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TheQuietMonk last won the day on January 20

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21 Excellent

About TheQuietMonk

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  1. Google her. You'll find her website and it has a calender of her available booking days.
  2. She's amazing. I did a duo date with her and Ms. Manda and both are top class ladies. I highly recommend
  3. I'd be interested in any info via DM as well!
  4. Charlie is beautiful and sweet. You can't go wrong !
  5. Booked and saw them. Not a true Duo. Daty is extra but it won't actually be available. 1 does full service.... the other sits on her phone. I'd 100% recommend Alyssa.... but don't spring the extra for a duo.
  6. Charlie is both gorgeous, amazing and the sweetest heart. You can't go wrong with her.
  7. I saw her 3 times last time she was in town. She's a pure 10/10
  8. Looking for recommendations for an upcoming trip to Moncton? Any recos/links would be super appreciated!
  9. Just wondering if anyone has seen her yet! Any news or updates? Cheers!
  10. I'm a sucker for them too! I saw the ad, let us know if she's responsive!🙏
  11. Unfortunately she doesn't take new bookings past 5pm. Will make it hard for lots to see her. I've tried a few times with no luck
  12. Lindsay is absolutely gorgeous, however, comes with a certain element of drama. I can answer more in DM
  13. I've seen Nikki a few times in Halifax and she's always incredible!
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