You can search her by red hot cougar too. She has been discussed here extensively.
Her massage isn't much to talk about, but she is a kind and nice lady. She is definitely not for everyone, but I would recommend her.
I haven't been very active lately but I just wanted to bump up this thread. Kylie is a gem, gentlemen please treat her with respect. I don't understand how she does it, but she is always very nice and pleasing. Thank you @KylieJane
So if I am reading this right you are saying most women in this line of work have mental health issues. Frankly that makes me worry about your mental health. You pay these women who (according to you) are mentally ill and you enjoy that experience?
Also let's assume for the sake of an argument that what you say is true - That most of these women (they aren't girls btw) suffer mental health issues - why would you come to their forum and tell them how they are "sick" (according to you)? What kind of person does that?
Please take the kinder approach and have some empathy.