Guest meteor Report post Posted December 29, 2007 Gents, I will keep it simple. Will try to avoid any rudeness, my review aims solely, at informing you, the reviewers and clients, of observations that I think you should know. Based on your reviews, I decided to call PK and asked for Vayda. The boss, Jason, under-sold her. She’s not that…. Not that… And eagerly recommended me a Nikki, hot, young and slim, good attitude…not in the pics, but a hidden gem. I said, Sure! NIKKI: Nikki arrived, 25 lbs more then advertised, other then that, relatively pretty, but not as described. Not her fault, she never did the selling. As soon as she entered for the hour, she warned me “The other girl (receptionist) said I got to be out in 45 min or so..” Translation: 30 min service for one hour… WTF? Picked up the phone, asked for Jason, who then promptly asked for Nikki. They argued 30 sec, then, Nikki, rolled her eyes, “Fine, I will do an hour!” Translation: 'You will get crappy service.' I then decided to cancel, and Nikki started arguing loudly “Why do you have to cancel?” I manage to get her out only with J on the phone, and she took her loud conversation outside the door for at least 4-5 minutes so my neighbors could see her while walking the dogs! Jason apologized, and promise rebate, better service. And that perhaps, Vayda would have been better had she been free. Looks: 7/10 Hygiene: N/A Attitude: 0/10 Service: N/A Called again a few days later, he remembered me. I asked again for Vayda, yet, again, she was busy, AND NOT THAT GOOD ANYWAY (said her boss, reviewers seem to think she is both hot and fun), so I should try BRIANNA, instead. Young, cute, slim, 5'9, 120-125 lbs. Allright. BRIANNA Advertised as 5’8 – 5’9, 125 lbs. Gents, no slander, but her pics are misleading. Check the angles taken, it never shows her body standing in a natural position. She is 5’7, and at least 135, looks chubette by my count. But with a certain prettiness/voluptuousness, not as advertised, but good attitude, so we agreed for the deed. First 30 min were good, and possibly would have given her 8 for service, then everything went downhill. It was not me, just her: SHE BECAME TIRED DUE TO OVERWORKING that day. She was falling asleep! Became a clockwatcher, hurrying me to get busy for a second round, as the hour was ending.. in 25, 20, 15, 10 min, dully reminded a dozen times. Also, yawning and so on.. She was checking two cells at once and lying for the reason why… Two cells? No one is that naive to believe that you are waiting family calls while on this job... In the end, that turned me off and I dismissed her with time left. I also pointed to Jason that her body hygiene was poor, and, despite her remaining time, she refused a shower in a spotless bathroom. A girl that smells sweat and salt upon arrival, as if after a gym session, has not washed. She may have showered, but not washed herself. She maybe great early in the day, but I have not met that side. Looks: 6/10 Hygiene: 3/10 Attitude: 3/10 Service: 5/10 STELLA: Good attitude and service, but her nose still bleeding due to a personal issue and choice she admitted to, hence my low Hygiene grade. Looks: 7/10 Hygiene: 2/10 Attitude: 9/10 Service: 8/10 Conclusions? Gents, these girls were marketed, on the web and by phone, as GFE / Volvo comparison, but, my three experiences were that of a Lada. Furthermore, by comparison, Eleganza Montreal or Devilish Montreal, at $180-200, you get the real deal that goes the distance and revs you up till you have to give up and you need time to recoup before even considering it again. PK failed on three counts. The girls I mentioned were not able to deliver due to their high level of accumulated fatigue, and high flaw tolerance by their agency... Also, should have stuck with meeting Vayda…Well reviewed by you gents... Jason was apologetic and gets a grade 8.5/10 for effort to find solutions. Yet, if his solutions were amongst a pool of low quality, there is nothing he could do. In my opinion, Jason’s only weakness is not firing the poor apples. He should be tough. Any girl that has two phones and works both independent and with an agency, aiming for 15 clients a day, should be fired. If any of his girls gets busted for possession, so could the client and J would be next in the line for questioning. If one of his girls gets hurt, well, so will all the clients that logged calls on her cell... Why would anyone accept such a risk in Ottawa? Jason should hire girls that deliver on all counts, looks, health, attitude, even if he has to bring them from Toronto or BC. Best Ottawa experiences remain outside any agency and one can find 8-10-10-8 but you got to really do your homework. You guys know them, gents such as Cowboy reviewed quite a few and these gems kept me out of any possible PK repeat… Good Examples? Monica, Kayla, Erica Skype (a blonde horny gem if you get a hold of her), and Eva/Heidi, (even blonder then Erica, and with bluer eyes, again, if you get a hold). Also, the occasional out of towners from Toronto / Mtl, all announcing it in advance on a known site... 250 for premium, unbeatable quality? It's a steal... meteor Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PKjessica (PK is now PKJas 103 Report post Posted December 30, 2007 Why would you come on here WAY AFTER THE FACT as a brand new member and start reviewing ladies. Ladies..which btw have had positive reviews with the MAJORITY of our clients. Anyways...whatever!!! You have the right to say what you want but SO DO I!! and i am going to say you are FULL OF SHIT! You are very pro-montreal.... *fishy* Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Banks 