oldblueeyez 15475 Report post Posted July 22, 2015 We must stop indoctrinating boys in feminist ideology Feminist organisations, backed by government policy, are teaching young boys at school to feel guilty and ashamed of their gender, writes Dan Bell Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChloeSummers 8409 Report post Posted July 22, 2015 Was it really necessary to post this here? I'm really disappointed you even support this article. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChloeSummers 8409 Report post Posted July 22, 2015 Boys aren't being taught to be ashamed of their gender. That is nothing but the authors opinion of these 'traumatized boys'. No interviews with children, with teachers, with program co-ordinators. Nothing. True feminist ideology actually aids and supports men, which is illustrated a good portion of the comments below, written by men. Seems like an automatically very biased new source, judging by the extremely biased title. Seems like a very poor news source to me. They are not reporting what is going on, they are having someone removed from the situation spouting off their opinion on the situation. They have all these convenient quotes with no links to the original articles for these scarred children. Furthermore, did you actually read why they are doing this? Here is the only article sourced in your article about the event. This is real journalism, it explained the point, who was involved, how it was implemented. It's reporting, and it reported the effects of the program:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-3161856/Male-rugby-players-tackle-sexism-UK-schools-sports-clubs.html#ixzz3fwr9Y7Wb You do realize the anti-sexting photos and sharing/posting them part of the workshops really protect young boys too, right? Considering they might be too nieve to realize the problems that can come of that? Not only psychological damage to the girl, but also criminal charges to the boy. Why is it so damaging and 'scarring' that boys should be taught to respect women, and uphold women's rights? Women are more vulnerable, on average. Substantially more are date raped, and have their nude photos blasted all over the internet by angry male partners. Yes, these issues should be addressed within the school systems. If it turns out men are the targets of a lot of that behaviour too, then of course the workshops should be co-educational. It's not to shame men, it's to mitigate behaviour done by the usual perpetrators- men. Some of the stats in here are just crap, and someone who has studied forensic psychology I will agree that yes, domestic abuse happens just as often to men as women. However, the abuse is different, and less life threatening for men. They are not 'comparable forms of violence". When women are physically abused in a relationship is often results in much more damage. I'm not saying abuse to men is appropriate, and I am very happy the anti-men abuse campaign with Disney princes were out. " The charity also found boys were more likely to say they had been sexually abused by a woman (1,722 cases) than by a man (1,651)." Yes, more likely to SAY. Maybe because they don't want to admit they were molested by a man. More likely to say does not mean they were molested by women more. I can go on and on. Honestly. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/thinking-man/11048972/Can-a-man-ever-truly-call-himself-a-feminist.html " I believe in not defining someone by their gender, but as an individual. But I am also a man, with a man's brain, and for whom women are a source of powerful attraction." Uh... isn't that defining himself and his cognitive function by his gender? There is a difference between gossiping about the opposite sex, and attraction, than objectification. Gushing and gossiping and lusting= good, so long as it is consensual. Objectifying= bad. Objectifying is seeing a person as an object to be used for a sole purpose, namely sex. Women, like men who have a good head on their shoulders, understand they can have fancies, crushes, and lust for a person, and see them more than just their sexual side and capabilities. They see the man or woman as a hot babe who they want to shag, and as a person who has other uses, capabilities and skills. The author of the last article doesn't seem to know the difference, and uses that as an excuse for why men cannot truly be feminists. He just doesn't get it, apparently. At least he ' knows the difference between fancying someone and sexual harassment" Well, for his "male sense and over riding male brain", I've just got to give him a whole load of credit for that, apparently. He's a hypocrite who has a hard time understanding basic concepts. While the two articles do not have the same author, it is clear they are in the same silly boat, and that this site is a really poor source of news for anything. So yes, I am disappointed. Meh! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kathryn Bardot 99339 Report post Posted July 22, 2015 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nntsci 11076 Report post Posted July 23, 2015 well put Chloe. FYI... I was taught by my father to respect women and never hit a woman... and I didn't come out of it traumatized. