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Everything posted by Jigglerz

  1. Considering most respected SPs have a higher than average awareness of their sexual health, I consider it less risky than someone you might meet drunk in a bar or on Tinder. I don't see the big deal anyway. Sure, there's a possibility of oral/throat cancer down the road, but hey, we're surrounded by carcinogens each and every day. When I said to the sex clinic doctor (I like to go in every six months or so for tests), "I'm guessing I've got HPV" he just laughed and replied, "Everybody's who's had sex has HPV". Be sure to take yo vitamins! Ha ha, reminds me, before the sex doc came in, a young intern asked me some preliminary questions, and one question was the number of sex partners in my lifetime. When I answered her question, her mouth went agape and there was an awkward silence for a few seconds (not awkward for me though...I just looked at her and smiled lol) as she regained her composure and went on to the next question.
  2. One thing I find interesting about the number of bodies which piled up in China, is that some people speculate the Chinese government is using the outbreak as cover for the elimination of domestic opposition. "Sir, Citizen #3,456,994 has been stirring shit up against the People's Party online." "You know what to do then" Agent points thermometer at Citizen#3,456,994's forehead, "Citizen #3,456,994 you have a fever. You are coming with us!" and into the black van he goes, his organs to be harvested and his corpse cremated. It's not so implausible. We're talking about a government which is rounding up Muslim Uighurs and sending them to "re-education/sterilization" camps. If you ask me, China is the Nazi Germany of the 21st century and eventually the world is going to have to deal with it. Ha ha, and poor Russia, they had the Nazis on their border during WW2 and history's going to repeat itself with the CCP. Anyway, so that's why I don't think anybody can trust the body count coming out of China. Geez, I started having coughing fits last night after going to Costco earlier in the day. Mega doses of ginger and VitC took care of it, but you never know. I never have coughing fits. Damn you, Costco, damn you!
  3. Yep, Anais has a flawless tiny body. Really nice person too. Full-on passionate GFE. I'd be a devout regular every week if she were local! Asteria (or Ria as she goes by now I think) is the tiniest I've seen, but you might want to contact somebody who's been with her for deets. Nothing bad, just not GFE. Good luck!
  4. Yep, and Gilead developed remdesivir for Ebola and it failed. Hmmm, I'll admit, things look scary in Iran, but on the other hand some 'believers' are performing public licking in order to prove that their faith in god will protect them, lol. Look at the twitter video at the bottom of this story: https://www.zerohedge.com/health/bbc-publishes-leaked-iran-footage-bagged-bodies-covid-19-victims-piling "The new coronavirus has a HIV-like mutation..." https://www.todayonline.com/world/covid-19-far-more-likely-sars-bond-human-cells-due-hiv-mutation-scientists-say https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/25/us-plans-trial-of-gilead-coronavirus-drug-remdesivir.html HIV, Ebola, and just what tha fuck else?!!? I'm not the crazy type of conspiracy theorist, but I do find them entertaining, and sometimes they seem to make fucking sense: 1. spend tons of money developing an ebola drug, 2. ebola drug fails, 3. design a virus which is easily treated with your former ebola drug, 4. release the virus into the public, 5. media creates a panic, 6.people beg to buy your treatment, 7.make oodles and oodles of money. Can't say it's the only theory I like, but it sure seems to fit. Hey, at one time MK Ultra was a conspiracy theory and look at all the sick and twisted shit our own governments did against the general public. Massive corporations are even more ruthless than the CIA. Or it may be a natural occurrence; I'm open to that too. Who knows, not you and not I, but it's fun to think about. Hey give me a break, my life's kinda boring, lol. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2001191 "Treatment with intravenous remdesivir (a novel nucleotide analogue prodrug in development10,11) was initiated on the evening of day 7, and no adverse events were observed in association with the infusion. On hospital day 8 (illness day 12), the patient’s clinical condition improved. Supplemental oxygen was discontinued, and his oxygen saturation values improved to 94 to 96% while he was breathing ambient air. The previous bilateral lower-lobe rales were no longer present. His appetite improved, and he was asymptomatic aside from intermittent dry cough and rhinorrhea. As of January 30, 2020, the patient remains hospitalized. He is afebrile, and all symptoms have resolved with the exception of his cough, which is decreasing in severity."