117 Report post Posted December 30, 2007 I don't think he's very far off from the truth. I also had experienced bad service from Pink Kitty. I was out a few nights back with the boys having a good night down on Elgin. I was in the mood so I figured I would give them a call since they've been so raved about on this board. I made and arrangement and was told to go to a west end hotel by the girl on dispatch. When I arrived I called in and on the phone I was told that the girl was no longer available and that she wasn't answering her phone. A huge inconvenience for me as I had paid for a cab to get there. I decided to wait around for a bit to see if anything would change, but nothing was done to compensate or make up for my wasted time. It really put a big downer on a good night for me so I don't intend on using this service again. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
armani99 100 Report post Posted December 30, 2007 I saw Brianna and really liked her....i thought she was a really nice person...seemed down to earth she seemed very cool i havent seen anyone else above but would have loved to have met vadya i like the people who run pk.....they seem honest...nice people.....jason seems like a cool guy...professional.... canadians love to complain..........ive travelled extensively......the agency is great for ottawa......remember this aint montreal or toronto....its just not the same city...... so keep things in perspective.....this is a small conservative't for a city this size....its a solid sure it has its up and downs just like any other agency.... the women who are sps at pk....are very young so when u are at that age u tend to see things the way they are...and not act......compared to older other words if u are not good at what u do...u will know ...versus older sps who will act as if u are the bomb even if u are not..... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dreamer8 510 Report post Posted December 30, 2007 I love PK and stella was outstanding ;) never had a chance to tag the other two. Hey PK can you set me up an SP buffet (you know 3 or 4 girls at once so I can catch up ;) ) PHOTO REMOVED (TOO LARGE) - MOD Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pablo 100 Report post Posted December 30, 2007 Why would you come on here WAY AFTER THE FACT as a brand new member and start reviewing ladies. Ladies..which btw have had positive reviews with the MAJORITY of our clients. Anyways...whatever!!! You have the right to say what you want but SO DO I!! and i am going to say you are FULL OF SHIT! You are very pro-montreal.... *fishy* Why would you come on here WAY AFTER THE FACT ? Because like many who have been screwed by you Agency. We are ready to give you a chance and try to be FAIR toward You and your staff. So we try again and again until we realize that the bad experiences accumulate up to the point that we have enough experience with PK to realize that your agency is overrated, Your ratio with me is 20% satisfaction rate, which means that I have lost a lot of $ to your Agency. Also had promise from Jason that my phone number would be tagged and that special care would be given next time that I would call. Only to be left out in the cold in the middle of the night when the appointment was set up, arrived at the Hotel but nobody ever answered to give me the room number even tough I have tried for over an half hour. ( That is real B.S., as you are so good to write it ) Last experience with your Agency 2 weeks ago with Jenna. Was sent to the Hotel and this time had the room #, but only to be told that she was tired and could give me only an 1/2 hour, while had requested and hour. I even wrote an E-mail to your Agency, for a Gem that was highly recommended by Jason, but disappeared within a couple of week, did you took care of it ? tried to amend or at least acknowleged reception of the input sent by a paying customer in order to improve your service ? Last that I checked my Inbox you never acknowledged reception. This is not B.S. it's really what I have lived with your agency. I know Dear PK Jessica that you will try to find a way to trash me, but what is written above is what I really have lived with your Agency, and I am allowed to let other Terber know the experience I had with your Agency. Up to them to decide if they want to do business with you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest meteor Report post Posted December 30, 2007 Some people may interpret a negative review as a direct attack on a particular agency, or individual. Or, this is not the case. That posting was intended uniquely as constructive criticism, both for PK and as a warning for its patrons. What matters, in the case of the lengthier review above, is that EVERY SINGLE ITEM described above was also told to PK's boss after individual meetings. Credit to him, he acknowledged the problems or recognized the issue. Yet, same problems persisted, despite polite notifications that no improvement could force a discontented person to write a review. No change. If anyone has a problem with the review above, they should perhaps not attack the reviewer personally, but rather ask themselves "Hey, if their boss is aware of some of these things, yet they are still ongoing, why is that still happening?" Better yet, "Hey, if my boss did, in fact, acknowledged that, is it possible the reviewer was not only truthful but downright accurate? Could some girls be making huge mistakes? Could some girls be hiding stuff from us? How could we, PK, improve HIS experience and opinion?" Bad service does not mean that the girl is bad. Most times it means