Hello all in Lyla land
I have been an inconsistent yet avid hobbiest for years and have had the chance to meet some truly amazing people, I thank you all!!!
Recently I had a life changing event and it landed me in the hospital for 2 weeks and 2 major surgeries. This was to say the least life altering. I am now on the road to recovery yet still challenges are a plenty.
I had the notion and wanted to get the communities input especially from providers about there perspective on those with body changes that are not normal...
I had to have a stoma.... which means a bag attached to my hip....
I guess big point here is if I chose to get back and in game and inquiry about spending sometime with lovely lady is where should one bring this up?
I don't want to just have it sprung out of respect but do I lead off with something like this...
Not to mentions my scars lol....
Well I will put this out into the ether and see what comes of it....