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChloeSummers 8409 Report post Posted July 23, 2015 Excellent :) Something I would like to see are women being taught to not hit men,unless it's self defence. Just because, on average, it is not as damaging, doesn't make it right. We really need workshops for youth (both genders) on proper conflict resolution skills. Poor conflict resolution often ends in violence towards spouses and children. It's just not right. It's not 'being manly', or 'being a man'. It's not being a 'justified woman' either. Violence for anyone should be a last ditch to escape violent scenarios, not to punish, demean, or get a point across. Both of these are heart breaking, and I empathize with both sides greatly. :http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/09/disney-princess-domestic-abuse-saint-hoax_n_5567711.html :http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/11/disney-prince-domestic-violence_n_5662026.html Just remember that while violence happens on both sides roughly as often, there is more physical damage done to women, that's the difference, and why feminism is focusing on our plight first- we are more damaged from it, and have suffered severely throughout history as oppressed members. It's not that feminists don't care about men. well put Chloe. FYI... I was taught by my father to respect women and never hit a woman... and I didn't come out of it traumatized. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted July 23, 2015 Teaching kids about consent and related issues is an excellent thing for schools to be doing. I don't think anyone would dispute that. The problem is that there's no idea that's so good that it can't be turned into something horrible by zealots, and it sounds like a small minority from the "all men are rapists" school of feminism are making a good attempt at fucking up this one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Genevieve Marceau 68000 Report post Posted July 24, 2015 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
datyaddict 2174 Report post Posted July 24, 2015 http://geekfeminism.wikia.com/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger's_Rapist Just going to leave this here for folks who need to understand what 'all men are rapists' actually means. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotchJohnson 214275 Report post Posted July 24, 2015 Should it be left to school to teach our kids on how to treat or think about women? Schools are meant to teach our young children about history, geography language(be English, French, German, Spanish....), math, science...etc. Who thought us men and women of Lyla how to treat the opposite sex? In my case it was my parents, I was told by my dad at a young age that women are needed in the world, that they are the one who more then likely will take care of the young infant at home, always treat a woman like a princess/queen. I was also thought that the man is the primary person in a household to bring home the money. Nowadays it is tough to be the sole money maker in a household and I can live with that if a spouse can work and bring home money even if she makes more then her husband. So why are schools teaching young boys differently, do they want to make boys weak? I'm being vague on what I'm writing here not to offend anyone because this is an elaborate subject. So to end my opinion I believe it should be up to parents to teach their kids that perspective of life, not teachers. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest s******ecan**** Report post Posted July 24, 2015 First off its the UK so its hardly something to go all chicken little about here. Secondly schools unfortunately have to provide a lot of guidance on social issues because parents are failing to. Programs and ideas like this are inevitably a reaction to societal issues not an attempt to replace good parenting. Thirdly I think its a good thing but obviously needs to be handled with care. As a long time guy (my whole life in fact) I can attest that the whole locker room culture is real and that young men need a lot of support and guidance to learn to respect women. Lastly the progress in our society in regards to women's issues didn't come about because of "good family values". Our progress is directly attributable to the feminist movement which like all human endeavors is not perfect. If it wasn't for Suffragette's and Feminists women would still be chattel in this country. Further when you have progress in women's rights (especially voting and birth control) you get a more peaceful, productive, stable, and prosperous society..some of you may not like this but it is a fact. Look to the most violent intolerant societies in this world and what do you find? A culture, and system based on the oppression of women often justified by an equally misogynistic interpretation of religion. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChloeSummers 8409 Report post Posted July 24, 2015 I'm very glad to hear it, and am glad you do not participate in those behaviours. It seems, at your core, that you are a good man. The issue is that behaviour is not the norm for your gender( such as relational aggression is the norm for the female gender, which workshops should be implemented for). Myself, many of my family members, friends, amd even enemies have either been raped, beaten, or controlled by a man. As a child or an adult. We all come from different SES backgrounds. I know one man who was molested by a woman as a child, and one man beaten by a girlfriend. I know 15 other people close to me, including myself who have been subjected to violent men, or men who felt they were entitled to our bodies. It doesn't mean the males suffereing did not matter- it does. It's just vastly less common. Date rape can be a very grey area, not all rape is violent. A lot of the time it's the men that didn't underatsnd it was wrong, or how coercive and guilt tripping they were. Or they didm't read the girls body language right and she was submissive and unassertive and scared. They weren't slimy cartoon villians, but unfortunately they did somwthing wrong and harmful. This should be taught in schools. It should be taught to the main perpetrator.It protects both parties. The effects on the girl are obvious, but could you imagine a poor boy of 15 ( who by biology) didn't really understand his actions, inadverdantly coerced a girl ( but not fully understanding the problem) , and realized he did it later after his brain developed more? It seems foolish to us, but at that egocentric , impervious to vulnerability age it makes sense, especially if it's not violent. That poor guy would be distraught, if he is a good person. Please don't make it personal, I can understand how you feel it is personal. I agree, not every man is bad, or a rapist, or violent. However, they all have the potential to be- media and social influence does not help matter. Especially with today's poor parenting and social 'gods' like Chris Brown. Just like all women have the potential to engage in relational aggression and push a person ( predominantly other girls) to suicide. That's why it's best to encourage pro-social behaviours at a stage where social learning and adaptation is most influencial. Just as women should be taught workshops on relational aggression- since I leads to suicide and bullying. I'm very happy you don't act in those behaviours, and hope you continue to be an example to fellow men in that regard. Whether you'd like to admit to it or not, you're a feminist in a lot of was. It shouldn't have to be a bad thing. Like any ideologY, there are extremists for both sides. Please note many of us love men, and people in general. We aren't trying to target a gender, just a behaviour. Again, we have workshops needed for women too, and I hope they are implemented soon so the world can be a better place. We all deserve it. Best, -Chloe. Additional Comments: Johnson, did your father teach you to be weak? If not, how is it teaching others to be weak? Not everyone has good parents, if the world had parents like yours there wouldn't be abuse I disagree, especially from a psychology standpojnt: school teaches pro-social behaviours, just a such as academics. School is highly influential in one's cognitive development, personality development, and social development. Should it be left to school to teach our kids on how to treat or think about women? Schools are meant to teach our young children about history, geography language(be English, French, German, Spanish....), math, science...etc.Who thought us men and women of Lyla how to treat the opposite sex? In my case it was my parents, I was told by my dad at a young age that women are needed in the world, that they are the one who more then likely will take care of the young infant at home, always treat a woman like a princess/queen. I was also thought that the man is the primary person in a household to bring home the money. Nowadays it is tough to be the sole money maker in a household and I can live with that if a spouse can work and bring home money even if she makes more then her husband. So why are schools teaching young boys differently, do they want to make boys weak? I'm being vague on what I'm writing here not to offend anyone because this is an elaborate subject. So to end my opinion I believe it should be up to parents to teach their kids that perspective of life, not teachers. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest s******ecan**** Report post Posted July 24, 2015 But I'm starting to feel like shit being a man: if I spread my legs on the bus I risk my pic being taken and shamed on the net for manspreading; if I gaze too long at a hot woman who's dressed-to-reveal, I risk being accused of eye rape; if I strike up a conversation with a woman and I don't look like Channing Tatum, I risk being accused of sexual harassment; etc.; etc. Well we all have different experiences I guess, but I don't share any of those feelings or fears. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChloeSummers 8409 Report post Posted July 24, 2015 I empathize with you because I know a lot of good men, who do not hurt women and want our rights to go forwards feel the same way. It sucks. There is good feminism, and bad feminism, like everything else. The wrong way to go about it thought is to go on sites like the one you were on, it doesn't solve the problem, misses a lot of points, and encourages war between the sexes. Keep being pro-social in your actions and know that others are with you, and not all women hate men or want to penalize you for everything you do. Just make sure your approaches are correct, your gaze isn't too long, wheb a woman isn't intereated you leave her be after and don't treat her poorly, and whenen you spread your legs a bit too much, make a joke, apologize, or just close them a little more that way no one is offended. It's just curtesy. It shouldn't be about villain zing or harassment ( the leg spreading thing), it should be about mindfulness of space. Unfortunately a lot of men aren't as mindful and it's frustrating. I don't dislike you. I'm just disappointed because the sources you've been on, while validating you, invalidaate the other side ( socially and emotiobally, not logically) and can be harmful. Maybe find material