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About NewGuy_411

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  1. I'm very interested in her as well. Please fell free to pm me with any info as well please.
  2. Cindy Condy is a real Asain. And we'll worth a visit.
  3. I have found the same with both Emma Barrows and Charolette Quinn. Emma was amazing. I dont know if she still works anymore at all ? Anyone know for sure ?
  4. I couldn't agree more. If Fantasyvibes had the criticail thinking skills and I.Q to be able to look at the current situation. They would have realized this is the current landscape of Dei. I agree dei should exist and EVERYONE no matter their skin color/ race or sex orientation should all be given fair chances. As long as they are QUALIFIED. If I take a flight to Toronto. I don't care about the race or sex of the pilot . I just want them to be able to be the best at there job and can land the plane. Explaining this to anyone on the far alt left is like pulling teeth with pliers. They are not smart enough to see past there beleives and can't see anything but there own twisted views. They are full of vitriol and delusion. I will also piont out that this thread has moved away from its original piont. I will include that if the U.S president dumb dumb buys tarriffs on our steel and Aluminum industry. We will feel a lot of pain in the entire economy. I hope he moves away from said tarrifs.
  5. Your opinion matters not to me. Your lack of critical thinking skills and inability to look at every angle of a situation is unsuprizing. it shows in everything you type. And I'm sure it shows in your daily life. I pitty anyone living with or around you. Good day !
  6. Interested as well ! I didn't find any stolen pics. At least none that i was able to find.
  7. I beleive anyone like yourself who believes Dei is the solution lost all intelligence LONG ago. Dei has done more harm then good. I beleive that it's core initiative is a good idea. How ever the single fat of the .after is that it goes too far in many cases and pushes the pendulum from one extreme to the next.. And that's on you if you can't understand or see that. That is YOUR lack of critical thinking and intelligence when you are blinded by a one sided agenda. I could personally care less about Trump or his cabinet as I am not an Americain. I beleive his first term shiwed the world he was not a good president as well as not fot for office But frankly , I know he has a female chief of staff, a minority for the Director of F.B.I . A female for the Secretary of the Tressuray as well as a female for the National Interchange. I do not beleive that ANY of us are i the least bit qualified to judge weather or not they are capable of doing those jobs. Especially at this piont until they have been in there in the positions for a while. i lost ALL faith is Dei's objectives when right here in N.S my best freinds wife was told at a large company that they woild not hire her because she was a white female and not a manority. Because theu only hire minoritys. Whichnis ilegal to discriminate against ANYONE. No matyer the race. That is what Dei was suppose to be for right. But like i daid. The pendulum was pished to from one extrem the other. I fully beleive EVERYONE should be given a fair chance. No matter of they are white, black, yellow or gree . Race should not and does not matter to me at all. There skill level and qualifications do in job positions. Your lack of understanding my meaning shows your lack of intelligence and your over arching aspirations in the hopes that the world will change from one extreme to the next. I fully support ANYONE , no matter there race or beleives. And if said individual is more qualified then someone else for a position. Than that individual based on there merits and qualifications should get the position. No matter of they are a minority or not. It's really that simple. But I don't expect pr beleive based on your ridiculous low I.q meassage that you have the cognitive abilities to understand anybody this. You are too stuck on your own narrow minded view. Good day. Hopefully someday you can open your eyes and learn to see all sides equally and then think for yourself instead following what you beleive to be the righteous path.
  8. I will deffinitly keep that in mind. As I wouod live to visit you again in the very near future. I will try to give 3 to 4 days notice as best I can this time instead of just 2 . Thank you for the update.
  9. I would LOVE to know if she is real or if she is like so many of the fakes. The car fun and deposit or prove of real address kind of spells disaster/fake to me. Or at the very least a nightmare waiting to happen.
  10. I have visited you 2 or 3 times in the past. I had an amazing time each visit. But I would have to agree with spfan Msmanda. I have emailed you on 2 different occasions several days in advanve.. With no reply at all. Not until after the date i was hoping for has past and then to get a sorry I missed ypur message reply. It is hard to catch you at times. But , perhaps that is due to your extreme popularity. No disrespect or shade. I'm just saying. Ot can be hard at times to reach you by email. That's all.
  11. Oh I agree. I don't like Trump at all. Not one bit. I think his Tarrifs are ridiculous and short sighted. As far as I'm concerned. Neither Trump nor Kamala or Biden should have been running and elected. Someone like Pete Budagage would have been great for the Democrats. And possibly a strong candidate for the Republicans would have been J.D Vance on his own.
  12. Spoken like a true far lefty ! Always there to insult and be-little and wish the worst of anyone who doesn't share there world view ! 👏
  13. I mean , he is deffinitly doing some bad things. But he is also doing some okay things. Controversial, but none the less things that should be done for sure. As a Canadian, if I was an American. I woudnt have voted for him. But I would deffinitly not voted for Kamala either. Dei practices need to be removed and wiped out. I beleive EVERYONE should be given a fair chance. This obviously includes minorities as well. Things should most deffinitly be judged on there merit. Such as job positions. Not just because someone is a minority. If the minority is more qualified for the position. Then they should get the position. NOT ONLY because they are a minority. I beleive Trump is trying to change that. For the better.
  14. Fake pics from an Of model. So off to a bad start.
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