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Phone Number: Bait and Switch?

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I'm not sure if any other ladies have this experience before. I had a brief meeting with a gentleman, I physically met the person. I recieve this text asking me a question related to our meeting conversation so I responded. Later, I asked who the person was. It was confirmed. I then requested the number he had used before when he contacted me.


There's an app out there that gives you a number for a certain amount of time then expires. So this person contacted me on two different numbers within 24/hrs, despite meeting him.


I wanted to let everyone know of this potentially bait and switch with phone numbers (if that is what you call it in reverse to female bait and switch). I find this to be risky for someone to change there number after talking to them. How would you know even if you met them? How are you suppose to be sure? I'm not taking those risks.


Has anyone experienced this before? And on the male side of view this what do you think about changing numbers after talking to a MA or SP?

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I have been having this issue a lot, and is very disturbing to me. I do a " call you back " method now for location or details. Seems to have weeded out some of the "spies". No longer is considered safe to have them VOICE call you, but now YOU have to voice call back too.

But everyday is a new app, it is becoming very difficult:(

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I've never been so demanding before for a potential client to prove to me that was the same person I was texting, despite meeting him in person. I'm always honest and open with new clients, Would have been a lot different if he explained to me about the number app.


It bothered me to no end and nearly called him out on it after explaining the risk of changing numbers and how those numbers expire. I only use one phone number for this line of work and I'm not interested to change it. I keep my personal life out of the work I do, I completely separate the two. (personal and business)


I also get the odd message of, "why aren't you responding. Guess your not interested." 1) I don't need to respond right away 2) We all have our own lives and I don't always carry my business phone around with me because A) I keep my business private from others B) I don't want friends to ask me why I have two different phones with me and C) I don't work 24/hrs and I don't think anyone works 24/hrs and are glued to their phones.


I am not sure how to really weed them out. Lady Sophia I think it's a great idea to do the phone calling but some of them are discreet and don't want a MA or SP texting risking someone else seeing that text before them (had a few made that clear) which the discretion is slightly compromised in that sense for those.

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I am not sure how to really weed them out. Lady Sophia I think it's a great idea to do the phone calling but some of them are discreet and don't want a MA or SP texting risking someone else seeing that text before them (had a few made that clear) which the discretion is slightly compromised in that sense for those.


Well for discretion for client I do understand that, however...the client is asking to visit me in my home/hotel, putting myself in a very venerable position, so IF anything should happen such as robbed, assaulted then I have a real phone number to contact police with. Not much of a case if you have no proof the person was there is it? So basically, you want to visit me alone, well I want your number for prove you have been here at that time stamp. Trust has to be both ways in this case. I would also never give my location on a txt, the wrong eyes could see it but also you don't know who is using that phone ie: apps

I only do this for first time clients, my regulars I have established trust with.

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There have been earlier threads where clients discussed apps that generated numbers. The general idea being it protects the client's privacy and he doesn't have to reveal his "real" number.


As I've read those threads I wondered how long it would take for this issue, multiple client numbers, to come up.


Because the lady needs a real number for her security I'm not a fan of these apps.


My personal opinion is this. If you, the client, are dealing with an established professional person, you have no reason to be trying to circumvent her security procedures. Give her your number. You know you're not a threat. She doesn't. Playing games like this is not the best way to demonstrate trustworthiness.


If you think you need to point out the obvious, explicitly tell her not to randomly call or text on this number.


If you, the client, are trying to hook up with someone where you think there are trust issues, you might want to reconsider that.


But that's just my take on it. YMMV

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I had the same thing happen to me..I refused to see a guy so he started texting me from another number using a different name but asked for the same things..lol duh...all this within a few mins..i blocked both numbers

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If you remove your number publicly and require email as an initial mode of contact, you can weed out some of these problems. They have to tell you their number before you give out your number. It has helped me.

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I also get the odd message of, "why aren't you responding. Guess your not interested." 1) I don't need to respond right away 2) We all have our own lives and I don't always carry my business phone around with me because A) I keep my business private from others B) I don't want friends to ask me why I have two different phones with me and C) I don't work 24/hrs and I don't think anyone works 24/hrs and are glued to their phones.




i think with your ads, you put in your hours/schedule, it helps a lot. you are not 24/7, so in all ads, put in what your min/max times are, and the days of the week. if you are flexible, then you are probably setting up ads for the days you are available.


have voice mail with a message that you change frequently, encourage them to phone not text even. sorry re; the texts, but the real downside with texts is that it comes in and if you aren't answering right away, they have no idea what is going on. so unless text apps come up with an auto responder feature, one that goes out on first contact by someone texting that says 'sorry, i am not available right at the moment to reply, but i will as soon as possible. today i am available until 9pm, tomorrow the 17th from 8am to 5pm only. i do not reply to text messages or phone calls outside of these times.. please call back after 4pm today, or leave a message and i will return your call after 4pm."


you would change the message every time you get a new appt, with your newest eta lol. i don't i just have voice message that says leave a message or call back every 15 until you reach me, and that i am available today or 'in'. it gives them that info they need. also, it puts the onus on them, they leave a message or they will call back, and if they do neither they will not reach me. this is how you avoid the common complaint of you 'never' being around or not interested, etc. if they do send a text tho, reply within an hour, if more than an hour, don't. that is another way to avoid the 'not interested' tone. and no, if someone leaves that as a message, you are NOT interested in seeing anyone so petty or petulant. it is supposed to be fun, they are not entitled to your time, and that bad attitude is annoying.


that is something that you could put in a voicemail, so forcing people to phone not text gets them to your message.

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