that is more balanced for both gender. More importantly, don't let bigots change your good actions, and turn you into a biggot yourself. ( not saying you are now- I mean in the future. I'm trying to not let the really hateful, mysogonstic posts on certain websites bring me down as well. ) Thanks for explaining yourself fully, and taking good actions towards women in your day to day. P.s. all the big stuff is not taken care of yet, especially in the developing world, and for minorities in our world. Too many bad feminists have left them behind, and it's high time we stopped doing that. Best, -Chloe. QUOTE=oldblueeyez;695600]I want as many women working as possible, making as much money as they possibly can; the more personal income tax that's paid, the lower corporate business taxes will be! :D But I'm starting to feel like shit being a man: if I spread my legs on the bus I risk my pic being taken and shamed on the net for manspreading; if I gaze too long at a hot woman who's dressed-to-reveal, I risk being accused of eye rape; if I strike up a conversation with a woman and I don't look like Channing Tatum, I risk being accused of sexual harassment; etc.; etc. Fighting for legitimate rights is one thing, but it's starting to feel as if the pendulum's swung too far, as if feminism's conquered all the big ass stuff and all that's left to do is to make mens' lives miserable. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest s******ecan**** Report post Posted July 24, 2015 Ha ha, actually I don't have any of those fears either as I'm growing into a crusty old hermit who's sworn off relationships with women, but it still annoys me. LOL you mean like this guy? I feel your pain. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChloeSummers 8409 Report post Posted July 24, 2015 Something I can't help but notice- clearly you keep track of this post and are invested. However, aside from replying to my initial reply, ou haven't taken the time to address anything else . I have noticed, though, that you will reapond to men, and add more of your concerns onto what they say or speak with them. This is frustrating because I've taken the time to address your concerns from a fair perspective, and be empathetic towards you, while addressing your concerns. Is there a particular reason for this? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChloeSummers 8409 Report post Posted July 24, 2015 I just want to avoid assumptions and be sure we are clear here. You post a controversial post on here regarding antifeminism, while seemingly forgetting that the Sp's on this site are women. You admit to having a problem with women and relationships, and have become bitter and crotchety. So instead of of talking with an SP that empathize you and wants to come to an understanding , and maybe even enhance your ability to understand women, and feminism, you decide to obly read and reply to the men's post. That.... looks really bad. Especially while making an antifemminisim post. What's more, I refrain from insulting you, I empathize with you and agree to where you are correct, and even agree with how over the top feminism is bad for everyone and paid respects to kind behaviour you have shown to women..... and in the end you decide to go LOL DIDN'T READ to my posts? You weren't indifferent enough to not post this, to debate with some of the men on the thread, and check back multiple times. As I wrote this I see bow you double backed and addressed some of what I said as I was writinf this- thank you for showing me that basic curtesy ][/b] Not quite. My front lawn is covered in dog shit and I get a guilty pleasure when folks cut across it as I chuckle to myself, "Mind the shit, folks!" :D Additional Comments: The story I initially referred to came from The Daily Telegraph, which has been around since 1855. Basically the only reason I read it is because I'm a huge fan of Ambrose Evans Pritchard. Additional Comments: None other than indifference, really. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fortunateone 156618 Report post Posted July 25, 2015 There are different levels of feminist, just as there are different levels of malism. on the one hand, oldblue at first glance I would consider you an MRA, nothing to do with equal rights for men and women, MRA are all 'blame the feminists', and keep them wimmen folk in the kitchens (kind of like the women in Thailand are. Or at least, how the western male mind stereotypes Asian women, because the reality of asian women is quite different). There is little difference, imo, between an MRAer and a radical feminist. Both use the excuse of being pro-their-gender in order to actually advocate hatred and hardship onto the other gender. Both, I am sure, will agree that transgenders are not real women, too. Both are probably also very anti sex workers. In the case of radfems, they even have a name for it: SWERF. oldblue, you seem to resent sps, as do the radfems. similar conclusion based on different idealogies. You resent them for being women who charge men for sexual pleasure, instead of just providing it for free, as if men are entitled to it and women are withoholding it. And radfems blame sps for providing sexual services to men, as tho they are entitled to it & women are withholding it from them, but sps make it easier for them to access it lol Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jabba 18389 Report post Posted July 25, 2015 ...oldblue, you seem to resent sps, as do the radfems. similar conclusion based on different idealogies. You resent them for being women who charge men for sexual pleasure, instead of just providing it for free, as if men are entitled to it and women are withoholding it. And radfems blame sps for providing sexual services to men, as tho they are entitled to it & women are withholding it from them, but sps make it easier for them to access it lol OldBlue's just dangling the carrot. Want's to see who takes a nibble. Some folks are really invested in wringing the last drip of truthyness out of the topic and proving all-around wrong thinking. But, like he's already said, he doesn't really give a flying fuck and he's being honest about that. Kinda' funny actually :icon_lol:. Sorry for the commercial break - let the quest for political correctness and truth continue. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest s******ecan**** Report post Posted July 25, 2015 Actually, I don't think of it as anti-feminism. I think of it as pro-male. As I've said, the pendulum has swung so much that feminism is encroaching on the human rights of men (as previously illustrated by the SMU professor who refuses to let any men answer first), and that pisses me off. How can I not support the rights of women (I have a mother and a daughter)? But once my rights as a man are infringed on, well Houston, we have a problem. ..but no one's rights are being infringed with this example. It's not government policy, its not a law. It's a misguided attempt by a young professor (in all probability a mediocre one), at a lower ranked university, to stand out. University's are for controversial ideas. There is no right to a quality post secondary education. All students have at one time or another suffered the vagaries of talentless, self absorbed pedagogues (I once had an 72 year old economics prof who spent the entire semester regaling us with his days as a union organizer. He completely ignored the course outline and left us all in bewilderment of what to expect for a final exam) and I'm quite sure if any of the male students in the class feel especially aggrieved they'll have plenty of avenues to protest. Stories like these need to be taken for what they are, headline grabbers designed to sell newspapers or generate website visits. There is no real news there. 40 years ago they would have been stories about hippies smoking drugs and going barefoot in the parks. They're nothing but chum designed to lead you to the hook. Now if the government proposes a law that elevates the rights of someone else above mine then you'll hear from me. We all know feminism has not attained that status. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Genevieve Marceau 68000 Report post Posted July 25, 2015 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChloeSummers 8409 Report post Posted July 25, 2015 Welp, I was going to have a calm, rational discussion with you, and explain why people have a problem with 'mennenists', it's more reasonable than you think! But it just seems you want to be flippant, make excuses, be insulting, and feel entitled to rude behaviour. It also seems like you don't want to learn anything at all and maybe change your mindset in a positive way and have better relationships. It doesn't matter how many women you have had. If you want to retire with a wife/girlfriend anywhere you should at least learn how to respect other people, and especially women. Not be obedient and all around useless, but respectful. Judging by your posts on this board you've failed to do that with little reason. I just have to say that feeling entitled to rub your body against someone else in a public space, potentially sweaty, sticky and gross, it's rude. No matter to whom, of any gender. The same with staring at someone. A glance or a check out showing attraction, appreciation is fine, sometimes it's unavoidable and happens with both genders. But staring? And feeling entitled about it?It's just rude. I've had girls do it, ugly men do it, and hot men do it. It's just creepy and disrespectful. You'd go on a bus just to bother people? Jeeze. You mentioned something along the lines of ' go ahead and be insulting'. well, I didn't want to be insulting and saw no need for it. I was simply pointing out that I was not being rude to you, so I saw no reason why you had to be rude towards me( ignoring my posts and only responding to men on the board). Your 'shove your developed world up your ass 'stuff is a pretty rude aside, and it's meaningless. All I meant was that there are issues here pertaining to women, and that it's much worse in developing countries. It had nothing to do with the economy, just cultural mindsets. There was certainly no need for any rudeness to be directed at me. Not that you' give a fuck', but I just feel badly for you now. I doubt you will make much positive change- and that's a bad thing. You seem to confuse basic respect for people with 'loosing what it means to be a man'. Finally, yeah. I'm not a fan of that proff either. That's absurd. If he truly wanted to be gender conscious he could have just picked one of each gender per question, or alternate genders with questions. It just seems like an arbitrary revenge for female oppression in the classrooms. Sure, I'm angry it happened to us, but do I really want to set us back another 10 years or so? Not really.. As someone mentioned- it's not institutionalized oppression, so there really is no need for a social movement to spring out of it. Just for people to be upset, rightfully so. As for Bill-C36, you'd be hard pressed