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Following a number of people on various platforms and hearing the chatter and seeing some comments has got me thinking.


The way the anti's and the government talk about us as workers and clients and describe us to the population at large especially with this new bill in place, seems to have had a noticeable impact on how workers are treated and how clients behave. I'm not saying this as a blanket statement about all but a definite increase. We knew it would cause harm yet there isn't a lot of chatter about the actual impact yet )beyond a few conversations). Our little community doesn't see a lot of this as the board doesn't allow it plus many are like minded people with a positive view of both workers and clients.


Have you seen or heard instances where you see negative or bad behavior directly related to how people are being treated or a shift in how workers are being viewed by clients? Or have instances of this increased?

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Guest Na****a***mers (RETIRED)

I personally have not noticed any difference or heard anything other than clients being more careful about who they see, hence doing more research about a lady they have in mind.


I'm happy to see more in the news about human traffickers being caught.

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I only deal with independents, so I can't speak for clients that go to agencies.

That being said, I haven't conducted myself or been treated any differently.


Actually I think I have been more active :)


I also stick with independents that are reviewed or advertise on these types of boards.


I believe LE is more concerned about human traffickers, I doubt they would waste their time staking out an Indy's place.

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Guest *Ste***cque**

I would have thought that clients would be on their best behaviour now that they could be charged with breaking the law by a pissed off worker. Sort of puts more power in the workers hands to ensure good behaviour by the client. Straighten up or else! Of course, if you were an asshole before the bill, your an asshole after the bill and if you're a decent person before the bill, your a decent person after the bill... more or less.

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I`m out in BC now, and it seems everyone is operating under the old rules. Even if you specify no details, they still insist on asking details. I`m horrified at the level of details in reviews on other boards. Even if the guy is anonymous, the lady is not. So, in fact they could be putting a target on her back by stating the level of specific details they do. Its almost like a bragging contest, and I don`t like it.


Being an escort is not illegal, however, advertising certain services is. So, I resent those that make it public what happens between 2 consenting adults with the level of detail that seems so rampant. Even before the changes to the laws, I always told my guys to edit out details if they were graphic, as I found it just cheapened the experience.


Its really a shame. Guys seem to think that as long as they are staying away from certain segments, they are ok to ask details. However, in reality, it is not ok. It used to be as long as you didn`t ask in public, you were ok. However, under the new laws, it doesn`t matter if asked in public, via telephone, via text, via email, it is clearly solicitation, and as such against the law.


If you look at some of the dating sites, they are really specific on what is allowed to be stated. So the guy will say, I want a mistress who enjoys the physical side of the encounter. To me that's pretty clear. No details needed. Why can`t guys in this industry do the same.

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As a client I can't say I have seen any change but let's face it I generally talk about this with a relatively small group of like minded people mostly here on Lyla.


Unfortunately I think Mr Harper has been successful at pandering to his base by imposing a tough new law and has been able to effectively remove the issue from the public debate during the election period. For many who know nothing about the industry he has effectively painted a picture of perverted men taking advantage of helpless women. The dialogue around strong women who have a rights that was the theme of the post supreme court decision has been all but removed from the discourse and the election outcome will not likely change that.


As for clients acting as if the law never changed I think there is some truth in that... generally I think people have concluded that LE is only gonna enforce the law in the case of trafficking or street workers so with the limited exception of being slightly more cautious and doing a little more research they have moved on as if nothing has changed.


In regards to explicit reviews I kinda think that can be a two way street... in my particular case I have written both very explicit and very tame but it has always reflected the specific approval of the lady in question. Some ladies prefer no reviews or reviews that are very discrete while others want all the details out their as part of their marketing approach... which is right... I guess whatever works for the lady. What I can tell you is that if you have read a review that I have written it has been sent to the lady for her approval before it is posted.


Just My Opinion

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You are right Ice4Fun. Some ladies want explicit reviews, and I have no issue with that. However, I see some reviews that are of ladies who are discreet in their advertising, and have a really hard time getting the guys to edit their reviews. This is where I have an issue.

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You are right Ice4Fun. Some ladies want explicit reviews, and I have no issue with that. However, I see some reviews that are of ladies who are discreet in their advertising, and have a really hard time getting the guys to edit their reviews. This is where I have an issue.


Yep... I get your point totally.... people need to respect the wishes of the people they are intimate with... if i expect a lady to respect my privacy I need to respect hers.

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In my experiences with the bill in place in place is that you have those that are extremely careful about who they see because they tell me they've done their research. Then on the other end of the spectrum, you have these dark seedy characters who dont have the qualities I would personally look for in a client.


Specifically how careless they are especially when requesting unsafe things right like they were ordering a takeout menu over the phone. It's very alarming and has made me change my business practices in terms of switching 90% to massage sessions in order to get to know my clients as an icebreaker. I've become more choosy as a result and very careful as to who I meet.


