or comments on the young lady in the link, I did not search.
  17. Seems to have a significant following...so FYI... https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/nova-scotia/halifax_new_number_addictive_barbie_cum_spoil_yourself_with_zora-7071165?source=list
  18. Her ad has links to her website, she's well reviewed on other boards, and very active in "the Twitterdom"...😉 It took me less than an hour to research, and subsequently book my preferred time with her when her ad first popped up on the 15th. So, I cannot comment on her based on experience yet, but I personally had no questions about her legitimacy, nor did I hesitate to book. Just one man's opinion...
  19. See the most recent ads on LL with a new/temp nimber.
  20. Just bumping this up...I'm not a "frequent flyer" in the professional services department by any means, but I've seen Kitty a handful of times over the past few years, and twice now in the past few weeks. Amazing lady, looks better now than I ever remember and seems to have stepped up her game in all aspects. Current incall location is clean, comfortable and inviting with easy, yet discreet access and plenty of parking. Great gal, easy to talk to, excellent company and while I'm sure ymmv, she dots all the i's and crosses the t's for me. TBH, I'd likely see her more if I spent more time in HRM, but alas, this "country boy" does not frequent the city often. Just keep do'in what you're do'in Kitty, two thumbs up from this guy...but don't take my word for it, reach out and see if the glove fits as well for you. Happy hunting...
  21. Booking up quickly is a pretty good sign of legitimacy...;-)
  22. There are many more if you'd care to search them out...that should lead you to her previous identity, under which you'll find even more reviews. But that's up to you, I don't want to spoil all your fun...cheers, Incog
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