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To my beautiful muffin top....


Alas the time has come to say good bye to a dear, dear friend.

We have had many great times together but now I feel the time has come to say adieu!

Fashion has stood in the way of us being comfortable with each other for some time now.

I feel we cannot continue as the awesome "skinny jeans" are just to darn uncomfortable when you are near!

I will miss our trips to the drive thru and our late night date with the bag of doritos.

My happiness is being hampered by you, my friend and I must make a choice.

Saddly, you have lost and my new "shape ups" by sketchers will help me in the hard battle to rid myself of your presence.

I will miss you but believe that a new and wonderous companion awaits!

Good bye sweet muffin top....good bye!

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Too deep for me. Any hints?




:sm185: This, and I too don't see any on Meg.......

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And here I was thinking Meg's muffin top meant she had some pubic hair....and I've been reluctant to visit her because of that! hehe...man was I wrong!

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And here I was thinking Meg's muffin top meant she had some pubic hair....and I've been reluctant to visit her because of that! hehe...man was I wrong!


As usual....thank you for the laugh....not to mention you too flyer!

Thanks guys! :)

You wouldn't believe want those damn new fangled skinny jeans can do to a lady's self esteem LOL

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Muffin Top is also referred to belly, sweet Meg is too hard on herself, she doesn't have a belly, regardless as she states as she wishes to work at it with her new running shoes "shape ups".

Meg have fun at it, and enjoy the work outs...


"you have lost and my new "shape ups" by sketchers will help me in the hard battle to rid myself of your presence.

I will miss you but believe that a new and wonderous companion awaits!

Good bye sweet muffin top....good bye! "

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How are the Shape-Ups??? I walk A LOT and I was thinking of investing in a pair. I'd love your feedback :).


Avasational xoxo

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Avasational...the best investment I ever made!!! Love 'em and they work!


You must of burned some calories at the ex tonight walking around? Then again all depends how much you were eating and drinking too;-)

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As usual....thank you for the laugh....not to mention you too flyer!

Thanks guys! :)

You wouldn't believe want those damn new fangled skinny jeans can do to a lady's self esteem LOL



You ever get self esteem issues again, just look at your pics on your profile and comments from us on CERB....you are thought of quite highly here.



Additional Comments:

Why do these posts remind me of the Seinfeld episode


BTW I luv eating muffin (tops) and I'll leave it to your imagination what I'm referring to when I use the word muffin:cooter:


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The sketchers shapeups work. I wear them every morning running and I credit those to losing 8 lbs in the last few weeks. They do feel wierd when you first start wearing them because you're forced to have correct posture and it's almost like you feel like you're running on sand barefoot and you're forced to work your body harder.


Goodluck on getting rid of a muffintop. Except for one thing.. I don't see one on you.lol. Don't be too hard on yourself.

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Hmmmm.... muffin top.


Do they make anything that could rid of an industrial sized bag of flour???

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