There is a definite difference in the type of clientele on certain sites apart from this site. Before the bill was in place, it was a mixed bag of decent sounding people calling me when I was advertising on site like Bp. For every 5 men that contact me, only one of them I would agree to meet. The decency isn't there anymore. It's how much can I get and for how short of a time. Still, there are good clients out there and those are the ones I end up meeting.


While I can't proof a direct correlation to the bill, the number of people asking for unsafe things is astronomical compared to past years. This is scary.

Posted via Mobile Device

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Following a number of people on various platforms and hearing the chatter and seeing some comments has got me thinking.


The way the anti's and the government talk about us as workers and clients and describe us to the population at large especially with this new bill in place, seems to have had a noticeable impact on how workers are treated and how clients behave. I'm not saying this as a blanket statement about all but a definite increase. We knew it would cause harm yet there isn't a lot of chatter about the actual impact yet )beyond a few conversations). Our little community doesn't see a lot of this as the board doesn't allow it plus many are like minded people with a positive view of both workers and clients.


Have you seen or heard instances where you see negative or bad behavior directly related to how people are being treated or a shift in how workers are being viewed by clients? Or have instances of this increased?


I have just read through this thread and am quite taken aback by what I think I am hearing. Taken aback because I cannot see why there would be a relationship between the new law and clients exhibiting worse behavior.


I DO understand that clients might be less forthcoming with personal identifying information and at that point it becomes a screening decision for the SP to make. Therein lies one of the dangers of the legislation.


Other than that one area I don't see the law changing a clients personal code of conduct or behavior in the way that they treat a woman. People either respect others or they don't.


I must be missing something.

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It almost feels like some guys think "nothing has happened with the new laws", so therefore they can revert back to the old way of asking for specifics again. I have no problems with getting my screening information (go figure), so its almost like they either don't know, or they are misinformed.

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The bottom line is that maybe 10-15% of all clients even know there were old laws, let alone new ones now. Of those who knew there were laws, I would guess that 75% of them thought it was all illegal, that there was nothing about it that was legal, and that all because everyone's vision of it is the enforcement of the street workers/clients, i.e. PUBLIC solicitation. there were NO laws broken due to solicitation alone, the law broken was doing it in public. that is why it was always ok to discuss it fully either in person, in a phone call and via text/email, those having expectations of privacy.


review sites/ad sites also had a certain favour because they are adult content, and you have to go thru a process (age check or registration),, so they've always been given a pass as not public.


No maybe guys should not be asking for rates/services, however there is no reason under these current laws that sps cannot give them freely, put them in their website or ads. The only thing illegal about putting them in ads has nothing to do with clients or sps, it is only to do with the advertising site.


In Vancouver & Victoria i am sure clients and sps have listened to LE and city councils in both cities, and heard that their policy will to be to not enforce any of the c36 laws (other than the obvious underagers & exploitation trafficking). if there is no one to enforce these laws, then it stands to reason there is no reason to follow the letter of those laws, i.e. free to discuss rates and services as in the past.


i don't recommend doing anything risky in some other cities tho. you'd want to check the local papers for evidence that they are cracking down on indy incalls, or hotel escorts or agencies or advertising charges.


which is why mod came down hard with rules/regulations about all services/rates, whether in reviews (i think that is ongoing) but especially in ads. the ONLY people who get into trouble for s e x services lists in ads is the advertising site. the ONLY question that those who knew what the new laws would be was whether or not a site like this one or bp would be shut down by LE for providing a space to post such ads. the work around has always been the bp way, don't put them in your ad, the ad stays up, the site stays out of legal problems.



the new law has only been charged with those who also get charged with trafficking. In this situation, the advertising law is only being charged for someone who is posting ads on behalf of an sp. so this happens when the micros get shut down (asian mini agency/incalls). Also if anyone is caught as a pimp, he/she is charged with among other things, advertising the services (i can't remember the full charge, it is in the list of the charges the guy who recently got shut down in Ottawa)



So if ads are explicit, neither the client or the sp get into trouble. only someone posting such ads on behalf of an sp or the site itself can face charges. clients reading ads or sites are not responsible for the content of these ads. sps are legally permitted to put all rates and services into their sites or ads. perhaps a case could be made that clients are not allowed to read them.


I will continue to give out all the info, because i do not want to have someone guessing what i do or don't do, have them show up, then leave when they find out face to face what that is. I do advise them tho to be aware that at some point in some city they may encounter an ad that is an LE sting to get them to ask about it. however, it seems unwieldy and unlikely for LE to abandon the easy street sweeps netting dozens of clients in two nights for the more complicated incall indy stings, just to get a couple of guys to talk about services for dollars in order to charge them for that.


i will bet real money that no one prosecutor wants to take the first incall indy sting client into court to test these new laws.

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