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Joy Smith and Funding

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It is a year to the day since Bill C-36 became law as the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act.


One aspect of the act was the creation of a $20 million fund over five years to support exit strategies for sex workers. As I watched the hearings I sensed that there were many groups that had the the goal of, "Saving'" sex workers that were seeking funding. I know in my mind I questioned how much of that money would go to actual help for sex workers and how much would go to organizations, often evangelical based, whose main interest was in funding positions for their organisations as opposed to actually helping people.


One of the drivers behind the legislation was Joy Smith a Conservative MP who has created the Joy Smith Foundation. She chose not to run again in the recent election and I am most interested in how much money that she has received as a result of the legislation.


I have looked on her website and tried unsuccessfully to find budget information online from the Government of Canada site about how the funds were dispersed.


Is there anyone that knows where one might find that information or who might have access to it.

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This is a registered charity so likely the government has budget information


I would think if you put in a request using Access To Information legislation

it would provide the answers you are looking for

In the alternative, you could email the foundation and ask them for the information. Here is the email from the website [email protected]

That's as far as my brain is functioning now

Good Luck




My brain functioning a bit better now LOL. It appears under the Canada Not-For-Profit Corporations Act

non profit corporations have to file a return the contents of which are available on the Corporations Canada website


Hope that helps



Edited by r__m__g_uy
Brain Functioning Better Today LOL

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i have only seen one news report announcing a group that got significant piece of the funding (considering that it was supposed to work out to 5 million per year, and rumour has it LEs are supposedly up for half of that, it seemed an extravagance to give 700,000 (over 5 years) to one individual group.




(i believe one of the first things they did was buy advertising for their organization, not spending it on what they called counseling 'prostituted' women. i'm not saying they don't help abused women & families in need, i'm just saying that that is what they are, a violence against women group, not a sex worker or trafficking victim support group.




I don't know with the new government, but the old one would not give any of the $$ to any sex worker advocacy or support groups. they only planned to give it to those who were all about 'exit' or violence against women. which of course is the majority of the anti sex worker groups, like Joy Smith's organization. in other words, very little to do with actual sex workers.



other than this, i have not seen a single article or mention of anyone else receiving any funding for any reason anywhere.

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