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A Rant - Don't Worry, Not Work Related!

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So I'm going to school soon. For healthcare. Guess how many needles I have to get? FOUR!! I HATE needles!!! Immunizations, tetanus, bloodwork. Icky! So not a happy camper right now *pout*

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I feel your pain, every 3 months since 1980 I've had/have to regularly get bloodwork done...human pincushion, surprised I have no track marks LOL...this is over and above bloodwork done when I have my annual physical


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Lindsay, I would have thought that being in this line of work you'd be comfortable with a little prick every now and then :)

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Truly "icky" Lindsay. Try and get em all done in one day so that you don't have to psyche yourself up over and over again....

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Say it ain't so !


You poor baby......


Listen, when you are ready to go, I will go with you and hold your hand....on the condition they don't accidentally poke me !!.......


No worries, it's just a 'little prick' ............ ;-)

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A few years back, I joined my ship prior to a deployment after working a job ashore for a couple of years. The medic called me in to update my immunizations. He said, "I can only put two shots in each limb, so take off your shirt and your pants. Oh, and you will need you to come back tomorrow."


Needles themselves don't bother me, but some of the shots take a few days to get over, yellow fever and denge fever being the worst. Malaria is no treat either as it usally comes with a gamma globulin shot. This stuff is like a thick gel which comes straight out of the fridge into your ass. I am so glad I no longer have to go through that stuff anymore.

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Needles themselves don't bother me, but some of the shots take a few days to get over, yellow fever and denge fever being the worst.


errr......there is no immunization shots for dengue fever. There are some experimental shots in development, afaik trial only started recently. There is actually no known medication for dengue fever, treatment is supportive i.e. they hope you don't die before your body can shake it off by itself.


Why bring up this nasty illness ? Florida. Florida started having confirmed cases of dengue fever after many years of no incidents.

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I don't mind needles, I never cried as a child when I had to get one which I am pretty sure my Pediatrician greatly appreciated! However my sympathies are with you Lindsay, as a soldier for 14 years I've seen my fair share of needles and after a while they would get a slight bit annoying! After 11 tours of duty in various countries, god only knows what the British government was sticking in my arms at times. My favorite was the fact they would be very vague about what the needle was for, "don't worry mate, it's for your own good!". I think it was some freak experiment they were doing on us or something! LOL

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Bloodwork is the worst for me as my veins don't like to come out for the nurse, so more often than not they literally have to take a few stabs at it >_<


Oh well, usually I get a full panel done every four months, which is normally 3 vials. At least this one was only one vial. And no fasting!


But I'm still whiny about needles. I'm borderline phobic. Haven't passed out yet, but I have had to be held down many times.

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I don't envy you. I guess it's mandatory for certain occupations, so you have no choice. I say, down a few shots before you go in to relax yourself.


(Image of old western where guy downs whiskey before having his would cauterized by a branding torch that has just come out of the fire).

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