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Canadian eh?

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There are many yuks about our way of life, our expressions, our habits. All laughs seem to come from our American neightbours. Can't blame 'em. We are a funny bunch, aren't we?


Had some very friendly experiences in the UK. They seem to like us for some reason.


What makes you Canadian?

Do you like being polite?

Do you say "sorry" every 2nd word?

Do you end every sentence with "eh"?

Can you hide being Canadian?

Can you disguise being Canadian by wearing sunglasses?


I can't hide it apparently.

People can see my Canadianess from outer space. Oh well eh.


Americans can't believe we don't lock our doors or have bars on our windows.

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What I've noticed especially about living in Ottawa as opposed to other cities ( lived in Toronto for a while) is that we are more considerate by holding the door when going in or out of a store or letting someone through in traffic.


In my past experiences, when Americans realized I lived in Canada, they either think you live in an igloo or are very friendly because they've spent time here and know how we are as a whole. I've heard from ladies who toured there that American men like when they come down to visit.


I remember watching a piece when I was going to school hosted by Rick Mercer ( This Hour Has 22 Minutes) "Talking to Americans". Apparently George W. Bush didn't know much about us either. lol. I'm not bashing Americans but just found it humorous. Prime Minister Tim Horton.. LMAO!





Going to France, they like Canadians there as well.


I've been to Germany and had a good experience there as well as a Canadian.


We're like another version of neutrality. We are like Switzerland!

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I laughed when I read this thread as just the other evening when I went to a movie someone had bumped into me and I said sorry, lol.

However, I have many American relatives and haven't really ever noticed a difference between our behaviors. I think people are people and in most cases reactive. If you're nice they'll be nice, be rude and that's likely what you'll receive back. I am happy to be Canadian though:)

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being American, I see a lot of similarities in Canadians to Americans.

Yes, I often get told that Americans are arrogant, and it's very true, of some.


Canadians are probably one of the most friendly people you will ever meet.

The education system here is completely different from ours, we don't get a lot of world history and it's a shame that we don't.


No matter where in the world I am, Canadians are very well accepted. Americans are not.

Wondering why that is?

All it takes is one arrogant son-of-a-b i t c h to think too highly of themselves and other citizens of the world put them in their place!


I don't like it when people say Americans are arrogant, as not all of us are, but Canadians are fantastic people in general.

Mannerisms are different, outlook on life is different, how they conduct themselves is very different, I like it :-)

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I have been spending lots of time in Aruba recently and I have been asked by employees in the service industry if I am Canadian because of being polite and holding the door for strangers making eye contact when walking past someone on the street.


This is stuff I do everyday so why change, if that makes me Canadian than I am 110%

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