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Yahooo! Time has come for my yearly

vacay for 10 days!

10 glorious days on my beloved island of PEI.

10 days with no phone, little internet connection and 10 days of regaining my energy so that I can come back fresh and charged!

Exploding with excitement upon my return, you may require an umbrella! lol


But also upon my return will be some

HOT & DIRTY pics!

( no...that kind of dirty...I mean beach sand will get everywhere! thehehe )


Psssst...remember only my "friends" can see my profile and albums, so unless we have met and communicate often you will only be able to see my pictures on ads;)

Returning to work on July 09 Saint John

and will be in Fredericton July 15 ( may change )

506 261 7313

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