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"Harperman, it's time for you to go!" As the song says.

Actually it was already time for him to go ten years ago, but now might be the time we make it happen. Please vote, and vote for democratic and humane politics, not the politics of division and fear.

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Already did my civic duty last Friday at the Advance Poll even though it took 40 minutes standing in line to cast my ballot

I'm keeping the Party I voted for secret though ;-)

But if you haven't voted yet, do so tomorrow

RG :-)

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I did my part last Friday.


I can not stand someone who answers direct questions with rhetoric. It is time to go Harper. Pack your bags and go already.

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Guest N***he**Ont**y

The Sudbury riding will be a close one between the NDP and the Grits that usually seesaw back and forth here,. I predict an NDP win in this riding even though I wont be supporting them.

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As usual Midnite-Energies provides us all with great advice... it's easy for us to sit back and complain and whine but the rubber hits the road tomorrow so if you want change do something to make it happen VOTE.


Hmmm so midnite... in addition to being a sexy beautiful erotic goddess your also a civic leader and political activist... the more I learn about you the more enticing you become :)


Just my Opinion

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I wanted to run over the Conservative sign on my ex's front lawn when I went over there yesterday. Lol. He and I NEVER discuss Stephen Harper or it turns into an argument. To each their own I suppose.


To echo the sentiments of others here, please vote.

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Guest ****emb******n

I will be voting tomorrow. This election very vote counts. In Quebec it's a four party race. Interested to see who wins. In the last survey the conservatives are in fourth place in the province. With vote splitting anything can happen.

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It's finally election day in Canada and after a historically long election race I arise this morning with the clear realization that today IT'S TIME TO PUT THE GARBAGE OUT




If you need further proof of why Harper needs to go this picture pretty much shows how far he will go to stay in power:



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Atlantic Canada has done it's part in ensuring that Steven Harper is finally kicked out of power... I hop the rest of Canada continues this trend.


Mr Harper has spent his entire political career dividing Canadians and using fear to govern... Let's show him that Canadians reject his vision of Canada and his style of leadership by coming together as Canadians to tell him GOODBYE.


Just my Opinion

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Funny to hear the defeated Cons raving about the press as the cause of their misfortunes!

Vile man, vile party, vile campaign, vile base.

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