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Recently I have changed my profile setting to friends only.

I have chosen this to have more privacy and peaceful mindset of some who want to track every movement and development of my business.

I feel unless you are a friend, one that I have spent time with and communicate with there is no reason to have everything visible.


I will advertise as usual, contact has not changed and if you have not yet met me, well my web site has all the pics, video's and info you need to make your decision to meet or not.

Hope this does not make those who I have yet to meet concerned, as everything I do in my business if for both of our benefit. To keep the upmost discretion, safety and to provide a truly elite experience.


If we have met, and I have accidently deleted your friendship, then PM me.


For those who have not visited my site yet, here is a link. It will appear on every ad. Once we have met, and you wish to have access to my guest book, albums and friend list, then you are welcome:)

My guest book will have messages of any updates and locations. This will be easier for you to know where and when I am available.


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