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I know I shouldnt, but...

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As many of you will know by now, I'm on a fairly limited income (after bills I clear about $150). Every month I try to put $50 aside for "hobbying" expenses. Unfortunately, as is typical something always comes up. Things like unexpected dog training bills, extra groceries that weren't in the budget, etc. etc. etc. when I was in the hospital 18 months ago, I promised myself that the first thing that I would do when I was well is book a session. Needless to say, it hasn't happened yet. No matter what I do I can't seem to maintain the money necessary. At this point I'm so frustrated, I'm actually considering using the last of my credit card limit (taking a cash advance) to get it done. I know I shouldn't but I'm running out of ideas. Anyone out there got a better idea?

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I know it sucks, but sometimes you have to put off the luxuries in lieu of taking care of necessities.


Think of it this way, when you do finally get the funds for a session, it will be that much sweeter. Especially since you didn't have to take out a cash advance on your credit card :)

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I very much agree with Erin, I know it's tough, but would need to avoid using your credit card for a cash advance. If you get in to a situation where you need it in an emergency and you've used up all your credit at that point, it wouldn't be a very good situation. I say, stick to your plan of putting a bit of money aside every month, some months will be better than others and the satisfaction and enjoyment of that appointment will be very much worth it!

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As much as you would love a session, as Erin indicated, it is a luxury, not a necessity. My opinion is, using the balance of your available credit is akin to reckless behaviour, which I'm sure any reputable SP would not want to see you doing just so you can see her.

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