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About Furlong24

  • Rank
    General Member

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  • Profile Welcome Message
    I'm just getting back into hobbying after a 5 yr absence. Got married, have up Cerb, got divorced, now it's Lyla. Ladies if you see me on your profile, I'm not lurking, just interested in all the new ladies on the site, and for the established ladies, I can't wait to flirt and perhaps reconnect.
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  1. As a tip, I usually just buy them a gift. Most providers with a website have a gift list of their favourite items.
  2. I think the honking, by both sides, is a show of respect. They are driving by, can't stop and get out but they just send a message saying ' you're very pretty, love your hair, nice outfit etc'. Jessica, you are gorgeous no matter what time of day or what kind of clothes you're wearing.
  3. I saw her as well, she is a lot of fun!
  4. I use email a lot too, but I would never book a provider this way. If you do, you are taking your chances. I email or txt first, then I expect to call to confirm. This is my screening for the provider, just as it is hers for me! Safety and discretion are paramount.
  5. Throughout my years of hobbying I have experienced cancellations by my providers, and I have had to cancel as well, but I have always sent a cancellation fee, and have received deposits back. Life happens fast for both the ladies and the gents, especially for touring ladies with added expenses. So I always send a deposit, I insist that I do in some cases, and this way neither party can feel mad or mistreated or taken advantage of.
  6. Yes you do! One of the best ladies I have ever seen for oral/hand edging!
  7. Alex, I agree your rates were too low, and the increase, in my opinion, may still not be enough. I started hobbying 10yrs ago when I was living in the maritimes, and I was paying 250/hr back then! I hope to see you this summer...
  8. Thanks. I've been checking them here but it's good to know someone who has seen them. And yes Cristy looks amazing!
  9. I would be interested in this topic as well. Not that I've soured on full, I just want to start with massage and an oral ending. Who is the best for this (massage) in the Halifax/Truro area?
  10. Thanks for the info on this. I have been checking the listings in the maritimes as I will be doing business there. It is quite confusing with these fake ads, and I need the utmost discretion. And I'll check the warning section too, thx Katie.
  11. A short landing strip is ok, as long as it doesn't interfere with the view. I am well man icured as well, again, so as not to interfere with the view.
  12. I've only been on a couple of dates so far, but I've found my favourite is dfk. It's really arousing and sets the tone for the rest of the encounter.
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