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About kano2112

  • Rank
    General Member

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  • Profile Welcome Message
    Hey all! I consider myself an open book, so anything you wanna ask about me... please feel free to send me a message!
  • Gender
  • Location
    Moncton, New Brunswick
  • Biography
    Just a middle aged guy that likes to hobby a little here and there. Just moved to Moncton!

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  1. Decided to give Jessie a try after seeing her LL post and seeing good reviews. Getting set up was a breeze, only took a couple messages back and forth to get set up. She is set up at a decent central Moncton location, so no complaints there! Her pictures on the post are a bit vague, but she was exactly was I expected, which was a really good. She was easy to talk to, and my experience was wonderful! Thanks for a great time Jessie!
  2. I have to agree with the area "drying up" I was forturate to meet up with someone earlier this week, and appearently I was one of the very few client's of hers who actually did not cancel on her at the last minute. I have also been trying to get another enounter with anyone in the last couple of days since, and I know that only communcating via email does narrow down my options, but the choices are few and far between. :(
  3. Had the absolute pleasure this morning to have an encounter with Nikki! Now first things first, the fact the the only way I prefer to communicate is by email, so the fact she was willing to communicate with me via email was a wonderful first step! After a few back & forth emails where were got to know each other a bit better, including her being very willing to answer a few questions that I might have been a bit naive about, we got everything all set. Yesterday she was even flexible to change our meeting time per my request, so the booking experience was fastastic. When I arrived at the hotel this morning to meet her, I will happily report that she is exactly who is in the pictures seen online, and they do not do her all the justice she deserves. After a very big hug, and an interesting "survey" that she asked me to do, () we proceeded have a very pleasurable time. To keep it post friendly, she is beyond enthusiatic, funny, and very willing to please. Afterwards, we cuddled for a bit and chatted for a bit about a bunch of things, and I left a very happy man. Needless to say, if I can make it work next time she is in Moncton, I will 100% going to enjoy her companionship again. She was everything that I was hoping she would be, and then some!
  4. I reached out to her by email about an encounter for possibly next week.... She replied with her rates.... but when I replied I have not heard back from her since Tuesday... I'll keep ya posted...
  5. I know there is no shortage of ladies out there... It is their method of communication that my challenge... (email vs text/call)
  6. Hey all, I have been, without a lot of success, been looking for a SP. However, due to me trying to keep things as discreet as possible (I am married) I am only able to communicate via email. Most of the ads for the Moncton area are either call or text, and those who list emails never respond. Anyone have any suggestions/recommendations? (or if there are any providers here PM me please! Thanks! ~Dom
  7. I have to give Amie two thumbs up as well... Went to see her Friday afternoon, and like everyone else has stated, nice location, great atmosphere, she is very good looking, and the massage itself was bliss (I seriously could have fallen asleep it was so relaxing) She wasn't as talkative as others have stated, which is ok, and I was pleased with the extras she offered, even though I was not expecting of the sort. Only thing that would be a "minus" is that the session was kind of short (around 40 mins), but that could be just because it was a long time since I have "indulged" Pretty sure I am going to see her again.
  8. Gotta admit... I've been on self-isolation for 3 &1/2 weeks (2 weeks from being out of the country, then I started showing symptoms... got tested and fortunately tested negative... but my work will not allow me to go back to the office until I am 14 days SYMPTOM FREE) so needless to say that am bored out of my tree trunk! Mentally I have been hanging on, keeping up wife and I busy watching movies and Netflix. Hope everyone else is doing well!!! ~ Dom
  9. You mind PM'ing some details about Catherine... I have contacted her a couple times, but never pulled the trigger!
  10. As a cancer survivor myself (15 years clear) I can tell you that you will have ZERO issues. (and the cancers I had you could say might matter doing this!) I know the feeling zoneman!
  11. Well... I always tell people that I am pretty boring... I hardly drink, don't smoke or do any drugs... other than the fact I am married... I behave most of the time. 😛
  12. Well... I am originally from the States.... so I'll plead the 5th.. 🤐
  13. <ponder> ...somehow *I* passed these checks??? Amazing.... Miracles CAN happen! ~D
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