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Everything posted by Johnboy43

  1. My buddy went apparently real ..
  2. Never heard the song but might be better than the other Brandy lol
  3. Anyone see Suki..Clayton Park address..
  4. Hello Anyone see her Dartmouth location says pics are real white girl
  5. Hello Anyone see her Dartmouth location says pics are real white girl
  6. Hotel visits are one thing..house addresses are totally different 😉
  7. Hello Any of the Asian ads or mixed close or real lately
  8. Maeve has specials on the weekend she's a must see..
  9. Hello Anyone have her number? Dm me if so
  10. She is a nice fun girl..everyone has types so maybe your hers.. Enjoy
  11. Looks good seen reviews back in early 2000s any local recent comments
  12. Any recommendations out there..I met my share looking for Jades duo Heaven and others thin waste bubble butts..just an ass man lol
  13. Visiting today any info pics are nice answers texts
  14. Any info on this ad been up a while
  15. Hello Is it just me but the amount of Asian ads on leolist is bordering insane and now advertising more so than ever real photos.. has anyone come across any that are real? Any new girls offering real services and just wanting to do it part time would really be busy..I noticed one girl named Jazzy that I believe is new and very well reviewed hopefully more to come.. Pm with any information
  16. I think Anna number ends in 0886 is high end location and new might be real..maybe a return of vipotg if anyone goes report back with a reco
  17. Best ever was Addictive Barbie..aka Zora..wish she'd come back..
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