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Everything posted by shyness13

  1. Hey everyone I’ve been doing some research on this young lady reverse search on image and got 0 matches and searched the phone number and no red flags 🚩 just wondering if anyone has seen her. I reached out to her and asked a few questions as well she’s living in Saint John at the moment and offers a lot of different services so if anyone has seen her and would recommend I would greatly appreciate it.
  2. Well she’s verfied on LL so that’s good in my books
  3. If it’s to good to be true it’s probably fake. To bad I was eyeing this too.
  4. Yes drive to Moncton sorry but this city unless someone is visiting is dried up!!
  5. Always great to have options in my opinion that’s great that she let the fine gentleman know that she will be visiting perhaps this week. I myself can’t prebook with work and all but knowing she’s might be in town I can try and set something up last minute hopefully. Thanks daysha
  6. And it’s amazing!!!!! I miss you so much in Saint John ❤️❤️❤️ hoping you can visit here soon😊
  7. SOPHIA Hills is in Saint John saw her in the past and she is amazing 🤩
  8. I she she posted in Saint John again anyone meet her? If so pm me please thanks
  9. Does anyone know if she is still around saw her a couple times in March and it seems she is not posting anymore. I lost her number and was just curious if she might be just seeing regulars now. Thanks for any help
  10. I’d be interested to I’ve reached out to her awhile back and had a couple questions and she seemed quick to answer but I never went any further. Hopefully someone can let us know she’s very sexy looking 😊
  11. That would be fantastic hope to see you soon!!!!
  12. Anyone have any info on her they would be so kind to share? thank you I search on here and ran her pics so far she’s clean of any red flags also reached out to her and asked a few questions that she answered so just curious if anyone might have spent some time with her. Thanks in advance
  13. I was in Nova Scotia last week on a business trip and I seen that add up there and still is so I would say she’s fake.
  14. Just reached out to her about possibly visiting our town she’s in wolfville now and she said she had plans on coming this coming week so just did a image search which brought up nothing red flag so just curious if anyone met her that I could pm. Thanks much appreciated here’s her photos
  15. Yes twitter and on here also VIP LL to many fake accounts out there.
  16. Anyone have any info? Thank you in advance
  17. I did image search and looked on here no luck. Anyone meet her yet?
  18. Absolutely good advice thanks again!
  19. Thanks, I am sorry I did a search before I asked but couldn’t find anything. Again thanks that helps a lot.
  20. Anyone try this out and know what it is all about before I waste my time? Thanks much appreciated for any feed back.
  21. Hi has anyone had the pleasure of meeting up with Linda yet? I contacted her she’s in town for the summer she said. Thanks
  22. I so wanted to come see you on your last visit just wasn’t in the cards with being so busy at work but before COVID I messaged with you to find a time that might work and you were very sweet. I will do a recommendation when I see you I’m sure one of these days as I feel you are fabulous!!
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