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About Timmy

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    Getting Older....and loving every minute of it.

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  1. ...shows her face so I'm always skeptical.....but doesn't read like a scammer.....anyone with any info? https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/nova-scotia/halifax_robie_street_incall_outcall_sweet_little_pie-9063678
  2. Yup that doesn't look promising
  3. https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/nova-scotia/halifax_new_in_town-9903017 Looks fairly new.......pictures don't come back as belonging to anyone else?.....anyone know anything about her?
  4. Was it a hotel?......because that's what she gave me as an address.
  5. https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/nova-scotia/halifax_-7252166 Anyone with any experience? The fact she's Indo is a red flag for me as I've never seen a legit Indo in LL /......but I did text and she doesn't appear to be unreal.....just quoted her price and location....if you feel better messaging feel free. Cheers
  6. You have no idea how often I've already googled lol......the one thing this hobby has proven to me is that I may be the most boring old white guy in the world :).....and I'm perfectly ok with that!!
  7. Glad you asked!! lol....now there's about 4 other things I'm waiting for other people to ask about.......one of the drawbacks of being born in the 60's 😞
  8. These are in no specific order and they are "real".....I'm saying nothing about whether I'd recommend them or not.....just that they are real. And with LL the way it is now, I agree that these types of posts are great......but different strokes for different folks so I don't like giving recos but if you want some info on any of them feel free to private message me..... I will say that: a) All are attractive b) All are using real pics. c) 1 or 2 might be slightly dishonest on their age 🙂 PS ( That shouldn't read as I didn't enjoy the company of all of them 🙂 ) https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/nova-scotia/halifax_halifax_now_mar7_bubbly_blonde_real_reputable-6001770 https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/nova-scotia/halifax_incall_outcall-8825995 https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/nova-scotia/halifax_petite_playmate_amarra_outcall-6987029 https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/nova-scotia/halifax_kylie_jane_hosting_thur_mar_6_25_9am_9pm-6916950 https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/nova-scotia/halifax_sweet_slim_petite_blonde_beauty-9160092
  9. Loren https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/nova-scotia/halifax_outcall-8825995 Amarra https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/nova-scotia/halifax_petite_playmate_amarra_outcall-6987029 Kylie https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/nova-scotia/halifax_kylie_jane_hosting_wed_jan_8_25_12pm_11pm-6916950
  10. What are these legit places you speak of? No sarcasm meant....I just no nothing other than LL
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