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About Danewguy

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  1. Hi I have only tried Megan once, but I think she used to work at a clinic. If memory serves me right, my guess was she worked on balmoral. anyway, I think she used to offer extras, but certainly didn’t when I saw her. Now I see she doesn’t really advertise on kijiji anymore but on last minute massages. Is she no longer offering extras?
  2. What’s worse is the girls that pay to advertise on perb. Why pay to advertise then get accused of shilling. Truly hope that website dies.
  3. Big tits? Well speaking of the trio, I’ve seen Lacy a few times, not lately though, but she had/has very nice naturals that feel wonderful for a body slide. by the way, the other review board that accuses of shilling is very unfair to people. I’d say the mods are biased or probably pursuing relations with some girls and crushing girls as a favor.
  4. If it’s the same Brianne I saw about a year and a bit ago, it was my very first massage from a kijiji ad. I wasn’t expecting to be asked for a happy ending, I just wanted a one hour massage. When I declined, she lost interest and was checking her phone a lot, giving me a one hand massage with no pressure. She still asked for a tip.
  5. I think Megan was working from her own home. Haven’t seen her ad in kijiji for awhile, but she was the one who advertised as being close to downtown. Sorry, I deleted her contact info after I found a legitimate rmt. And if it’s the same Megan, I wasn’t offered any kind of extras.
  6. Save that money for the jets play off run! It lasts longer than 1 hour. 😂….and maybe just as enjoyable if we win.
  7. There’s another site for discussion? I agree, not a lot happening and I’m thinking of closing this account, but can’t find any info to delete account. As da new guy, sorry I didn’t even last a year and I’m bored. Thanks to various people for their input, through dm. although, I finally found a good massage provider who is legit, and is covered by insurance. And it didn’t involve kijiji. Kijiji ads seem to be stuck in a rut.
  8. Yes, I’ve seen the ad come and go. Never booked. Sounds expensive, but can’t remember if the rates are posted or not.
  9. Called yesterday and found out they moved somewhere on Sargent.
  10. I removed her from IG, due to all the non responses. Good luck on your quest. 😂
  11. I wasn’t a fan of briana. She kept checking her phone after 30 minutes. No interest when I refused hand job. Still asked for a tip..
  12. Wow, didn’t know this….petition to shut done sunhope years ago. Petition is closed but be careful? https://www.change.org/p/scott-gillingham-and-wpg-police-shut-down-illegal-rub-and-tug-sun-hope-wellness
  13. Is she still active? What’s the best way to contact her? Added to IG, but doesn’t respond.
  14. She offered me,HE, HE with touching through clothes, or HE topless. im still new, so don’t know what the standard options are. my first time at a Kijiji massage was at crystal massage and I was shocked at just the offer of HE. I didn’t know it was offered. Lol.
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