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August Special Resumes on Monday

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Guest S****r

For me, on weekdays, 5:30 pm is the perfect time to meet.

It gives me time to leave work, drive to my apartment,

take a nice shower, shave, do my hair and makeup--

maybe sip a glass of wine and listen to some sexy music as I do.


I can put on some sexy outfit and make the transition from my day job to a sultry siren. Then I am in the perfect mood to have a play date with you!


If, instead, I go home after work, and then have to turn around an hour or two later to drive over to the apartment and start getting ready then--well, I am just not as motivated. Once I am home, I tend to want to stay there for the evening. SOOOOOOOOO......it is worth it to me to accept a little less in order for you to make the extra effort to meet me at my preferred time of 5:30.


If you can do that for me, I will offer a $40 discount for you. That means you can have one very full hour of sexy Summer fun for only $200 instead of my usual $240. To extend it to two hours is an additional $200. Then, we can both go home for the night relaxed and satisfied. Fair trade? I think so!


Best to contact me the day before because at my day job they frown on me having my cell phone out, so I can only sneak a peek from time to time. It makes communicating during the (week)day difficult, at best.


So call me or text me at 613-415-1456 or PM me here, or email me directly at [email protected], and let's make it a date!


Thank you for this consideration.

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