that their work schedule does not allow for good service. And, again, if one can get a quite a good experience in Toronto, Edmonton, Vancouver, and even Quebec City, this is simply a reminder, to my understanding, of this board's purpose is to provide a patron with a good idea as to whom he is dealing with in Ottawa, and what he may expect. I have also been accused of being biased in favor of other places or agencies, or full of stuff... If I had written something without even meeting someone from PK, then I would be full of stuff.. But, with hands on experience, am I biased, favoring what I think is as better service? With certainty, the answer's YES! meteor Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest _Bimmer_ Report post Posted December 30, 2007 Some people may interpret a negative review as a direct attack on a particular agency, or individual. Or, this is not the case. That posting was intended uniquely as constructive criticism, both for PK and as a warning for its patrons. What matters, in the case of the lengthier review above, is that EVERY SINGLE ITEM described above was also told to PK's boss after individual meetings. Credit to him, he acknowledged the problems or recognized the issue. Yet, same problems persisted, despite polite notifications that no improvement could force a discontented person to write a review. No change. If anyone has a problem with the review above, they should perhaps not attack the reviewer personally, but rather ask themselves "Hey, if their boss is aware of some of these things, yet they are still ongoing, why is that still happening?" Better yet, "Hey, if my boss did, in fact, acknowledged that, is it possible the reviewer was not only truthful but downright accurate? Could some girls be making huge mistakes? Could some girls be hiding stuff from us? How could we, PK, improve HIS experience and opinion?" Bad service does not mean that the girl is bad. Most times it means that their work schedule does not allow for good service. And, again, if one can get a quite a good experience in Toronto, Edmonton, Vancouver, and even Quebec City, this is simply a reminder, to my understanding, of this board's purpose is to provide a patron with a good idea as to whom he is dealing with in Ottawa, and what he may expect. I have also been accused of being biased in favor of other places or agencies, or full of stuff... If I had written something without even meeting someone from PK, then I would be full of stuff.. But, with hands on experience, am I biased, favoring what I think is as better service? With certainty, the answer's YES! meteor Meteor, I think you are absolutely right. I was planning to have a session with Briana, but I changed my mind. Because if I happened to get a bad service, I know nothing is going to be done. If I post a review about it, I will be treated like you. They are going to tell me that I am full of shit. I don't think anybody deserve that comment. I will never use PK and never suggest anybody to use PK. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lookinggg 125 Report post Posted December 30, 2007 That Jason could sell igloos to Eskimos!! I have similar experiences with PK ( 1 out of 5 = 20% success) and have not used them for several months because of that... very disappointing... calls afterwards to discuss were useless...I was basically told too bad so sad! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PKjessica (PK is now PKJas 103 Report post Posted December 30, 2007 Other than lookings' review, which I wil accept as valid.. These other guys like Pablo, Meteor ect with 1 or 2 postings total seem to be the most negative and animate which really doesnt jive with the vast majority of the reviews that are posted here. I find it also very coincidental that the members with the much higher post counts like Armani, and Dreamer.. In the same thread have a completely different view and opinion of our business. Look guys we are FAR from perfect. Nobody and nothing is even close in this business.. In the case of Nikki, we just stopped working with her. People are people, sometimes they just don;t click and we don;t appolgize for that. But if you are looking for selection, we have it. If you are looking for continual fresh faces and new talent. We have it. Upper end locations, we have it. Attitude, we have that too;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnD 101 Report post Posted December 31, 2007 jessica i don;t understand the need for you to attack ppl credibility when they post a negative review of your agency. i've used your agency 3 times now and have similar hygiene issues with 2 of the three and the last one with stella was the best experience(which was average) but was rushed and as unable to use the washroom afterwards since she had her duo partner in there. im sure that dreamer and armani receive better service from the ladies since they always post reviews so i don;t consider them the majority or the average experience at pk. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HotAC 100 Report post Posted December 31, 2007 This thread is quite good from both sides. If an SP / Agency doesn't provide the service agreed upon, there should be some sort of compensation. The customer pays up-front. Not knowing what will happen. If the two parties don't click, that happens for sure. If the SP is playing with cell phones, has bad hygiene, late or leaves early that's not acceptable. We as customers should have some sort of re-course. We spend alot of money to participate in this type of life style. We use agencies to help insure that our experience is what our fantasies hoped it would be. Cheers.:D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Banks 117 Report post Posted December 31, 2007 I'm not trying to bash you so, just simply stating the facts of exactly what happend. I showed up and there was no service provided. It's pretty black & white, plain and simple. As a client/hobbyist these types of experiences are what I hate most. The dissappointing part of it, was nothing was done in terms of customer service. No incentive or effort was made to rectify the situation. PS - as for the comment made about low posts. Cerb is more a secondary site that I peep around on from time to time. