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RobertDion last won the day on May 27 2024

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About RobertDion

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  1. I'll never comprehend this.... "pretty accurate" ?.... taking photos from other women online, take off their heads or cover their face and use the photos because their bodies are pretty close to their own..... Why can't just take new pics of themselves and post those? Same goes for those that hold up a sign that's over a year old, often several years old, or not holding a sign, but they've been using the same pics from many years ago, all of them take a hundred selfies per week, but they can't update their photos as SPs on Leolist or Lyla, or where ever they're posting? Makes zero sense to me.
  2. I think we need to take the hint and acknowledge this might be a dangerous situation for clients, lots of red flags.
  3. Number one tell - pictures are over a year old. She's not in Halifax.
  4. what bigbreastlover says is correct, none of that made sense, and is that a question or statement, if they have autodeposit enabled on their account, you don't have to put a password in, because it will just go through as soon as you send it. Password or not thee's no fear of any security breach here one way or the other, so no need to worry about that if that's the concern. Whether you are able to input a password or not it's for their account not yours, whether there's a password attached to your deposit or not, as soon as your money is sent, it's gone.
  5. I'd like to see the data on this "minorities are not being hired despite having all of the qualifications and experience" -- because quite the opposite seems to be true and it's why DEI has fallen out of favour after just a couple years of trending wildly in the hiring process. DEI is the process to NOT hiring based on qualifications, but to hire merely because there's boxes to be checked, to hire diversity for the sake of diversity. Why on earth would ANY business hire less qualified white people just because they're white? They hire certain people because they are qualified, because the more qualified they are the more efficient they are the more efficient and effective they are at their job, the more money they make, it's all about money, why would they hire people to purposefully lose money just because of the color of their skin? I think this is only you're opinion, if you were a business owner you'd know that they ONLY hire the most qualified people because that SAVES them money and that's literally the purpose of ANY business - to hire people JUST because they're white but are less qualified makes noooo sense. The whole reason why DEI is failing is because businesses are failing because they're NOT hiring based on qualifications and have been bullied or pressured to hire non-white, non-straight just to appear more diverse and pro-equality, but since that has ruined their profit margins, they're going back to hiring people based upon their qualifications, regardless of their sexual orientation or skin color.
  6. In just a few short years, LL has turned into a site went from rarely had Asian or Indo women, and scams or fake ads were maybe 1 in 10, to a site that is now 90-95% fake ads or ads just for their OF or just scams. It's sad.
  7. People don't seem to know how to do an image search to quickly and easily see if an ad is fake: Google Lens Google Lens will isolate parts of the image to highlight the main object Google Lens will generate results based on the identity of the object in the image Open the Google app Select the Google Lens icon Choose the image you want to search for Google app Open the Google app Select the camera icon Allow the app to access your camera and gallery Choose the image you want to search for The app will generate images similar to the one you searched
  8. Agreed, it was the #1 go-to for years, it's devolved into total crap now. 90% all fake ads.
  9. She's amazing. Smoking hot. Eager to please.
  10. I'm sure if you ask the provider where it is, she'll tell you -- simple directions, like, 'take hard right when you enter the front doors' is all you need to act natural and casual as you enter.
  11. Emily and Talia do not, in that sense, its a scenario where you lay there and they sort of dominate you. Because the only alternative is that you take the lead and one of them lays there watching while you do your thing with the other, defeating the point of a duo. Some YFL girls, yes do the duos thing, more interactive, more true GFE. If you're into laying there, being somewhat dominated, then the appeal is there, and pleasurable since you have two women on top of you taking advantage, in which case Ms Manda (and her partner) offers such things, makes it fun.
  12. Once you're there, and you already paid that 'base' amount, they guilt you into paying more, otherwise, you leave with absolutely nothing happening. And the 'extras' you're requesting aren't really extras, they're just standard for most people, but sometimes you get someone that is in the habit of asking the client about what they want, and what ever comes out of their mouth, they have a price tag for. It's as if to just show up was the base amount $3xx for the one hour, now that you're there, it's time to talk about the really cost.
  13. But all to often WE make the deposits and THEY are no-shows.
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