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Where the heck have I been?

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Hello all my friends!


I come back a little sheepishly, with my head hung a little low, as I practically disappeared all summer, without so much as a 'See ya later!' So I'd like to apologize to everyone for that unintentional bout of rudeness. I do happen to have a pretty good excuse, however...


This is kind of funny, but believe it or not, I was typing and at the computer so much, I developed a bad case of carpal tunnel syndrome! It was agonizing and no amount of Advil was helping. I had to wear a hand and wrist guard, do physiotherapy and was told to give the computer a rest, as much as possible. Thankfully, my arm and hand are getting better, but I find Cerb so addicting, I've been worried if I come on and participate, I'll perhaps negate any healing that has occurred thus far. Many of you know how hard it is to stay away!


Ok, my shoulder is starting to hurt now, so I'll bid you all adieu for now, but please know I've missed you all very much and thank you to who ever it was that nominated me and to the people who voted for me too. It means the world you haven't forgotten about me despite my absence. Take care my friends and thank you!!! :grin:

Edited by Soleil Sublime
didn't proof-read before posting

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It means the world you haven't forgotten about me despite my absence. Take care my friends and thank you!!! :grin:


Never have forgotten about you Soleil,and you take care too!;)

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Guest s******ecan****

I know that can be painful, I have a friend who has had to deal with it. Make sure you see a physiotherapist so that they can help you to get your computer workstation set up ergonomically. ;)

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Great to hear that things are proceeding along as they should. Heed the advice provided by the specialists as you do not want to re-injure yourself by coming back too soon. :D

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Glad you are back and take care of yourself. This got me thinking what if antlerman got carpal tunnel he would be in bad shape the poor guy needs is hands for other things then typing. lol:jackoff:

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yay.. soleil is back.. honey I wish you had told me... please please please take some homeopathic ruta, vit b6 100 mg twice/day and some chondroitin sulfate with glucosamine.


I was told about B6 a very long time ago preventing tendonitis and also curing carpal tunnel syndrome and it's saved me sooo much agony.


How I first heard about it believe it or not was when I went tree-planting. Those of us who took the advice didn't get tendonitis from the repeated trauma of slamming the shovel into the ground 100's of times/day. Those who ignored almost all got it.


That proved it to me..

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You're back, That's great, we were a bit worried about you. I was about to start a thread to see if anyone knew what was going on with you. I guess we'll just have to phone ya. You take it slow and get better. Hire a typist Hehe

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Guest S***e



I'm so glad to hear that you are alive and well as I was concerned not having heard from you. I've been in and out, mostly out myself and just checked in to vote for CERB ladies who have made wonderful contributions over the past year (you are one of them). I hope you get better soon.


Warmest regards,




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I sincerely thank each and every one of you. Your words of support and understanding mean so very much to me. Carrie, thank you for your excellent advice. I'd be an idiot not to take free advice from an actual homeopathic doctor! (Which is why I'll go get it all today.)


Despite my pain, I have managed to still have a fantastic summer. Got to the beach once, attended a few barbeques, threw a birthday party for a kid, drove to Virden, landscaped my yard, took my dogs to 5 different off-leash parks and attended my first ever 'poly party'.


I'm actually not even sure if it was an actual 'poly party' where I first heard the term used in Ottawa. But it was an unbelievable amount of naughty fun, of that, I can assure you. ;)


I hope everyone has an incredible weekend and the sun is shining all over Canada. Thanks again my friends.

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attended my first ever 'poly party'.


I'm actually not even sure if it was an actual 'poly party' where I first heard the term used in Ottawa. But it was an unbelievable amount of naughty fun, of that, I can assure you. ;)



You sure your carpal tunnel wasn't from all the wrist action? :handjob:

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Welcome back.

You were in my mind very recently becasue I was trying to find the thread about you and Big Al. I tear up every time I read it, it is that moving. I can not find it anywhere. I am afraid something might have happened to it, I sure hope not.

Anyway, if you can point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it very much.



Edited by Jazzitup
spelling error

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I missed you!


I was thinking it was awfully quiet and realized it was because you weren't posting.


Get better soon!

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Thanks a lot. This is exactly what I was trying to find.


I encourage everyone to revist this post (#26) and be reminded of the sterling character that Soleil has. We have never met, but I look forward to the opportunity, the next time she visits Ottawa.

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Great that the Sunshine is back! Summer is almost over and I was beginning to wonder where you were!

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Hi Soleil,

Glad to see you back in form. (although I never realized that you missed a stroke)

That was some party and whether we call it a poly party or a good old fashioned orgy or even an early birthdayparty for you that got out of hand, it was fun. Speaking of which , I have never tasted a more delectable birthday cake. Thanks for supplying the main "ingredients".

As I think back there were dozens of memories from the night and I know one of yours was the "team hug" . We must have looked like a team because at that point we were all wearing the same uniform. For me , I will never forget the first break when we all stood around naked and I realized that I left the keys locked in the other room with our cloths when we all scrambled to the king size bed in the

main room.In panic (well as close as I get to panic) I was wondering which one of us was going to go down to the lobby in a towel and ask for another key. Huge relief when Tina said " I grabbed my cloths before we ran out of there; there here somewhere". Honestly you had to be there to understand.

I remember you saying " I didn't know five hours could go so quickly and then you took another hour to leave. I think that was about the 2/3 point in the party and that was totally my fault for saying that the party would last until 12:00 or 1:00. I really had no idea but I had to tell the hotel something. You can't blame them for thinking that a party that last until after 4:00 a.m. might get "out of hand". It kind of did , but in a really good way.

I spoke with Tina a few days ago. If we ever do this again, she wants and invite.

I am so grateful to you for your help in organizeing this and for holding my hand as more timid souls bailed on us. Man we work well as a team ! I'm not sure who is the quarter back and who is the main reciever ........ yeah I am.

I couldn't have done it without you. THANKS chavez

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Welcome back.

You were in my mind very recently becasue I was trying to find the thread about you and Big Al. I tear up every time I read it, it is that moving. I can not find it anywhere. I am afraid something might have happened to it, I sure hope not.

Anyway, if you can point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it very much.




thank you for the kind words

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