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pablo 100 Report post Posted December 31, 2007 Other than lookings' review, which I wil accept as valid.. These other guys like Pablo, Meteor ect with 1 or 2 postings total seem to be the most negative and animate which really doesnt jive with the vast majority of the reviews that are posted here. I find it also very coincidental that the members with the much higher post counts like Armani, and Dreamer.. In the same thread have a completely different view and opinion of our business. Look guys we are FAR from perfect. Nobody and nothing is even close in this business.. In the case of Nikki, we just stopped working with her. People are people, sometimes they just don;t click and we don;t appolgize for that. But if you are looking for selection, we have it. If you are looking for continual fresh faces and new talent. We have it. Upper end locations, we have it. Attitude, we have that too;) If we are stating Facts that seems to make sense, to those who are reading us, what do you do. Like any good politician you counter attack by trying to destroy our credibility by stating that we are low poster " On this site". If I had posted each time that I had unsatisfactory service from your Agency believe me my number of post would be way highier. The first reason why I didn't post each time that I had an such experience, was well explained in my first post. But will repeat myself; I wanted to give you the chance of proving yourself before writing anything. Second thing is that been in the hobby since end of September, I am not to the point of 100 posts, but I still consider by reading all other post on this board and the other that I can make a valid judgment on the service provided by your Agency. Third reason is that you are a PAYING customer on this board. (for those who wander what I means by this ? Do your think that her daily add on the Provider section come for FREE ) should there be anyone who is banned from this site, the decision will be easy to make by the owners of this board. Fourth: I mainly post on the other board. There my postings are really in accordance to the time that I have been on the hobby. As for the fact that you are stating that other long time members of the board are always posting " Raving Reviews " toward your Agency. I agree that they seemed to be high user of your services, as one of them was recently stating he is upper middle class and probably has more $ than me to spend and I am happy for him. But does it means that because I can't afford to spend as much, that I should be happy with a 20% satisfaction rate ? No cause I work hard to get that spending money and it means a lot more to me when I have enough $ to be able to finally afford a S.P. my margin for error is way lower. Anyway I still rely on the good judgment of the readers to decide by themselve if they should consider as valid: Your attack to discredit us, or the experience that we have stated. Attitude, we also have, but in the positive sense:rolleyes: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PKjessica (PK is now PKJas 103 Report post Posted December 31, 2007 Ok, first I want to make something clear.. Sp's don;t have to pay a dime to post in the announcement section. Secondly I will say this, Chris the moderator is fair and if something gets out of line he will correct it. He has thrown Paying EC customers off the board on numerous occasions so again I think you have your facts wrong. Thirdly, I constantly get these guys saying that they have these high expectation. Often they refer to the ladies as "product" and blame the Agency when they don;t get what was expected. This isn;t fucking BEST BUY!!! What these gents don;t understand is they have it all backwards. These ladies are not employed by us, rather we are employed by them. We cannot and will not have a control over them. The minute that happens and there is any kind of reprocussion due to behaviour on their part by way of dismissal, or refusal of calls ect it falls under section 211 of the CCC. Exercising control and direction of a prostitute. We do what we can, and we relay the feedback to the ladies. But at the end of the day we are glorified secretaries, and marketting agents on their behalf. What also has to be said here and as the old saying goes, "if you are happy you tell 2 friends, if you aren;t you tell 7. And this is true on here as well. And finally something that you all are probably not aware of is that right now there is alot of competition for the market in Ottawa. And we have been a big player in this market for a while now and alot of Agencies and independants have been gunning for our share. I can say with an absolute guarantee that rivals have been posting negative stuff on this board as well as the other unmentionable one. So when I get 3-4 negative comments in a row, from completely BRAND NEW members out of the woodwork it sets off alarms for me so you have to forgive me if I question them. I get threatening E-mails