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Sinn...slamming on CL. WTF?

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I was wondering if someone could add to the comment made by Sinn(the former SP from PK). She says that the fella who keeps slamming her on CL is, in fact, Jason from PK. Slamming people publically is not cool...unless they are, in fact, an unsafe person to be with. Anyways, I noticed that the person slamming Sinn is only doing so on CL so I'd like to invite that person here, on CERB, to make a comment, if they have one to make. Also...if Jason from PK is the one slamming her....or not, then I invite him to comment here. This review board and it's community is all about truth and rooting out lies. Please...Sinn....Jason...let's have a talk and get all this bull*#!t cleared up.


Also...I apologize to bothe Sinn and Jason if I have offended either one of you with this post...but the air should be cleared so both of you can get on with your lives and stop wasting each other's time.8-)

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I seem to be doing this a lot lately (guess great minds think alike LOL) but I agree with Megan. As this is a land of positive energy, let the slamming stay where it belongs; The Evil Site!

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antlerman sits in Lotus position.......humming a mantra......all relaxed.....no worries.....


Best keep all of CERB that way....hummmmmmm



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I just made a post on Cl and sort of explained things, however I did post a day ago saying something similar.


As well I spoke to Karine (sinn).


We have had alot of ppl come and go, some that have been with us a very long time, Yasmine, Vayda.. ect.. and we have never had anything to say bad about them either.


Here's the thing, from Day one there has been alot of talk on CL about Sinn, and truth be told she has ruffled some feathers of a few clients, but mainly competitors.


We spent alot of time flagging negative posts and having to re-post for her constantly. Now that she is on her own, I think she is feeling the heat as far as what we had to go through.


You live and learn in this business, and I think things are turning around with the way she does business and in time this stuff will just die down.


If anything, even bad press is good press and probably will end up helping her more than hurting her.


This is all I really have to say in the matter, I wish her well and I am confident she will move ahead from all of this.

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What drama happens on CL is best left on CL. Not to sound uncaring, but other people's dramas and tirubulations are none of our concern.

Posted via Mobile Device

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Guest S***dst***

Slander, harrassment etc is actually prohibited under the (bannable?) rules. Negative comments are usually deleted aswell; baring warnings about dangeours situations.


This is why CERB is a better place to be, simply put, it's a positive board.


We all know this industry takes it's toll on the escorts in some way. Those who dont learn to cope/deal with that end up on the wrong end of things; or simply quit/retire.


I choose to make no comment on my experience.

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I saw Sinn quite some time ago. No complaints ...-just not my `cup of tea`


That being said--she deserves respect and this stuff on CL is bordering on slander.


Nice we don`t do that here.


Enough is enough...move on.

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People - remember, we went through something similar a few months back regarding another girl making accusations against PK, which ended up with the thread being deleted and a member being supsended.


Let's learn from past mistakes and leave this where it belongs - on CL, NOT CERB.

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This review board and it's community is all about truth and rooting out lies.


Just to clarify, that here at CERB it is a "Recommendation" not a review Board. I understand what you are saying, but in the same breath the drama issues are best left where it started.


If you really want to see/read slanderous garbage just look at the other board that starts with a T and ends with "erb"

Some of the crap that is stated there is unbelievable, I feel for the ladies that have to read that B.S.

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Just to clarify, that here at CERB it is a "Recommendation" not a review Board. I understand what you are saying, but in the same breath the drama issues are best left where it started.


If you really want to see/read slanderous garbage just look at the other board that starts with a T and ends with "erb"

Some of the crap that is stated there is unbelievable, I feel for the ladies that have to read that B.S.


Exactly....if you have nothing positive to say, then please, SAY NOTHING AT ALL. There is enough negativity and hate out there and finally we have a place to leave all of that behind! If you don't like the rules and restrictions that exist here then, by all means, leave and go somewhere that your rhetoric and obvious personal shortcomings may be appreciated! Negativity begets negative results!

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Exactly....if you have nothing positive to say, then please, SAY NOTHING AT ALL. There is enough negativity and hate out there and finally we have a place to leave all of that behind! If you don't like the rules and restrictions that exist here then, by all means, leave and go somewhere that your rhetoric and obvious personal shortcomings may be appreciated! Negativity begets negative results!


I would have to agree.

Cerb is a different type of board, privately run and moderated.. It's not a "public forum", where any discussion is welcome.. (Not that I have a problem with that at all, Cerb can run itself how it likes).


I get overly annoyed though when Cerb is used as a safe haven..

eg., people will send you nasty messages on other boards and e-mails and then run back to cerb and try to start a conversation with you knowing all well that they already got your emotions flaring and now you can say nothing, because it's Cerb and you want to follow the rules.


It's also very hard to determine sometimes what is to be kept separate from Cerb.. A bunch of the girls from here do advertise, complain and such about CL, and a bunch of guys like to use CL, advocate for it and review ladies that are on it.. I mean, you would have to figure with the amount of people using it, some discussion would pop up about the poor ways other people choose to use it.


No negativity here is great, but I honestly think it has it's downfalls..

I mean someone can flat out lie, partake in illegal activities and you can't really say anything for fear that you're going to get suspended or banned..


I've never minded watching what I say on Cerb, but it's can be overly hard, we're all human.. we seek the truth and it's not always positive.


Additional Comments:

Slander, harrassment etc is actually prohibited under the (bannable?) rules.



Slander and harassment are illegal.. not just unwanted.


You can get yourself into some serious legal trouble.

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Yeah, there's a CL bitchfest going on in the Halifax area. I agree that we should try and keep that stuff out of here. It's just so dumb and unprofessional.

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I really don't think it's too much to ask for atleast one "safe haven". The world is full of crap and I am not naive to that fact; I am simply just thankful to have a positive environment, which in turn helps me keep a positive attitude!

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Guest W***ledi*Time

... starting a public thread specifically to "call out" another member (or members) by name is not cool. Good intentions or no.


my 2 cents on Cerb etiquette.

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Now they are slamming us with BS and talking about a situation where one of the SP's that worked with us got attacked.


Now she will see that kind of stuff and have to think about it too. Totally stupid, hurtful and wrong. Its almost word for word what the individual on the other board was saying, at least they had the good sense to ban them.


We are used to that kind of stuff, we have thick skin and it doesnt get to us.


Honestly guys, if you are concerned about something that is being said on CL, just flag the ad.. Stuff like this doesn;t belong up on there anyways.


I agree it is slander.

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Now they are slamming us with BS and talking about a situation where one of the SP's that worked with us got attacked.


Now she will see that kind of stuff and have to think about it too. Totally stupid, hurtful and wrong. Its almost word for word what the individual on the other board was saying, at least they had the good sense to ban them.


We are used to that kind of stuff, we have thick skin and it doesnt get to us.


Honestly guys, if you are concerned about something that is being said on CL, just flag the ad.. Stuff like this doesn;t belong up on there anyways.


I agree it is slander.


And this is why IT DOES NOT BELONG ON CERB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No exceptions, no excuses PERIOD

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Its almost word for word what the individual on the other board was saying, at least they had the good sense to ban them.


Wow.. see this is kind of what I'm talking about.


People talk shit and then hide behind the fact that nothing negative can go on on Cerb.


If I'm going to be talked about, obviously as a normal human being, I'm going to get upset when I can't correct anything... due to a willingness to follow the cerb rules.


.. I love when people shove me between a rock and hard place.. pfft...

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I would guess that this thread gets closed within...ahhhh maybe a couple more posts, then again "cooler heads MAY prevail " really surprise me folks! I dare ya!:rolleyes:

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