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Mickey D

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About Mickey D

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    General Member

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  1. Wondering where the best place to find someone in Toronto is? LL looks a little better than here but still a maze. Tryst? Any specific recommendations also welcome!
  2. Any recommendations on the safest/best choice for a massage w happy ending today?
  3. You've seen Ellie and Marina? Both as pictured?
  4. Has anyone gotten a Nuru massage from any of these Asian providers? Always been so curious about that service, but the ads always seem so sus
  5. Ya ass and tits are top tier, and she's just an absolute pleasure. Will make a point to see her every time she visits. Incredible body and service
  6. Forgot all about this - anyone have any experience?
  7. Zora and Miss Melody for sure!
  8. Anyone have any recent experience with any local/visiting providers who speak greek? Curious who is worth checking out!
  9. Anyone ever toftt here?? Been curious, seems real to me but the lack of posts is concerning
  10. Saw her today, new favourite experience in this hobby. If you can get a time do not hesitate, counting the days til she's back!
  11. Anyone seen her? Saw solo ads and now duo ads with Ellie, looks legit.
  12. Hahah appreciate the candid feedback fellas!
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