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Everything posted by stevenwilson

  1. I cant here coz it will be deleted by mods . But if anyone curios just DM. I would say its pretty close case to that girl named hurricane cori. Rest you can figure out yourself
  2. Well, i guess i had different experience, I would simply go for someone lese or wait for YFL.
  3. seems legit, But someone gotta TOFFT
  4. i dont think anyone will, coz of the rates. which are way too high for a city like halifax. And also lot of screening as well.
  5. I was gonna buy she's $400/hr. I think Imma wait for yfl or spend it on someone else
  6. apparently someone tried her but i am not able to find the thread again
  7. its fake. but try to add last 4 digits of phone number or link next time so other people know what are you talking about
  8. its typical ASIAN bait and switch
  9. saw a review couple of months ago. sounded like a phissing scam. Be aware thats all m gonna say
  10. best to avoid. Felt very transactional and she rushed me out 15 minutes ahead of ending time
  11. Yeah we totally believe a review from a new account with "0 reputation " LOL
  12. if she asks for any kind of deposit upfront, RUN!
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