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Soul sucker

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About Soul sucker

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  1. Thank-you so incredibly much for your advice Roamingguy! Your answer has done a lot to put my mind at ease. First off, I was very nàive when I started out. I did, and still do, use my real first name. I only have 2 email accounts. I've had the same phone number for 5 years. Lived in the same apartment for over 4 years. I haven't put up a posting since last April. I still have my very first client. Basically, I've become very comfortable and very complacent. The local police must surely be aware of who I am, and know I fall into the 'happy hooker' category. It is shameful I haven't done my taxes though. It really bothers me. My sister lives in Ottawa and has worked for the government for 25+ years. I don't know her job title, but once she got to go over John Baird's expenses report! (LOL). They fly her all over the world and stuff. She changes positions every few years. I live in Edmonton and only seem to talk to my sister at Christmas time at our mom's instance. We are not close. As for criminal offenses, well, my younger brother has 2 dui's. That's it. No one in my family even carries huge debt. My sister is so squeaky clean, I bet she's never even recieved a parking ticket. Thanks in advance for your well worded answer, so refreshing to read something that has all the correct vowels and punctuation. Again, thankyou.
  2. Hi! I'm really hoping someone can answer this question for me. My older sister works for the federal government. They do background checks on friends and family every 5 years. I didn't have this vocation the last time they checked. They require my name, and when I did a quick Google search of my name my ads popped up. I'm unsure of what to do. I haven't done my taxes in 4 years and I don't have a license. Is my sister going to lose her job when they run my name? Fingers crossed someone can help me out with this! Thankyou
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