  5. Judging by the (relatively) huge Chinese community in HRM, I'd say it was here a month ago at least. So it's a "pandemic", whoop dee doo. All that means is that it's spread around the world quickly. You can't trust Chinese data, but I read that according to Korean stats it's not much more lethal than the average flu. I believe there was a recent study which indicates that there are HIV traits in it. If you ask me, I think Gilead put a whole shit fuck ton of money into an Ebola vaccine which proved useless, so they released a genetically engineered virus against which their failed Ebola vaccine would work. Hey, they have to recoup their development losses somehow. Follow the money.
  6. True. But I also think it's the inflation crisis we're going through. While certainly not as bad as Argentina or 90s Russia, we're somewhere between normal inflation and hyper-inflation. A fast rising cost of living means hobbyists have less money to spend, while providers need more money to maintain their standard of living. Canada seems to be breaking down. And furthermore, if Canada shuts down resource development because of the 'woke' global climate crisis shit, our governments are going to need to replace resource royalty revenues with, you got it, increased taxes! AS IF THEY CAN GO UP MUCH MORE!!??
  7. I've been told the same thing. I wonder if it's because of the latest pandemic panic, or people trying to pay off Christmas bills, or the crazy rising cost of living, or the beginning of a recession, or ??? I suppose it's all these and more. Personally, I think there's a nasty recession coming that will wipe out a lot of people who've been racking up their debt since the last one. Hopefully real estate values will fall back to earth.
  8. Oh. Maya. God. I was thinking about going to Mexico but Mexico came to me! Exceptional kisser. Exceptional. 10/10!
  9. I love how she places tea candles everywhere. At first I thought the were LED lights until I touched one lol. Very nice touch!
  10. If this happens to anybody else in the future simply say, "Sorry short on cash this week" and see how quickly the conversation ends lol. Business is business.
  11. You have to admit, Montreal is a hobbyist's paradise. I used to make the trip at least a few times a year until YFL came along. Sure there are some great local providers, but there simply aren't that many of them. The local LL can be pretty scary sometimes; it's like, "No thanks, please go back to your meth world."
  12. He does have a point. I'm sorry, but I'm not giving out my personal details every time I feel randy. However, I wouldn't be opposed to using one of those services where you give them your info and they certify your identity and then if a provider has a serious issue with you, they can retrieve your identifying info from that service in order to pursue legal action. Keep in mind that if any provider were to use your personal information against you, that is extortion and carries very hefty penalties.
  13. If you mean Sofia French from YFL, I don't know but I'll be finding out next week! Her duo partner Olivia will be in HRM at the same time. Both look very sexy. Damn I'll have to flip a coin! Can't go wrong with Your French Lady! Love 'em!
  14. He should have been six feet under after the first murder. There are lots of people who deserve to either die in jail or be executed, but this country is soft on crime and they don't get the punishment they deserve. We get the country we vote for.
  15. Yep, she's gorgeous! And if you like tatts she's got a back full of 'em! Totally agree on the GFE: amazing!
  16. You're not bothering anybody by asking their rates; fielding inquiries from potential clients is part of any business. Just be polite.
  17. I was very excited by her pics. I love sexy older ladies. I wish I could recommend.
  18. Can confirm, she's a doll! And despite being a bombshell, yep, she's very nice and easy to talk to, which made the encounter 110% in my books. I've been with a few women over the years who weren't half as attractive but were stuck-up as hell and acted as if they were doing me a favor; maybe they were doing me a favor, but please be nice about it and pretend you aren't, lol.
  19. Since my experience was a few years ago, I can't really recommend as things may have changed since then. All I'm saying is that her ad/pics are legit.
  20. Not to be confused with this Naughty Nikki who is legit and quite fun!
  21. Yep, this South American beauty's got a super bubbly personality and she's a great conversationalist. Like Pony said: top notch GFE! Definite repeat!
  22. I agree with Pokeman! Their roster keeps growing and their trips to the maritimes are becoming more frequent. And speaking of Pokeman, while it's hard on the bank account, gotta catch 'em all! Come to think of it, maybe it's not so hard on the bank account, since these ladies are saving us the time and expense of visiting Montreal.
  23. Ashley's fantastic, as are all the French Ladies. Let's keep 'em coming!
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