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Stripper ripped me off

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I was visitng a friend while on vacation and we also make a visit to the **************. I love it when the girls come over and sit on your lap hoping you'll get a private dance from them. I always end up getting at least 2 girls to give me a dance when I'm there and the private dances suck here in NS. On with my story.

An incredibly beautiful blonde comes over, sits on my lap, starts rubbing my dick between my shorts and ask if I would like a private dance. She is the hottest girl in the club and I happily go to the back with her. I kept her for 3 songs and told her I ad to stop as she was doing a number on me and I didnt want to make a mess of my shorts.

So 3 songs at $20 = $60 right? She wants $120. I tell her it was 3 songs and she says it was 5 or 6? She gets the bouncer who says I pay her $120 now and there wont be any problems. Needless to say I pay $120 and go back to my seat. Ten minutes later she is back asking if I want to go for another private show. Is she crazy.

What do you do in a circumstance like this? This was the first time I have ever had a dancer do this. I went back with a different girl later in the evening and paid her up front for 5 dances.

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I have to say that many of the strippers have the worst math skills in the world. And you don't always know until the end. I sometimes try to make sure we keep track as we go along, but sometimes only after the first couple of songs and by that time, we still have a difference. And I have to say, the ones that try to rip you off, aren't the ones that you want to take to the CR anyway.


What is incredible is that she came back and thought you might want a second round. Maybe she remember she made a mistake and was coming to deliver the songs that were paid for and not given.


Just chalk it up to one of the experience of the dance clubs.

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Even thought there's nothing you can do about it, I would say pay her whatever she sais without arguing, but talk to the manager... Bouncer are just monkies there to intimidate you, and will always rely to the girl, wich they are there to protect. The manager, in the other hand is there for customer service... With a little bit of luck, she will do the same to another customer, and you will have your tab on the house...

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I remember a few years ago a similar event happened to me too. A beautiful short hair natural blonde dancer approached me and we went to the CR. she started dancing in the middle of a song and altogether danced for two and a half songs but claimed that it was 5 and demanded for $100 but did not threatened going to bouncer though as I was a regular in that bar. I did pay her without an argument (I have a weakness for beautiful girls), however at the time I could have refused and in all likelihood she would have been in more trouble than me as I used to spend huge amount in that bar and on different girls and eveyone including the bouncers knew me well. A week later the same girl came and sat with me like nothing has happened and asked me if I want to have dances with her!!!!. I did not see her again in that bar or elsewhere. My guess is that she must have been fired for acts like this.

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I had a strange event happen to me in the flamingo Hotel in Surrey BC a couple of years ago. (For those of you that don't know the flamingo Hotel is pretty well-known dancer bar in the area.) I had just taken an eight block trip or get from my house to the bar, went in, sat down (parked my wheelchair in the front row) and because I was thirsty, tried to order a drink. For some odd reason, the waiter refused to serve me based on the fact that I was in a wheelchair. Needless to say, I wasn't too happy, and asked to see the manager. When he arrived, he was very polite, and asked what exactly the problem was. I explained to him that I had just completed an eight block walk, and wanted a drink, and a couple shows before I turned around and went home. The manager then asked to see my ID, and asked if there was any medical reason why I shouldn't consume alcohol. When I said no, the manager turned around to the waiter, and said, "get this man his drink." The funny thing is for two years after that, I never once had a problem getting served, and actually became quite popular with almost everyone including the dancers. I guess the moral of the story is, don't be afraid to go and talk to management.

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Definitely, don't be afraid to see the manager or owner. They want business and returning customers.


In Mister C's case, it is probably best to pay up front one song at a time. No misunderstanding. No need to count.

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Personally I've never had this happen to me, but I have seen it occur in clubs before. It's the main reason why I don't go anymore. I couldn't understand why it was necessary to do something like that.

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Some may call it dirty penny, but this is not the kind of behaviours we admit at SD... Unlike the other clubs, every girl is making her money... But we make sure to be paid upfront before each song thought... Less personnal and exotic, but safer!

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Had a similar event at a well known Toronto club. Should have been $100 but she demanded $200. At the end of the day $100 bucks was not going to change my life but... well.. the principle.. I asked her to come with me and chat with the manager as I heard about stuff like this before. Management takes it quite seriously, bad word of mouth can kill or seriously hurt a club. Especially when there are lots of clubs around. She started negotiating with me and asked for $140 instead.. I figured what the hell, I would have tipped anyway. Was a definate mood killer. I went and sat down had another drink. The waitress who had served me on prior visits stopped and asked me what happened, she could tell from my face I was very distracted. I told her and she asked me if I paid the $200. I said no but that I paid the $100 plus the 'tip'. A few minutes later she came back with one of my favorite drinks (McAllan 18 :). On the house :) I didn't get anymore dances that night, I was a bit put off but I have since returned when I am in town. Not surprisingly, that dancer did not last long there.


95% of the dancers I typically meet are honest and well meaning, thats about 50% better than my professional life.

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I have found the simplest solution to this problem is to pay in advance and make it clear you would like that number of dances. There's a small chance you will get short changed, but then the roles are reversed. You can always still tip, and then the dancer doesn't have to worry about not getting paid.


I have always paid in advance and I have never had a problem. Of course, you can always ask for more dances and, once again, pay up front.

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