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Gypsying Ideas...

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Guest S**a*Q

So the gypsy in me has finally won me over, and after a stint in Ottawa, I may be on the road, or in the skies I should say. *(That's if they let me out of the country... hehehe).


I do want to blow up a cow in Cambodia, but that's not necessarily high on my list of to dos, The Netherlands is somewhere in the firsts... As is somewhere warm... I've heard awesome things about Australia and the Orient...


Where should I go and why??? I want suggestions! I'll pop them all in a hat and that's where I'll go first hehehe!!!


Spontaneity rocks!

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Sorry to see you leave Ottawa Sara, if you decide so.


Paris is my choice if you can afford it but for somewhere warm, Sydney Australia is likely the choice. Our friend Cato may have some tips and advice on that. Or if you like warms and diversity togther with affordability without having to hit the skies, then Montreal is always my top choice lol.


All the best to you.

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The Netherlands is fun.


Personally, I was a huge fan of Brugge, Belgium--it's so picturesque and historic.


And I had a blast in London.


If you really want a trip like no other, go to Jordan. I spent two months there about four years ago and I've never experienced anything like it since.

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Personally, I was a huge fan of Brugge, Belgium--it's so picturesque and historic.




Is that like the Colin Farrell movie??? "In Bruges".... I LOVE that movie.


Classic Line:


Ray: There's a Christmas tree somewhere in London with a bunch of presents underneath it that'll never be opened. And I thought, if I survive all of this, I'd go to that house, apologize to the mother there, and accept whatever punishment she chose for me. Prison... death... didn't matter. Because at least in prison and at least in death, you know, I wouldn't be in fuckin' Bruges. But then, like a flash, it came to me. And I realized, fuck man, maybe that's what hell is: the entire rest of eternity spent in fuckin' Bruges. And I really really hoped I wouldn't die. I really really hoped I wouldn't die.

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You would do really well in Costa Rica, lots of beautiful beaches, warm weather, fun-loving people and too much to do! The surfer culture is great there and you would be able to meet a ton of backpackers and even American tax-evaders from the states if you were interested in working to finance your travels... As it is such a small country you could see most of it over a fwe months, plus it is relatively cheap to stay there especially if you are hostelling or camping.


Another great aspect of CR is the high concentration of Italians living there, best pizza I ever had in my life was in Costa Rica!!!


Good luck with your gypsying, make sure you get an open-ended ticket though, hard to predict how homesick or travel-crazy you will get...



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if you're looking for a budget vacation, Cuba and the Dominican are great warm atmospheres.


If you're willing to spend a bit more, I suggest Germany if you like to gaze at very old impressive architecture like Old Cathedrals, etc..


Also, I would recommend Rome and Greece. But I'm a history nut, if you couldn't already tell.

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Is that like the Colin Farrell movie??? "In Bruges".... I LOVE that movie.


Classic Line:


Ray: There's a Christmas tree somewhere in London with a bunch of presents underneath it that'll never be opened. And I thought, if I survive all of this, I'd go to that house, apologize to the mother there, and accept whatever punishment she chose for me. Prison... death... didn't matter. Because at least in prison and at least in death, you know, I wouldn't be in fuckin' Bruges. But then, like a flash, it came to me. And I realized, fuck man, maybe that's what hell is: the entire rest of eternity spent in fuckin' Bruges. And I really really hoped I wouldn't die. I really really hoped I wouldn't die.



I watched the movie when I got back and I was staying in one of the houses across the street from the park where Colin Farrell is going to kill himself. I walked through that park every day.


I also killed myself laughing at the bit where the give the American tourists crap before they go up the Tower. That thing is a climb and a half.

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Guest s******ecan****

Its hard to beat Europe for the true gypsy as it has significant advantages.


Excellent infastructure (public transit, healthcare, wide range of accomodations)


Variety of climates all within short travelling times (northern europe to the Med)


Relatively safe compared to the rest of the world


More things to do or see than you could do in a lifetime

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I would say Belize. The climate of Costa Rica, in English.


