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Lindsay Running 5k Terry Fox Run

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I have been getting a lot of people asking how they can help fundraise for my 5km run on Sept 19th for the Terry Fox Foundation. I registered and got an online profile which you can use to make a donation if you so choose.




I promised myself I would run in a marathon this year, and what better one to participate in than an iconic Canadian's legacy. I haven't run in years, and it's gonna take a lot of work to get myself ready to run 5km, but if Terry Fox can run across this vast country, there is no excuse why I cannot run a mere 5km.


Thank you in advance for all your support, financial and moral.


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I thought I seen this post before? I don't know, must be losing my mind..lol..... I mentioned that

"I would like to be on sidelines,and squirt some cold water on you Lindsay while you ran by wearing a tight t-shirt and skimpy shorts "


Best wishes, and make sure you train properly, I know its only 5 k but we wouldn't want you to hurt anything.

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My daughter and I run (walk?) the CIBC Run for the Cure every year in October, in memory of my wife who lost her fight with breast cancer in 2005. We ran the first 300 metres, then decided to walk. Our best time for the 5k is 51 minutes last year (down from our very first Run in 2006 of 65 minutes). We considered doing the TF Run this year (Sept 19?), but couldn't fit it into our schedule.


Indeed Lindsay, if Terry Fox can go cross-country, surely most of us can go 5k. All the best for your prep and for the Run.



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Woops... I made a small typo, this could be why the link is a dud. I fixed it, but my phone automatically capitolizes the first letter of a new sentence, so the h in "http" should not be capitolized - though I don't think it has any bearing on the rest of the link. The edited link should work.


And a good friend is a marathon goer, so I'm getting excellent training and tips from him for getting back to running.

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Well done Lindsay!!!


I am glad it's you instead of me; I get winded driving 5 kms.

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