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I think this all stems to basic interpersonal relations...treat someone the way you would like to be treated

Everyone deserves respect

Another 2 cents


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Guest S***e

Post of the Month Award to Old Dog!!! Brilliant you ol' barker you.


When faced with the statement, " I hope you're worth the money," the perfect reply????


"Oh I am. But I have decided, just now, that you couldn't possibly be worth my time."


Nuff said.

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As tempting as it is to want to tell someone that they aren't worth your time/effort I find the opposite approach to be just as effective and in the end it allows you to walk away head held high.

Emma knows her value she doesn't need to prove it to anyone nor will any one comment change or reduce that value.


I've received my share of these comments in the past and I respond with something along the lines of "Yes I am [worth it] I believe we all are. You earned the money because someone believed you had value, something to contribute as do I. Unfortunately I don't believe we should meet as I believe it's important to approach a date with an open mind and willingness to engage each person as an individual and not view the date as a transaction, as such I believe we would be poorly suited for each other."


Oh and as everyone is throwing in quotes, here's a couple I used on another board when someone commented that I needed to be realistic about my value. I believe they are good to keep in mind not just when you contact a lady looking for a date (or when we respond) but with each interaction we have with another being.


“Our inner strengths, experiences, and truths cannot be lost, destroyed, or taken away. Every person has an inborn worth and can contribute to the human community. We all can treat one another with dignity and respect, provide opportunities to grow toward our fullest lives and help one another discover and develop our unique gifts. We each deserve this and we all can extend it to others.”

- Anonymous


“If each man or woman could understand that every other human life is as full of sorrows, or joys, or base temptations, of heartaches and of remorse as his own . . . how much kinder, how much gentler he would be.”

- William Allen White


I never understand these comments from people who argue the value of an SP with the SP herself. Logically (and I know some guys are going to be upset here but), an SP should be charging the maximum amount of money she can while still filling her schedule to whatever she's predetermined as a full schedule (this could be 1 gentleman a day or 7, depends on the SP's preferences). It's really a simple way to express the concept of supply and demand. So when a hobbyist starts arguing with the SP that she's not pricing her services correctly he just looks like an idiot. He can't possibly know how many gentlemen the SP sees or how many she wants to see. Usually it's just a sign that the guy is cheap and doesn't want to pay that much.


I enjoyed the William Allen White quote Kyra. My interpretation of it (which is also how I try to live) is essentially that if people used more empathy we'd all be much better off.

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Guest S***e

Power hug to you Emma as you are a sweet young lady who deserves nothing but the best in life. People like the one you describe aren't worth the grief. Not at all.


I can't believe i'm saying this again:

Please gentlemen when booking an appointment on the phone or otherwise ...please please be polite....I was just about to go on a call but when the gent called back he was awful...saying I hope your worth the money...needless to say I won't be going. A bad Attitude won't get you anywhere.


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