Also Puerto Escondido (Mexico) is nice this time of year, not too busy, nice Mexican tourist place (i.e. not filled with resorts and all inclusives, but actually where Mexicans families go for vacation)


Shenzhen/ in China. It is actually a cheap roundtrip flight (well, from vancovuer anyways) and really really inexpensive to stay there. Very close to Hong Kong, if you wanted to check flight rates for there, then take a taxi or ferry over to Shenzhen. It is on the water, there is a Seaworld park with a hotel there near the ferry, then into the city area I guess you call it, lots of things to see. The weather is warmer this time of year. There is a theme park i think called wonders of the world, with smaller versions of a bunch of stuff like Niagra Falls, The Eiffel Tower, etc. Really odd and sounds like fun. Cheap stuff to buy, cheap to stay at basic hotels with breakfasts included. I think it is a clear winner for a trip. The Expo is in Shanghai this year, not too far away, but I don't know when. Apparently in Shanghai in october is some sort of prawn time (some kind of seafood lol, a really big event whatever it is).

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Guest Ou**or**n

Europe is excellent but expensive. I'd suggest couch surfing as the best way to spend quality time there without breaking the bank.


Otherwise follow the old adage - work in the first world, travel in the developing world. You'd be surprised how cheap you can travel in some places. Safety is always an issue - best to find ways to get introduced to local residents before you go.

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Costa Rica is fun and very inexpensive i was there recently panama as well - my youngest son graduated in may and has been travelling ever since starting in New Zealand then Bali , thailand ,laos, cambodia-(apparantly really sketchy) and currently as of monday this week in Vietnam which he says is absolutly beautiful-going to stay there a month-Sarah if you want to see any pics from his travels or if you want any info about costs etc pm me for details

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Guest S**a*Q

SEEM AWESOME! Mostly cause I've never been there... I want to see as much as I can, before I come back to Canada to open my store. I was going to do that first, but a store is a huge time investment, so...


I decided to gypsy it up before I settle down with the next leg of my working life. :D


I am hoping to head to England in the new year for a month, I have a friend that's offered me free rent there, so it's kinda my free pass there. :) I also want to do an all expense paid drinkee type, before I leave Ottawa. :D


I'll keep everyone posted for sure!!!

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Couchsurfing is really the only way to travel if you ask me.




That's what I did when I went to Europe and not only was it super cheap (you don't pay for accommodations and most of the time the people you stay with feed you too), but I met A TON of really awesome people.

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Couchsurfing is really the only way to travel if you ask me.




That's what I did when I went to Europe and not only was it super cheap (you don't pay for accommodations and most of the time the people you stay with feed you too), but I met A TON of really awesome people.


Back in late 80's, my ex and I welcomed a friend of a friend from Australia who was touring across Canada by backpack. We had to keep telling him to "slow down" when he spoke because we couldn't understand a friggin thing he said. He was a couchsurfer, but there was no Internet then.


It was like a chain. You get a hold of someone to stay with and then they ask someone they know who asks someone they know. It worked well for him.

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Guest s******ecan****
SEEM AWESOME! Mostly cause I've never been there... I want to see as much as I can, before I come back to Canada to open my store. I was going to do that first, but a store is a huge time investment, so...


I decided to gypsy it up before I settle down with the next leg of my working life. :D


I am hoping to head to England in the new year for a month, I have a friend that's offered me free rent there, so it's kinda my free pass there. :) I also want to do an all expense paid drinkee type, before I leave Ottawa. :D


I'll keep everyone posted for sure!!!


Stop in Moncton on your way sweetie!

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Guest S**a*Q
Stop in Moncton on your way sweetie!


Carrie Moon and I are planning the East Escape! Road trip, her and I and possibly a camcorder... Hahaha her and I would rock it!


We'll see you soon :D

YAY Lobstering!

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