to find any SP who is happy with said law. Everyone migrating from here to other countries just hurts the SP's here- who had nothing to do with the law. That law is not real feminism, because not only does it endanger women, it removes choice from women. Feminism should be about choices for all, so long as it doesn't hurt other people. If a woman wants to be a house wife, an engineer, or an escort, so be it. If a man wants to be a stay at home dad, a nurse, or a doctor, so be it. Please don't confuse both ideologies, lump it in the same category, and spread the idea that it's bad. It's just like liberalism and communism, and right-wing ideologies and fascism. I'm pro-equal rights; I believe a woman should have every opportunity that a man has, and it seems we have reached that scenario. But now that women have the same rights as men, it seems feminism has lost its thrust and is simply lashing out at men in the most petty of ways. Feminism is turning into domination of men and, as a man, well I'm not going to support that. Ha ha, Yes, I've had my fair share of failed relationships, and just because they were younger and hot, they thought they could always get their own way. It's my own fault, really, for being so easy going. Can't blame anyone else but myself. I know the longest of my relationships is still in love with me, but fuck it, once a woman thinks she owns you, you're done. I dumped as I always have. I don't have my looks to fall back on anymore, but I've had enough women (both civilian and pro) so that I don't really care. :D Actually, I don't think of it as anti-feminism. I think of it as pro-male. As I've said, the pendulum has swung so much that feminism is encroaching on the human rights of men (as previously illustrated by the SMU professor who refuses to let any men answer first), and that pisses me off. How can I not support the rights of women (I have a mother and a daughter)? But once my rights as a man are infringed on, well Houston, we have a problem. You don't have to refrain at all. Insult away. No fucks given really. Actually, I read your posts which had paragraphs, but one was just a wall of words with no paragraphs, and well, no I didn't read that one. Just too hard for these old eyes. Additional Comments: Well, the developing world includes Thailand, and if you want to go to Pattaya and scream, "Feminism," then good luck to you. You won't get far as us old farts contribute to half of their GDP. Keep in mind that Thailand is the world leader in penis reattachment surgery as when you cross a Thai woman, you risk losing your oscar meier weiner. Ha ha, tell a Thai woman she needs feminism! She doesn't need it! SLICE! In fact, my retirement plan is to cash in my Canadian chips by the time I'm 50 and retire in a Southeast Asian country (not Thailand), marry a hottie half my age or slightly older, and watch the sun set on the Sulu Sea! :D If you look at this map, Public debt as a percent of GDP, the "developed world" is dangerously close to that of Greece. You can take your developed world and stuff it up your arse. I'll be off to a safer land. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Genevieve Marceau 68000 Report post Posted July 25, 2015 If manspreading is your main beef with gender equality, well my dear you are damn lucky! Do you even realize it? Because while you are whining about your right to monopolize public transportation space and other ludicrous men's first world problems, TODAY the ONU released a report on CANADA's Human Rights failings regarding the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW), among other things: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/07/23/canada-human-rights-record-2015_n_7857224.html Women are dying near us, and all you are worrying about is a comfortable space for your nut sac. Yes, you are one lucky, privilege man. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest s******ecan**** Report post Posted July 26, 2015 If manspreading is your main beef with gender equality, well my dear you are damn lucky! Do you even realize it? Because while you are whining about your right to monopolize public transportation space and other ludicrous men's first world problems, TODAY the ONU released a report on CANADA's Human Rights failings regarding the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW), among other things: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/07/23/canada-human-rights-record-2015_n_7857224.html Women are dying near us, and all you are worrying about is a comfortable space for your nut sac. Yes, you are one lucky, privilege man. Thanks for the link. The criticism in the report is valid and I think a National Inquiry is long overdue. You can bet if the same numbers of young evangelical white girls had gone missing Harper would have an entirely new law enforcement agency devoted to it. Report is also bang on in regards to Bill C-51 which is an outright abomination, very disappointed in the way Trudeau has handled that issue. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LeeRichards 177238 Report post Posted July 26, 2015 And yeah, I guess I really don't give that much of a fuck about it all anyway. Yeah, I'll manspread and gaze at the hottie across from me. :grin: I can't help but think anyone on this board reading about your man-spreading on public transportation right now .... is probably remembering you're man-yeast issue thread as well. Good times in the neighborhood. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites