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Everything posted by Harvey_Specter

  1. Henry at langside. His massage and armpits are to die for.
  2. It was my first time to get a massage, after a rough day at my dental appointment. So i inquired and had booked an hour with Molly. She was most likely in her mid 30’s for sure. She was fit and had incredible Conversation skills. Larry on the otherhand wasn’t too friendly. He went to pick up Walter about 3 hours before my appointment and told my laundry owner to stop by, so that my nephew could pick up my radio box at my neighbours cousins place. Nevertheless, my dentist told me it wasn’t a good idea to get a massage after a good nights sleep at the Mere. However, Molly was great, she directed me to the washroom, and waited for me. I would definitely repeat again, but beware fellas of Larry...he isn’t really too serious about Albert and Edward’s auto repair shop lol...so disappointing.
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