everyday saying how they (rivals) are going to ruin our business or get us or shoot us.. ect.. Again, this is not excusing conduct on the ladies parts, none of these ladies are angels by any stretch of the imagination. But for the most part I will say we certainly have the hardest working agency in town. Love us or hate us, we are here to stay and to our regular customers we thank you for your patronage and kind words. Season's Greetings from PK Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Big Sexy 133 Report post Posted December 31, 2007 Well guys, and gals, I think we have put this puppy to bed! Hopefully this concludes the ongoing banter. While it is obvious both sides have their points, the bottom line here is..information, and the sharing of it. I am relatively new to this whole world. I have not tried PK and have read many raving reviews, a few scathing reviews, and some in between reviews. Obviously, this shows to me that any review is a solely subjective perspective of the 'customer'. I have only seen two sp's in the last couple of months, both independents. One was a successful experience, ala Veronica Valentine, the other, who I will not name in this post, was like throwing $$$ out of a very neurotic window. Lesson learned...thats the name of the game really..hit or miss. I personally am looking forward to making my next step and trying out an agency, like PK. It may work out, it may not, but it will be from an unbiased point of view. Whatever way it works out, I will not blame the agency. We never know what we step into..but ultimately it is OUR own step to make....and therein lies any blame or finger-pointing...nuff said. Bring on da ladies, PK!!! hehe Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted December 31, 2007 None of the ladies pay to advertise here. Any escort can advertise in the schedules section here for free as long as they are not spamming the board. We encourage the ladies to place ads on EscortsCanada but it is not mandatory. We do however remove posts that are slanderous, hateful, flaming or obviously intended to provoke a fight. Due to the holidays and my lack of time to moderate over the last 2 days this thread has been overlooked until now... Unless someone objects I think we can keep this as no flame war has gotten out of control. I feel Jessica posted a very professional and well written reply here (for the most part) and it clearly explains her position on this matter. She is correct about the law and if the agency becomes controlling then they are no longer a booking agency (they become pimps) so she is doing the right thing. If you guys have complaints about the ladies you should let the agency know right away (and in detail) ... Maybe not publicly but by a phone call or email would be sufficient. Remember the agencies do not go on the calls they just book the calls on the ladies behalf and rely on your feedback to let them know if the lady is doing wrong. If a lady is making the agency look bad then your feedback will help the agency weed out the ones the agency does not want to represent any longer. Don't expect them to fire the girl with one complaint as YMMV and she could just be having a bad day (everyone has them - unfortunately in this business you as the customer pays for this and if the ladies have too many bad days and still work then the agency takes the rap for it). A good agency will listen to the ladies version of what went on as well as your side of the story and most likely will side with the lady until a number of complaints are received. It's hard for an agency to acquire a good group of ladies and even harder to maintain that level of quality! If you think anything other that this then you are very very mistaken!! The agency does NOT control the ladies, the answer the phones, book appointments, market the ladies and do general reception work for them! Anything more is considered PIMPING and is ILLEGAL (NOT TO MENTION VERY WRONG!). I am sure some of the other discussion boards will let you bash agencies like it's the agencies fault the girl did something wrong but I know how the business works and it about time some of you were educated this stuff. Some of you try to bash the agency like they have done you some injustice... hopefully this information proves helpful for those people. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest newme74 Report post Posted December 31, 2007 Hi room. I am a very new and very shy guy just entering this for the first time. Let me start by saying I find this forum very good for people such as myself, it gives me a starting point at having the best "first experience" a man can get and weeds out really bad experiences which may never allow me to try again. I do understand that a positive or negative review may be different for each individual, to each thier own. I am one who reads alot of these posts good and bad, and also eagerly await replays from sp's and PK and make my own decisions from that. I have noticed there are some who post reviews which are always negative and compare Ottawa Sp's to Mon. or T.O, I can spot these a mile away and take them with a grain of salt. As I am never going to travel to either of these places I feel it's unfair to compare Ottawa's SP's to Mon. or T.O. I am here only to see what Ottawa has to offer and which of these ladie's may best suit my desired taste at the moment. This is an Ottawa review section, Isn't it? That said, I am very new to this I admit, I have never posted a review as I am still searching for the right SP. I hope I'm not out of line posting this however this forum allows me the opportunity. Thank-you to all of the regular people who post reviews and to the SP's who resond, you all do a great service to guys such as myself. To PK. I have written a couple of e-mails to you in the past month as I figured you would be best to expain and fulfill my requests. However I have yet to even get acknowledgement that you recieved my e-mails let alone reply. I do understand you must get plenty of requests a day so I am not giving up as of yet and do give you the benefit of the doubt at this point. I must say though I was a little surprised to not even get a response! You seem like a very well run business and are extremely prompt in your repleys on cerb. I will continue to try and make contact. To both sides of some very heated discussions............ Please! Continue your debates, this is what our country is all about. The ability to discuss our disagreements as mature adults. Thanks Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jabba 18389 Report post Posted December 31, 2007 Ok, first I want to make something clear.. Sp's don;t have to pay a dime to post in the announcement section. Secondly I will say this, Chris the moderator is fair and if something gets out of line he will correct it. He has thrown Paying EC customers off the board on numerous occasions so again I think you have your facts wrong. Thirdly, I constantly get these guys saying that they have these high expectation. Often they refer to the ladies as "product" and blame the Agency when they don;t get what was expected. This isn;t fucking BEST BUY!!! What these gents don;t understand is they have it all backwards. These ladies are not employed by us, rather we are employed by them. We cannot and will not have a control over them. The minute that happens and there is any kind of reprocussion due to behaviour on their part by way of dismissal, or refusal of calls ect it falls under section 211 of the CCC. Exercising control and direction of a prostitute. We do what we can, and we relay the feedback to the ladies. But at the end of the day we are glorified secretaries, and marketting agents on their behalf. What also has to be said here and as the old saying goes, "if you are happy you tell 2 friends, if you aren;t you tell 7. And this is true on here as well. And finally something that you all are probably not aware of is that right now there is alot of competition for the market in Ottawa. And we have been a big player in this market for a while now and alot of Agencies and independants have been gunning for our share. I can say with an absolute guarantee that rivals have been posting negative stuff on this board as well as the other unmentionable one. So when I get 3-4 negative comments in a row, from completely BRAND NEW members out of the woodwork it sets off alarms for me so you have to forgive me if I question them. I get threatening E-mails everyday saying how they (rivals) are going to ruin our business or get us or shoot us.. ect.. Again, this is not excusing conduct on the ladies parts, none of these ladies are angels by any stretch of the imagination. But for the most part I will say we certainly have the hardest working agency in town. Love us or hate us, we are here to stay and to our regular customers we thank you for your patronage and kind words. Season's Greetings from PK --------------------------------------------------- *Ding* - the light goes on! The real PK clients are the SPs, not the paying public. It doesn't sound like any agency is in a position to have any influence over the SP's conduct or service level. As for us, the paying public; Caveat emptor - it's up to us to take care of our own interests. Indifferent service should not be rewarded - any suggestions on how we can protect ourselves? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
d*mm*y 887 Report post Posted December 31, 2007 I am a little unclear on the legalities of the whole experience? I we pretending that we are keeping it legal? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted December 31, 2007 Prostitution is legal in Canada. Such things as in-calls, pimping, underage sex workers and street (or public) solicitation are illegal. The Agency performing reception work as an employer to the escort is a gray area (same with a driver the escort hires) both parties are technically "living off the avails" but the law does not seam to prosecute agencies unless drugs or pimping were involved. They could but to the best of my knowledge no one has ever been prosecuted for living off the avails unless they deserved to be. The problem is control ... for the agency to not do anything illegal they must not have any control (they can not tell the girls when they must be available, what they can or can not do, charge, etc...) NO CONTROL WHAT SO EVER. The agency can choose to stop representing a lady if that lady is damaging the reputation of the agency (essentially they get fired but legally the agency just chooses to stop working for the girl). Is this starting to clear things up? I know many of you just ASSUME you know how it works but hollywood and media always TWIST things around. Some people are under the assumption that running an agency that can please everyone is easy... it is not only very difficult - it's totally impossible! The best you can hope for is an agency who cares enough to stop representing the ladies who get all the bad complaints and who tries to work out problems with the customers and the girls. Remember the agencies don't "GROW" or "MANUFACTURE" the ladies - they are human beings and are not only responsible for themselves they are also in complete control over your date (not the agency) to assume anything more then this is preposterous! Think of all the other corporate services that employ a receptionist (everything from real estate to doctors to travel agents) now could you imagine holding the receptionist responsible for what the real estate person did to you? or holding the travel agent responsible for what the airline or the resort did to you? If you would hold the agent responsible then you need return to the real world as that is not the way it works. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PKjessica (PK is now PKJas 103 Report post Posted December 31, 2007 Ok so that said....I just want to reiterate that if you have bad experiences and you give us your feedback we WILL pass on the feedback to the ladies immediately. However we cannot be held responsible for the actions of the ladies as they are independent. The reason why these ladies choose agencies to work with is because of reputation, client flow and booking procedures. We are responsible only for keeping the girls busy by marketting and advertising for them which we pay for. Some clients can attest to having been reimbursed and compensated if it was a mistake on our part. Normally the lady gives a reduction in rate if its her fault that is worked out with her, not us. We here at PK have a big regular client base and we try to make sure that we are pointing clients in the right direction according to what they like. All feedback given to us will be given back to the ladies 100%. And we will do what we possibly can to make sure things run smoothly. Its all about respect. Thank you! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brando72 100 Report post Posted December 31, 2007 I don't see SP's regularly anymore because i travel for work but honestly...i have used agencies in ottawa such as PG, Abracadabra and Pink well as some indy's. PK is by far my favorite and i have never had any issues with them. Yes there were Sp's i didn't care for where the service was mediocre but the majority of my experiences with PK have been outstanding. I was not an amateur or new hobbyist before seeing girls with PK so i knew what was out there and i seriously think that their girls are above average and the service provided by this agency is top notch. I do not know these ppl on a personal level, i just know that there is a lot of jealousy and competition out there and no matter what not everyone will share the same experiences. I think that Pk's reputation will speak for itself and i think they will one day be the biggest and best. On another note...i'm with dreamer and i want a samplers platter of hot young gfe girls soon! Would also like to sample new jenna. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PKjessica (PK is now PKJas 103 Report post Posted January 1, 2008 Obviously you are not reading everything we are saying and obviously you are not paying attention. Listen you are free to come on board and trash talk we are free to respond the way we want. Simple. xxx Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HotAC 100 Report post Posted January 1, 2008 Prostitution is legal in Canada. Such things as in-calls, pimping, underage sex workers and street (or public) solicitation are illegal. The Agency performing reception work as an employer to the escort is a gray area (same with a driver the escort hires) both parties are technically "living off the avails" but the law does not seam to prosecute agencies unless drugs or pimping were involved. They could but to the best of my knowledge no one has ever been prosecuted for living off the avails unless they deserved to be. The problem is control ... for the agency to not do anything illegal they must not have any control (they can not tell the girls when they must be available, what they can or can not do, charge, etc...) NO CONTROL WHAT SO EVER. The agency can choose to stop representing a lady if that lady is damaging the reputation of the agency (essentially they get fired but legally the agency just chooses to stop working for the girl). Is this starting to clear things up? I know many of you just ASSUME you know how it works but hollywood and media always TWIST things around. Some people are under the assumption that running an agency that can please everyone is easy... it is not only very difficult - it's totally impossible! The best you can hope for is an agency who cares enough to stop representing the ladies who get all the bad complaints and who tries to work out problems with the customers and the girls. Remember the agencies don't "GROW" or "MANUFACTURE" the ladies - they are human beings and are not only responsible for themselves they are also in complete control over your date (not the agency) to assume anything more then this is preposterous! Think of all the other corporate services that employ a receptionist (everything from real estate to doctors to travel agents) now could you imagine holding the receptionist responsible for what the real estate person did to you? or holding the travel agent responsible for what the airline or the resort did to you? If you would hold the agent responsible then you need return to the real world as that is not the way it works. Very well said and explained. We as customers need to source and feel out the SP's. I like to make small talk on the phone or by e-mail first. I can tell if I'm getting a good vibe. If the chemistry is not there, I move on. I act like a Gentleman, most women respond to that in a positive way. It's the same if you are out on the town and meet a beautiful woman. Do you act with class??:cool: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites