Amanda-Lee 11094 Report post Posted August 7, 2015 I am unsure if this is recently starting to spike or not but I've been using CraigsList for one of my advertisements, It's going well. Recently, I've been coming across more than a dozen inquires asking for my rates, once they understand my rate they're like, "I see this other girl who I pay X amount to, sorry not interested" or just plain, "it's too much". Firstly, my prices aren't that expensive, secondly I try to negotiate a price with some of them. I see posts that are $40-$60 for whatever on CraigsList. Do they not know they are selling themselves short by a long shot? I am not sure if this will get more complex when College and University starts. Recently as well, most of these people who are contacting me are flat out asking, "Hey, how much?" This has never happened before. I understand it's CraigsList, but this is starting to happen more and more, it never did before. Does anyone have any insight into this? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ice4fun 78407 Report post Posted August 7, 2015 Speaking to this topic strictly as a client I would have to say that in the area I come from their certainly seems to be more ladies in the business who are marketing lower rates. My experience however is that upon further examination the quality or services being offered are not as consistent as the what I would refer too as the top tier full service professional companions that advertise higher rates. This is by no means a criticism but I think some ladies have adopted a strategy of quoting a lower rate per hour with the strategy that once the booking is made they can convert it to a higher value financial transaction through the offering of additional or enhanced services for an extra amount. Like in any business different suppliers will adopt different business models that they feel best meet their needs. My personal preference is for a full service hourly rate not one that is more associated with a menu of services with extra fees on top of the hourly base rate. But! To each their own. There will always be a range of rates and that is fine as certainly each lady has the right to determine what she wishes to charge but I have to think that this increase in lower advertised rates has to at least in some way stem from us guy constantly looking for a bargain. There are constantly posts by well established ladies mentioning how they are inundated with texts, emails and calls for guys wanting to negotiate rates... you have to wonder when we are gonna realize that most of the time you get what you pay for and that most bargains that sound too good to be true actually are. I hope the trend to menus and extra charges does not continue to grow I would rather just know that my encounter with the wonderful lady is gonna cost $300 up front then to be quoted $220 but have it turn into $350 because of extra charges. Just my Opinion 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exotic Touch Danielle 31750 Report post Posted August 7, 2015 I also still advertise on CL and I go through the same shit hun The problem is there are too many girls selling their time for next to nothing and the guys feel that we all do the same I charge nothing less than 100 for my time and I offer three different rates (thinking I am helping out in some way apparently Not lol) and everyday I am asked the same question...will I lower my rates....No I will Not! Do not lower your rates or your standards because someone cannot afford to pay the rate Just kindly tell him to call another lady ( some get mad but no worries for every guy that cannot there will be one that can) Good luck xo 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
peacectryguy 12550 Report post Posted August 8, 2015 I think this happens everywhere. It is very prevalent in this industry because there will always be young ladies out there who are willing to do anything and do it for less than someone else. I think it would behoove most of the clients out there to just accept this and take it for what it is without being rude and obnoxious about it. Unfortunately, manners seem to get lost in today's society in general and especially in this business. Many of these men perpetuate the stereotypical chauvinist attitudes that fuel the anti-prostitution crusaders and make it truly hard for women to have any level of trust in the rest of us. I think a guy could just as easily initiate a conversation with an SP and find out her rates politely. If they are more than his budget allows, politely say thank you and move on. There should never be a need to bring up any other ladies rates or haggle or anything else. My hope would be for young ladies possibly under valuing themselves is that they don't get the "wrong" clientele because of it. Safety is so much more important than money. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andee 220524 Report post Posted August 9, 2015 To the OP: not cool to be discussing other ladies' rates. You have no idea what those rates include. After all, they are in the therapeutic section and could be offering massage as opposed to escort services. You also have no idea what someone's situation is or what they are comfortable charging. I don't mean to give you a hard time, but there is every price point in this industry and it's best to focus on promoting yourself and providing a good service so that clients will repeat. With the free CL ads available to anyone with an internet connection and cell phone (presumably), you need to expect that you find a wide range of options there. I have had some of the best clients come from CL and I always state what I offer etc. that my prices are firm and if they try to negotiate and tell me that so and so offers less, I simply suggest that perhaps they should go and them instead. I used to let this sort of stuff get to me especially since I am mature and am sometimes told I should be charging less because of that. I 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amanda-Lee 11094 Report post Posted August 9, 2015 I completely agree, I've met some very rewarding clients and the best ones as well on CL. I wasn't trying to undermine anyone who does post, I was getting more and more messages telling me I am charging too much and that they see someone else who charges X amount. I was more giving an example. Sorry to undermine others. Wasn't sure if others experience this or how someone would approach it. I usually tell them to go back to the person they saw, some explain they can't afford to pay X amount, others seem to be needy and greedy. Not to say everyone is that way, a few messages I have gotten it was this stream of the same theme of complaining about prices. I do understand everyone's situation is different than another. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meaghan McLeod 179664 Report post Posted August 9, 2015 In reality, you could charge minimum wage and there will be those that claim you are charging too much. Just realize that those that complain about your rates are not someone you want to see. They weed themselves out by complaining. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fortunateone 156618 Report post Posted August 10, 2015 In reality, you could charge minimum wage and there will be those that claim you are charging too much. Just realize that those that complain about your rates are not someone you want to see. They weed themselves out by complaining. This is true. And also, it doesn't matter that it is the CL client coming up with this, if you were posting on other sites you would get the same thing. if these guys are contacting you, to me it means possibly that they are finding (as suggested) that those lower rates don't end up being quite that low when they get there, or those lower rates don't get them what they hoped for lol. Show them that you have more to offer, so your expectations are higher. when i use CL, i expect that the majority are massage/hj only type of caller. i have a different, lower, rate for that kind of session. of course some are looking for more, but chances are also that some are looking for a legit massage, or their expectations are massage rates. if it is clear that you are giving them rates for fs for example, not massage/hj then it might be clear that your rate is not higher than everyone else? I'm not sure, it is difficult to say without knowing what it is your rates/services are that seem to be getting the reaction, or how it is presented. feel free to send me a pm if you want. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites